Martial Peak

Chapter 4616: Digging a good hand

The woman is simple and simple in thinking, but she is convinced.

The child’s last will before her death is a big part of her heart. In any case, she dares not to violate it. So even if she knows that the old man with white beard is right, knowing that the empty man is really good for the child, it still does not. Change the original intention.

If the child is still alive, he can pull the truth together and let him change his mind. However, now that the child is already old, can't you dig the grave?

What's more, the dead can't ask what is famous.

Yang Kai smiled and looked at the long road: "Uncle Shi, the twisted melon is not sweet, or do you have to worry about finding it again? Although my astrology is sparsely populated, nowadays it is absolutely talented, maybe even the uncle is still Can find another suitable candidate."

Yan Changdao slowly shook his head: "The natural way, how rare, the old man has not seen thousands of people in this world, but he has never seen anyone like this child, can't find it."

"How can that be good?" Yang Kai looked at him with a headache, patted the shackles in his arms. "The child's last wishes can't be violated. The deceased is big."

虞 虞 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅 嗫嚅I thought that I personally brought people over, let Yang open the door, and easily get a good child. Who knows that the situation has evolved to this point, and this is not the case, it is extremely uncomfortable.

"Or, my uncle stayed in my astrology for a few more days, getting along with the children, waiting for the child to grow up, asking him what he meant?" Yang Kai kindly proposed.

The long road heard a word of light.

Liu Caixia whispered: "Children have to go to the Lingxiao Palace when they grow up!"

"You woman!" He vomited blood almost long.

Liu Caixia lowered her head and pinched her clothes. "If you can't go to Lingxiao Palace, your child will not practice." When he said, he would take the child from Yang Kaihuai, probably going home.

Yang Kai quickly stopped, and said: "By now, I will accept him into Lingxiao Palace. From today, he is a formal disciple of my Lingxiao Palace."

Liu Caixia’s hands were stiff in the air, her eyes were round, and she was stunned first, then she was ecstatic, her eyes were red, and she was grateful: “Thank you for the empty man, you can see the children under the spring.”

"Teacher!" Yan Changdao looked at Yang Kai with a sad look. "How do you... how can you do this?"

Doesn't this understand the interception of Hu? Due to the relationship of Xu Linggong, I still have a lot of good feelings about Yang Kai, and now there is no such thing. Grabbing your future apprentice is tantamount to breaking your own inheritance. This is a great hatred! Second only to killing the father and hating his wife!

When Yang Kai did not hear it, he turned to the flower and said: "Look for a quiet place in the palace, let the children and mother live first."

Also rushed to Liu Caixia: "The child is still small, you need to be nursed, so you can stay at ease, wait a little longer and practice later."

Liu Caixia is naturally grateful to Dade, and the mother relies on her son. She knows that from now on, she will not have to work as hard as ever.

Yang Kai also asked her that there were other people in her family. They didn't need to report to them. They only found that they were left with orphans and widows, but they also saved trouble.

After the flower blue silk led Liu Caixia's mother and son to leave, Yang Kaicai turned his head and looked at the long road: "Yu Shishu!"

虞 虞 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长 长

When I said that I had to go outside, I couldn’t easily find an apprentice. I was actually robbed by Yang Kai. It’s really a fire. I made up my mind and turned back to Yang. I took the child and the woman together. Go to the happy land, see you Yang Kai dare not go to the happy land!

This disciple cannot be given to others.

Xu Linggong did not move, Yang Kai was in front of the long road, accompanied by a smile: "The uncle is angry, and the teacher is forced to do so."

虞 虞 道 斜 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Yang Kai didn't take it for granted, just smiled and said: "Isn't the teacher uncle who can't see the little tricks?"

Long long frowning, he will be suspiciously staring at him.

Xu Linggong pulled him a hand: "This kid has been arrogant, but it is not a rude person. He must have his own reason to do this. He should sit down and listen to his explanation. If he can tell a ugly speech. It’s best to call him a bad gas if he can’t say it, and he won’t dare to fight back.”

Yan Changdao said: "Your yin and yang grandfather, I can't dare to learn the lesson!" He wants to really do it, Xu Manzi, this short-guarded guy is still not desperate.

Xu Linggong said: "Then I will hit him, and I will not be pleasing to the eye early."

Yang opened his face: "Xu Gong, this is hurting."

Xu Linggong snorted.

After a long walk, I sat down again and looked at Yang Kai with a look.

Yang Kai took the following wording and said: "The uncle has also met. The child's mother is convinced that the child has a last wish before the end of her life. She will not violate it as she says, so no matter how good the outside is, the child always goes. If you want to enter the Lingxiao Palace, unless the uncle has the means to arrest the child’s soul, ask questions."

I don’t speak long, and I’m sullen.

Yang Kaihe smiled: "But even if I entered the Lingxiao Palace, I might not have the fate of the teacher and the teacher."

虞 long road long eyebrows pick: "How do you say this?"

Yang opened the model and shook his sleeves. A pair of Zhizhu was holding the posture: "I have a small suggestion, I can’t help the teacher. If you can, let the child be a disciple, so It is not only the fulfillment of the child’s last wish, but also the uncle’s acceptance of the disciples, which is the best of both worlds.”

"Oh?" 虞 虞 道 顿 顿 顿 顿 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Yang opened his sleeves and bowed his body: "Small swearing, I ask Shishu to serve as the elder of the Lingxiao Palace."

Xu Linggong put the hand of the tea cup slightly stagnation, lifted his eyes and opened Yang, a pair of people who knew you were uneasy.

Behind the green Kui and Su Yingxue both opened their mouths and straightened Yang Kai as a man of heaven!

This... These proposals actually dare to say it? What is the status of the seven items in the world, how can a ancestral ancestor of the world of 乾 能 请 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

You must know that these characters, such as the Long Road, are also the elders of the inner gates in the big holes. When you are in the ordinary time, you can see the power of the Shanggongqing, such as the Lingxiao Palace?

Even if the entire Lingxiao Palace is packaged, people may not have a glance.

虞 虞 虞 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ” , , ,

Qing Kui and Su Yingxue turned their heads toward him, and his face was incredible.

Yang Kaixi is on the brow: "Is this uncle?"

虞 Long Road is not in a hurry to answer, silently said: "The old man must consider this matter."

Yang Kai smiled and daggered: "No hurry, no matter what the uncle thinks. It is still a long time. The uncle can live more in my Lingxiao Palace and carefully weigh it."

虞 Long road dagger: "Well, I will go see the children first."

"I am going to lead the uncle." Yang Kai took the initiative to ask, but was stopped by the long road: "No, the old man went."

A flash of body disappeared in place, so nervous, showing the weight of the child in his mind.

Yang Kai slightly relieved, and turned to see Xu Linggong looking at himself with a smile.

"Xu Gong drinks tea!" Yang Kai greeted.

Xu Linggong smiled and said: "The kid is digging a good pit, but the old man is willing to jump down."

Yang Kai’s face was wronged: “Xu Gong can marry me, and I just want to be a child’s parents.”

"瞎 瞎 !!" Xu Linggong said, "Maybe you didn't have this idea at first, but after seeing the attitude of the woman and the old man, you dare to say that you haven't moved your mind?"

Yang Kaiyi’s **** was done on the chair next to him, squinting and whispering: “If you look at it, you can’t say it, it’s boring to say it, Xu Gong, you said yes.”

Xu Linggong sneered.

Qing Kui and Su Yingxue looked down, as if they saw a big one and two small foxes licking their mouths.

Yang Kaixu has some concerns: "Can it be made?"

Xu Linggong wiped his mouth: "The ninety-eight-year-old is not out of ten. The old man has been looking for a suitable cloakman for these years. Unfortunately, he did not want to do so. He never wanted to meet one here. How do you want him to let go? He wants to accept that. Apprentice, you have to be the guest of the Taichung Palace in Lingxiao Palace, otherwise there is an identity collector? The kid is like a ghost, a baby will let you tie a seven-goods, a profitable sale, and then, After the success of the kid, you are still a disciple of Lingxiao Palace. The old man is equal to making a wedding dress for others. No wonder your kid has not debuted for many years, but he can fight such a big family business. How many people have you pitted?"

Yang Kai’s face is right: “Xu Gong’s me, it’s my personality that I can have such a family business, and it has nothing to do with others.”

Xu Linggong did not accept his words: "But the old man has lived so much age, but it is not a recollection. It is not that he will never see through. Maybe he has already seen it through, but he is too lazy to care about it."

Yang Kai does not have a dagger: "The high man has his own high-spirited style, and I can't wait for the juniors. The kid is also a low-ranking and young age, and it is cheaper in front of the old man."

"Let's bet a little!" Xu Linggong slaps on his shoulder, and Yang Kai is suddenly short. "Boy, the old man is good, Lao Tzu? You are also a yin and yang grandfather, not only can not be thick, but also much more The yin and yang genius is!"

Yang Kai busy said: "That is natural, or you can't let the younger brothers inform you the first time."

Xu Linggong smiled slightly: "The scorpion can teach!"

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