Martial Peak

Chapter 5265: Come up with a white flag

"There are Mo tribes!" Said the disciple of ten thousand demons suddenly.

"How many horses?" Qipin Kaitian, who had just returned, asked nervously that the Mo nationality had no good every time they left the border in recent years. The second time was a battle with the North and South Army, and then they were beaten back. Off, these seven grades are naturally nervous.

Na Wan Mo Tian Qi Pin said: "Not many, just dozens."

The Tsing Yi Qipin next to him raised his eyebrows: "From this perspective, Master Mi's inference is correct, this should be the messenger of the Mo clan!"

They were instructed to be responsible for seeing the trends of the Dayan Mo clan here, and Mi Jinglun naturally told them the reasons for their surveillance. Before, they were as puzzled as Li Xing. The blood and enmity between the two tribes in the battlefield of the Mo and the Mo could not be resolved. I have met no one who is not fighting, and there is no precedent for dispatching messengers to the other.

They all feel that this is unlikely to happen, but the words come from Mi Jinglun's mouth, and they dare not doubt it.

Right now the dozens of Mo people from the direction of Dayan are obviously not here to look for something. Only the messenger can explain it.

"According to action?" Wan Motian Qipin frowned.

Tsing Yi Qipin nodded and said: "According to the act! I don't know how many lords they came. If there are too many, we can't eat them."

Wan Motian Qipin grinned: "Relax, Master Mi said, even if we do it, they wouldn't dare to fight back, but what about the domain master? After all, in their view, we can't detect the Wangcheng side now Battle situation. "

The other two nodded together, promptly urged the mystery technique, covered their bodies, concealed the breath, and at the same time summoned them back. Soon, several human warships quietly rushed to ambush together.

The dozens of Mo nationalities exited from the direction of Dayan and came straight to the place. However, it took only half a day to reach this floating land debris.

At this point, the cultivation behavior of this group of Mo people is clear.

The number of lords, the rest are all upper Mo, no lord of the domain sits.

It seems that the domain master is also afraid of death, lest he ran over and be killed by the strong human race without asking him indiscriminately, so he sent some lords to explore the limelight.

Without the domain master, a group of warriors lie in peace here.

When the team of Mos was going to pass through the floating land debris, several warships, the magic circle buzzed, the power of the mystery and secret treasures were sent out, and the face was smashed to the Mos.

Sudden bursts of energy fluctuations and huge dangers suddenly shrouded the Mozus, who were already in a state of uneasiness. They panicked and spread out.

However, under the interweaving of the battleship's power, this group of Mo clan still failed to avoid doom, and died for a moment and a half.

Before they could return to their gods, a warship of human races had already appeared, and from those warships, a figure of the seventh race of human races jumped out and bombarded them indiscriminately.

As the first Mo clan lord evaded, he shouted: "Stop, I am not here to embarrass the clan, I am here to come to peace with the clan."

Sheng Ruohong Bell spread all over Shiye.

How could the human clan soldiers care about him? It was pure when he was watching the situation just as Master Mi had expected. These Mo clan were attacked and did not dare to fight back, only to dodge, the more ruthless they started.

Poor digital lords, they did not fall down when they confronted the North and South Army a few times before, and survived tenaciously. It can be said that they are the elite of the Mo clan, but they are now being beaten here.

Blind dodge will only make the situation worse and worse. It is too late when these lords realize that the situation is inevitable and want to resist again.

Dozens of Mozus of this team have been killed cleanly since the humanoid soldiers attacked, but only one tea kung fu before and after.

Before the death, the Mo clan still shouted: "We really came to peace talks!"

From the beginning to the end, the human race ignored him and let him die very much.

Even though it was clear to them, they did come to peace talks, but no one sympathized with them, because these Mo people might have been contaminated by the blood and life of a certain human soldier.

Dayan Pass, above the city wall, the masters of the domains stood side by side and looked up.

When seeing dozens of Mo clan in that team died in the void, the domain owners' faces were extremely ugly.

Although he knew that the sent Mo clan would not have any good endings, he never expected that the human clan would be so merciless.

However, this situation is also expected. The two enemies are dead enemies. One side suddenly wants to go to peace talks. How can the other side easily believe it? Naturally, it is better to start first, then talk about it.

It is with such considerations that this first attempt did not have the figure of the domain master, but only sent some lords and the upper Mo clan in the past.

The situation is more difficult than expected!

尽 Di Shen said: "In this case, you can have a good strategy. At the very least, you need to get in touch with the human race to make peace."

If there is no way to get in touch with the human race, how many Mo tribes were sent to death in the past.

The masters of all the domains were silent, looking at the scene of the genius, the human race succumbed to the killer as soon as they saw the Mo clan. They could not communicate at all, how could they get in touch?

When the news of Wangcheng ’s defeat was lost, they were all surprised when the news of the king ’s heavy hit came. Over the past 100 years, there has been a large human army on the side of the Wangcheng to attack the city. War, these things, the Dayan Mo tribe knows, after all, it is very convenient to pass messages between Mo nest.

After so many years, although there are losses in each battle on the side of the Wangcheng, the losses are not serious. The battle between the king and the ancestors of the human race can be said to be evenly divided, and no one can do anything.

Suddenly, the situation in Wangcheng turned sharply, making it difficult for them to understand.

After the last investigation, it was learned that the ancestor of the human race has been hiding the signs of his recovery in these years. Using the accumulated damage to the king every time, it suddenly broke out, and the beaten king fled back to the king city.

Although the Terran Army over there withdrew to the station, the situation on the other side of the King City was not good, making the Dayan Mo Clan a bit worried, lest the King City really be defeated by the Terran Army.

Immediately afterwards, the news that made them more frightened came.

After ten days of that war, the human race army suddenly dispatched the whole army, leaving the station where it has been stationed for more than 100 years, and headed straight for the direction of Dayanguan.

Is this enough?

On the Dayan Pass, there was already an army of human races blocking their doors, so that they could not move. If there is another army coming, how can the Dayan Mo tribe have any way out.

What's more, among the large human race, there are still some people of ancestors sitting in town.

It can be said that when these two human races converge, it is the end of the Dayan Mo tribe!

The masters of the Dayan domain were in a state of confusion. Fortunately, there was another order from the Wangcheng to let the Dayan Mo clan evacuate from Dayan.

How to withdraw from Dayan is also a problem. In recent years, as long as the Dayan Mo tribe has changed a little, it will make the army of that race wary in every possible way.

Therefore, if the Mo people venture out of Dayan, they will most likely cause misunderstandings by the human race, and a war will be inevitable.

Thinking about it, the masters of the domains felt that it was better to have peace talks with the human races, and this was the only move to send the team of Mo nationalities out of customs.

In their view, they have an intelligence advantage, because they know the specific situation of the battle in the king city, but the human race army may not know it, so they can use this to make an article.

Otherwise, if the Terran Army knew the Battle of the King City and the Moss failed, and another Terran Army was on the way to converge with them, they might not be willing to negotiate.

From the standpoint of the human race, it is undoubtedly better to block the Mo people in Dayan and wait for the reinforcements to arrive.

So the peace talks must be fast, before the two human clan armies get in touch, otherwise everything will be closed.

Zhe Di turned his head to look at a group of silent domain masters, and scolded a group of wastes.

You can only ask your eight-rank Mo Tuo: "Zhou Qi, you are a human race. In this case, do you have any good suggestions?"

The eight-ranked Mo Tuo, who was called Zhou Qi, had the power of ink on and off his body. The neck and neck were covered with pustules, and there was hidden pus. The taste is inseparable from the cast, so all Mo tribes are far from this Zhou Qi, even other Bapin Mo Tu.

Hearing the question, Zhou Qi bowed: "I go back to my lord, and when I was young, I traveled in a heaven and earth. I saw two human mortal armies fighting. When the defeated party summed up, he sent a team. People, holding up the white flag to show weakness, see the white flag, another convenience will not easily launch an attack, the subordinates feel that we can follow one or two? "

"Hold the white flag?" Qi Di heard the words in amazement, what did he say?

A master of the domain asked the Bapin Mo clan around him: "What's the matter?"

The Bapin Motu pondered for a moment: "There is something to hear, but each Qiankun has its own unique customs. Not all Qiankun worlds are like this. I wonder if this will have any effect on the human race over there."

Chu Di first said: "If there is no effect, try to know, take the white flag!"

With an order, when even the Mo people were ready.

In a few moments, a white flag was made, and I fear that the human race would not see it. This white flag was made extremely huge.

In a few moments, another group of Mo tribes exited from Dayan, holding the white banner high for the leader, and trembling toward the station of the North and South Army.

On the floating debris, Qipin, two intensive pupils, saw this scene for the first time.

Wan Motian Qipin Renjun couldn't help but say: "The Mo tribe came up with a white flag. Will it fight?"

"Regardless of his flag, kill him when he comes!" The captain of a small team rubbed his hands and was murderous.

"Inappropriate." Qipin, who was responsible for delivering the message, opened his arms and said: "The meaning above is to negotiate with the Mozu in the end. For the first time, we killed the Mosquito messenger. Now people are holding a white flag and coming again, they might break the plan above. "

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