Martial Peak

Chapter 1540: You look at it

Suddenly found that it was Monday, angered for the recommended ticket...


"Liang Yong, Liang Yong, you can't tell this lord, you don't know anything about it here." Yang Kailu sneered, looking forward to Liang Yong.

The latter's body trembled and looked terrified. He said: "The Sovereign Master, this fact is really unaware of it. It is the first time I heard it today that I know that the situation in Bibo City is so bad."

Where can he admit that Yang Kai’s means he had seen it, and if he really admitted it, today is his place of burial.

In any case, I can't admit it, so Liang Yong vetoed it.

"If you don't see the coffin, you won't shed tears. If you find the evidence, then you will give up. If this is the case, the lord will fulfill you, and give me your space." Yang Kai looked cold and shouted in the mouth.

Liang Yong’s body was cold and sweaty. If he promised, he could only open his mouth: “The lord, please also ask the lord to think twice, and the loyalty to the lord will never disobey the will of the lord and do the thing that defiles the reputation of the sect. The secret of the subordinates, even if the lord asks, the subordinates can not agree, and the main body is forgiven."

"Do not talk nonsense." Yang Kai snorted and reached out and grabbed the ring on Liang Yong's hand.

Liang Yong’s face flashed a bit of struggling color, his eyes became decisive, and when he saw Yang Kai’s hand in his hand, the body’s Shengyuan was running, and he had to resist.

Where did you know that it was just such a move, the space around it suddenly became very solid, and there was a burst of violent pressure from all directions, which made him difficult.

The sound of screaming is great. A small space crack visible to the naked eye, like a fish, swims beside him.

Liang Yong's liver and gallbladder cracked, and he dared to have any movements, for fear that he would be swallowed by these space cracks.

In front of a flower, his own space has already fallen into the hands of Yang Kai, and Liang Yong’s face suddenly became pale.

Grabbing his space ring, Yang Kai gently sneered, God swept in the ring, his face gradually gloomy.

Immediately, he waved his hand. A series of sounds came from me.

In front of the city government. Immediately added a hill-like top grade.

The people around the four people looked at the huge number of crystals, and they swallowed their mouths and screamed.

Have they ever seen such a large fortune?

Although no one counts, there are so many crystals. It’s almost 100 million. If it is. I am afraid that I will not practice cultivation for a few years.

In addition to the Holy Crystal, there are various boxes, and those boxes do not know what is loaded. But the box itself is made of valuable materials. It is conceivable that the things that are loaded must not be worse.

"So many good things, where are you from?" Yang opened his face and looked at Liang Yong. "Give me a reasonable explanation. I can't kill you!"

Liang Yong’s face was gray and defeated, and there was no way to explain it clearly.

The evidence is already in front of him. If he did not search for the wealth of the nine cities under the jurisdiction of War Tiancheng, how can he alone have such a large family property?

No one can have this skill!

"The Sovereign is forgiving, the Sovereign is forgiving, and the subordinates know that they are wrong. They also ask the Sovereign to give them the opportunity to take the sin and make meritorious deeds. The subordinates must be disappointed." Liang Yong shouted.

Yang Kai slowly shook his head: "Everything can be done by two, Liang Yong, the lord is not going to die around you in the Emperor Mountain. You have not taken your life in the Battle of Heaven City, because you are still a useful person, but now... You look at it!"

The voice fell, and Yang Kai stretched his hand toward Liang Yong.

Liang Yong seems to want to hide, but he does not know why, he could not escape at all. He was directly caught by Yang Kai, and the sacred hair was screamed. Liang Yong screamed and there was a burst of fierce cracks in his body.

With the sound of his thoughts, his life breath suddenly disappeared.

After Yang Kai stopped, Liang Yong had no chance to survive, and fell to the ground, and the seven red blood flowed out of the dark red.

Everyone was ashamed, and his eyes looked at Yang Kai intricately.

The strength of Liang Yong, many of them are well aware, that is the top-level cultivation of the three layers of returning to the virtual, even if it is not as good as the death of the Warlord League, it will not be too bad.

But this is a strong person, actually was killed by Yang Kai a hand.

It’s harder than pinching an ant.

Although most people have long heard that Yang Kai's strength is superior, it is unusual, but after all, it is only a rumor. When he really sees it, he knows that the rumors are not bad, and his strength is even more terrible than the rumors.

Shan Ying is already stupid, soft down on the ground, his eyes are sluggish.

He pinned all his hopes on Liang Yong, thinking that Liang Chengzhu could take the lead for himself and teach Yang Kai well.

But the development of the situation has made him frightened.

First, Liang Yong called this young man the lord, so that Shan Ying vaguely guessed his true identity, and then Liang Yong, who he regarded as a cuddly, was actually pinched to death.

He has always regarded Ling Xiaozong as his own backing, and he has known that he has inadvertently offended the helm of the back of the mountain!

Where else is there a way to live?

He saw that Yang Kai’s gaze swept through himself, but he did not stop by carelessly. It completely ignored his own eyes. It seemed that he did not have a threat to him.

"Oh, I don't know how many of you are related to this, but don't be too nervous. Liang Yong is dead. This lord does not want to kill again. This is the end of the matter. If you still want to live, you should Know how to do it." Yang looked at the warriors who followed Liang Yong.

Most of these people were former warriors of the War Heaven League, and some were later recruited by Liang Yong, all of them were mirrors.

"I am grateful to the Sovereign for not killing the grace!" All the people sing in unison, and immediately turned around, rushing to see the British.

"Don't!" Shan Ying screamed.

It was already late, and those people swarmed up and drowned the single Ying directly. The secrets of various secrets were bombarded on him, and the bones he had beaten were not saved. They died on the spot.

"Small seven, you deal with this thing, tell me the result with the fastest speed." Yang Kai looked at Ge Qi commanded.


"Where is the vice-president of Bibo City?" Yang Kai looked forward.

"The subordinate is." A wretched old man quickly came out, his leg is still swaying, and Yang opened his head and nodded.

"Well, take me to see the warehouse in Bibo City."

"Please, please!" The old man dared to neglect, and quickly led the way.

After a while, Yang Kai stood in the warehouse of Bibo City, looking at the dazzling supplies and a large number of crystals.

The so-called Minzhimin cream refers to these things.

"People empty the warehouse, and all things are handed over to Ge Qi. He should know how to deal with it." Yang Kai ordered and turned and left.

The old man should be honest in the back.

Three days later, in the city seat, Yang Kaiduan sat in a chair and listened to Ge Qi’s report.

"The Sovereign, Liang Yong, Shan Ying's space and the things in the Treasure City Treasury have been scattered. The subordinates of the Bibo City reported that they had paid the Holy Crystal. After verifying and verifying, they returned everything and told them What happened here is not instructed by my Ling Xiaozong, but that Shanying is adept at making claims. Those who hear these messages all clap their hands and praise the great deeds."

"There is less shot." Yang opened his eyes and didn't know why. The more he saw Geqi, the more he felt the wretchedness, and he did not know how Ye Xizhen adopted this guy.

Ge Qixiao smiled.

"Liang Yong is dead, and the Battle of Heaven City is now without a head. You have to work hard for a while, stay there and sit there. If you can cultivate a reliable man, let him take over the position of the city owner, then you can return to the Zongmen. I will pay attention to these trivial matters."

"Yes, I am also planning to do so." Ge seven nodded.

"Other cities that are under the jurisdiction of Tiancheng? Is the situation the same as here?" Yang Kai asked again.

"Not the same, the situation is different, some are more serious, some are innocent, the most serious is the city of Bibo."

"Well, that's good. Anyway, what to do, you can do it yourself."

"The Sovereign is assured that Xiaoqi will not do anything that hurts the world. For the Sovereign, I have already sent back your news to Zongmen. The elders of the elders want to know what is going on."

"I? I am very good, tell her that I will return in a day, so that she does not have to worry."

"Yes." Ge seven beheaded, "There is one more thing to tell the lord."

"Say it."

"A few people outside the city government have been asking to see you, saying that they are known to you." Ge Qi looked strangely at Yang Kai.

Yang Kai slightly meditated and immediately knew who was going to see himself. He said: "Let them come in."

Ge Qi’s life was gone, and there was a small amount of time. An old man led several young people to walk in with timidity.

Yang opened up and smiled.

"The old man has seen Yang Zongzhu!" The old man quickly bowed.

"The old man doesn't have to be polite." Yang Kaihe smiled, his eyes swept over him, and looked at the green girl, who was holding a pair of big eyes and looking at herself with a sly look.

"What are you doing, don't hurry, no big or small." The old man snorted.

Yang Kaiyi waved his hand: "No need to use it, it is quite good."

The old man smiled bitterly: "Yang Zongzhu does not blame, a few young people have never seen the world, if you have a crime, please forgive me. Well, old, this is to thank you, Yang Zongzhu, for the sake of all living in the city of Bibo, justice, The old four who died for my family revenge and hate, and also asked Yang Zongzhu to be worshipped by the old."

"The old man is not polite. The things here are really to be said. I have some responsibilities in Ling Xiaozong. If it is not Lingzong's oversight, you will not make it like this. This blames me. But it is not too late to find out. I hope that I can Make up for it."

"I can live in the city of Bibo, and it is an honor for me to rule for Ling Xiaozong." The old man said awkwardly.

Yang Kai gently decapitated, grinning and screaming at the green girl smiled: "You look at what I do, don't know?"

The green girl’s face was red and she said: “Are you really a lord? Do you not lie?” (To be continued.)

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