Martial Sage

Chapter 1022: Fighting Slowly

As the sun sets, a long figure is pulled out.

The shadow of the arrow shot out, like the wind traveling through the forest, passed through the chest and nailed into the head.

The fallen shadow brought out roots of blood and threw it into the sky, soaking the earth and red clouds.

Ah ah ah~

Panic screams resounded across the corner of the city at this moment, and the Goguryeo soldiers who were running away dared to continue searching the woods.

With his back facing the Da Tang soldier hidden in the bushes, he flees toward the city lifelessly.

"There is an ambush!"

"The soldiers of Datang are in the woods! Run away!"

In the footsteps of the worm eggs, there was a loud roar of the leader school lieutenant.

"Release the arrow, release the arrow!"

The arrow was lifted up into the sky, and the bursting arrow shot in the wrong direction, throwing straight towards the sky above the city.


The piercing neigh was mixed with a sharp whistling sound, which was particularly ear-piercing.

Next second.

The second wave of arrow feathers came from behind the emptiness.

The blood line soared, and the figure fell down like a leek.

The figure rushed out of the woods, Yuchi Baolin's eyes flashed bloodthirsty rays, and she rushed ahead.

After killing several people in a row, he wiped the blood spots on his face, looked at the blood plowed behind him, and roared with a smile.

"Have fun! These stubborn dog thieves should be slaughtered like pigs and dogs!"

"A bloody battlefield, this is called a war, hahaha."

Duan Zan and Gao Zhenxing, who were in the back row, followed closely all the way, without catching a few heads, and shouted at the figure in front.

"Brother Yuchi! This head can't be occupied by you alone. Anyway, we will leave a few so that our brothers can also warm up!"

Yuchi Baolin was so successful that she could not take care of a lot of restraints, turned her head and echoed loudly.

"What about the generals? Where are the generals of Goguryeo?"

The two boys behind them looked at each other, smiled, put on their spears, and pointed directly at the opposite city.

"If we want to capture the generals, let's rush into the city and get a big vote!"

The pawns on the city have long discovered that matching soldiers and horses are pouring out from the forest, and they are beating gongs and drums.

In the small city, soldiers and horses began to gather at the schoolyard at an alarming speed.

There were constantly screaming arrows leaping towards the sky, and amidst the sharp screaming of ‘shoo, hoo’, they warned over the city.

General Jin, who had just been sitting in the mansion and sipping tea, was suddenly shocked by the continuous ringing arrows.

The hurrying voice roared the moment he left the mansion.

"The whole army assembles and opens the battle at the West Gate!"

Needless to think about it, it was the soldiers who passed down the order that Own encountered an ambush, and he still underestimated Tang Jun's marching speed too much!

And the intensity of the arrows shot from this, General Jin had a bad premonition in his heart, I was afraid that the manpower sent out this time would be damaged a lot!

But as the leader of this city, there is nothing to say, you must top it up!

The sound of horseshoes from outside the city gradually roared, and the earth seemed to be unable to withstand the trampling of countless galloping horses, trembling faintly.

The moment the city gate opened wide, General Jin rushed out with a gun, screaming with anger.

"Tang Hao! To pass the city, pass my level first!"

The black steed galloped out like lightning in the sound of Shinji's fighting behind him, with his spear in his hand, raising his head flat, and angry fire gushing out in his eyes.

Tang Hao, who galloped between the soldiers, raised his eyes and glanced at the general who rushed out from the opposite side. He looked at Wu Tong beside him with a wry smile.

"Look, a woman from Daoist's family can recognize me at a glance among the many young generals. This time, the first sentence of the general who has never met before rushed out of the city gate, it would have broken my body. Looks like."

"I am a general who has not gone abroad. Is it possible that my fame has been stinking all over the foreign land?"

After listening to Tang Hao's self-deprecating, Wu Tong raised the corners of his mouth.

"The word notorious, my subordinates don't agree with it."

"It might be more appropriate to broadcast the term prestige."

Wu Tong, who had always been loyal and honest, was able to make such a joke, but it made Tang Hao a little surprised, and he glanced at Wu Tong with his eyes slightly slanted.

"Your kid seems to have become slippery now, but don't be like that kid Cheng Chumo."

The words that he blurted out suddenly brought the sense of crisis that was silent in his heart to his mind.

The battle on the sea seems to be drawing to a close. Even though Datang is equipped with new equipment, it seems that it has only sunk Goguryeo’s whistling behemoth on the sea. However, the entire formation of the water force in the Tang Dynasty is still torn down by the huge ship. Scattered...

Cheng Chumo, as the lieutenant of the navy commander, is afraid that the situation today is not optimistic...

"Quick battle, leaving this general to lead the dog's life, maybe it will come in handy!"

As the horse whip was raised, Tang Hao said quietly.

On the vast fertile field, the horse was turned away early, leaving the confrontational sergeants alone, standing upright on the spot.

A sneer hung on Yuchi Baolin's blood-stained face on her chest.

"You savage general, your tone is not small, I don't know if force matches your physique."

"Could it be that you have a full body, but you don't understand the way of weapons?"

General Jin didn't even look at Yuchi Baolin. A pair of eyes scanned the Da Tang pawn, and finally his eyes fixed on Tang Hao, who was struck by the Zhong Sergeant.


"General Tang is also the commander of the first army, but he wants to hide behind these nameless pawns. Is he afraid that he will lose the battle and be conspicuous to others?"

Tang Hao walked slowly along the horse, a row of soldiers separated on both sides, and a line came out, pointing his gun at General Jin in front of the city gate.

"Che Enwu went out of the city to fight, causing the Great Wall to fall. General Mu screamed outside the city, cheering up the King City into a sea of ​​flames."

"Are you in such a hurry to die?"

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