Martial Sage

Chapter 1032: Breaking the enemy's strategy



There was a bang of war drums.

The stretching army formed a phalanx, fighting passionately in the wilderness.

The joining of the vine armor soldiers and the heavy hammer soldiers did not put any pressure on the Datang soldiers.

The figure that had fallen down like cutting vegetables gradually diminished. On the contrary, facing the strange weapons and the incorruptible armor, the military spirit of the soldiers of the Great Tang gradually became negative as time went by.

Interspersed with Gao Zhenxing in the army of soldiers, Duan Zan and Yuchi Baolin changed the original collision and fight, and began to try ranger hunting.

In the Great Account of the Chinese Army.

The voice of discussion spread.

"Shoot General Yan, and use the Blackbone City general to force the leader to surrender. Brother Tang, you can be considered beautiful with this hand."

Picking up the tea cup, Tang Hao smiled slightly and handed it forward.

"Absurd praise."

"After all, Datang still lacks some knowledgeable generals. General Yan is for his own benefit. When the battle is approaching, he is still instigating the relationship with the general in the navy. It is indeed a bit too late."

"Speaking of which, you were abandoned on the island and ran out of the sharp arrow, but it seemed thrilling."

He picked up the hand of the tea cup and paused in the air, showing gratitude.

"Speaking of which, the eighteen riders you sent here did the work."

"After guarding me, I got into the boat while in chaos, and slashed the guy with two knives. Otherwise, the entire fleet might be destroyed."

"It's a pity that we escorted the food, but lost 50%."

While talking, a soldier hurriedly got into the account.

"General! The big thing is bad!"

"The three generals are struggling to support them, and they seem to be unable to stop the brutal soldiers."

Hearing this, Tang Hao's heart suddenly sank, and Cheng Chumo looked at each other before striding out of the big tent.

On the high platform, the whole scene of the battle in the field is unobstructed.

The weapons collided, shouting to kill like a tide, mixed with the pain and wailing in the whole broad field.

On the bloody ground, the soldiers stepped over the mutilated corpse, stabbed the Tang Dao and slammed the rushing barbarians to the ground. On the other side, the soldier carrying the shield, jumped up and lay the heavy shield towards the balance. The taxi slammed down, and black and white liquid spewed from the broken face, and it was thrown everywhere.

Before the Datang soldier stood up, a broad-backed scimitar slammed down and pierced towards the open armpit.......

On the entire battlefield, there were not a few soldiers who fell in Datang during the fierce fighting, and there was a faintly supported decline.

Until Cheng Chumo saw it with his own eyes, the sharp blade looked at the earth-brown armor and was bounced high. The Goguryeo soldier on the ground seemed like a okay person, and he took up his weapon and joined the battlefield again.

Cheng Chumo's eyes straightened, and he pointed at the soldier like a ghost.

"Why is this?"

"Is the soldier still immortal?"

Tang Hao squinted his eyes slightly, and after looking at it for a moment, he suddenly let out a cold snort.

"Teng Jiabing, this Goguryeo is delicate, and we actually invited our Datang cane weaving expert."

"This material does not invade water or fire, and it is invulnerable to swords and guns. It looks like a tree root is cut on this object. No matter how strong it is, it can be removed eight or nine, and it will become soft and weak."

"To get together such a soldier, I'm afraid that the establishment time alone will start two years ago."

Hearing Tang Hao said, Cheng Chumo's expression changed and he turned his head abruptly.

"This...isn't there no way to crack it?"

"And the heavy hammer soldier, look... look at this, no one dared to come close. If you wear it like this, sooner or later our military will be unstable."

"Tang Hao, think of a solution quickly!"

Staring at the hammer-wielding giants who were chasing Datang's soldiers to fight, Tang Hao's face was cold.

"It's just a side door."

"Send the ten thousand heavy armored sergeants to disperse the vine armor soldiers."

Striding down the high platform, Tang Hao's hissing sound resounded through the barracks.

"Two thousand soldiers follow the order, bring the chains, and take all those giants to me!"



The moment the long horn sounded.

The full-armed cavalry stood out in response, and the horse that straddled it was covered with bright silver armor, leaving two horse eyes alone, scanning the tragic battlefield.

Boom boom boom.

The rushing drum beat was played again.

The sturdy horse hooves shook the ground under his feet restlessly, and the horse's mane whipped his horse's hips uneasyly, bringing up his armor and rustling.

The leader of the generals held a stuffy hammer and held up the sky.

"Warriors! Our peak moment is here!"

"Use Goguryeo's heads to set off your glory!"


Shocking screams swept across the wide field, and the sudden sound of horseshoes stepped heavily on the wide field, and the raised smoke instantly filled the field.

Gritting his teeth against the epee cut by the giant leader, the young Duan Zan suddenly felt a soreness in his arm, and the spear in his hand was a little unstable.

He lowered his arms tremblingly, enjoying the moment of rest. Under the crooked helmet, a sweat-stained face appeared, showing a redness of relief.

When the heart was bitterly applauded, the rumbling horseshoes whizzed from behind, and the squeezed air wave came first.

"Cavalry back! The rest will be left to us heavy armored soldiers!"

When the roar came, Duan Zan turned his horse's head and ran towards the flanks.

"Make way, make way! Let Heavy Cavalry charge!"

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