Martial Sage

Chapter 1067: Great Tang Announcement

Mufeng County.

In the early morning, the light passed through the clouds and poured into the town.

The soft light brushed over the broken wooden bulletin board, and the silhouette cast by the broken and rain-proof narrow eaves was reflected on a placard. The black characters on the red background were particularly conspicuous.

The vigorous front of the pen inscribes a line of large characters, which is eye-catching.

"Although the war has started, the people are right."

"The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is graceful and energetic, and he is generous in his benevolent governance, and amnesty Black Bone City, Baiyan City, Dawang City, and Cangyan City as the armistice area."

"Anyone who enters the city is protected from the poison of war, and has fields and clothes to wear. Enjoy peace and create a prosperous age together."

"Take the list as proof, and everyone in the world will share it."

The coarse linen figure stopped, put down the load on his shoulders, carried his hands on his back, and looked closely.

Muddy eyes moved to the end of the pen inscription, muttering to himself.

"When is there a big Tang's post?"

I don't know when the woman standing next to me spoke and asked.

"Old talent, what does this essay say?"

Without waiting for the old man to answer, the young man beside him snorted resentfully and closed the folding fan in his hand.

"What else can there be!"

"Datang's Anmin trick is nothing."

"Using food and clothing as bait to confuse the people and move into the city, 80% of them will be imprisoned in the city. As a means of coercion, it can be hateful!"

Hearing this long sigh, some people among the gathered crowd agreed.

"that's right!"

"Datang invaded my border, but at this time he was pretending to return the city again. This is a trap!"

"It must be that we want to let King Gaisuwen throw a rat avoidance device, and dare not act rashly."

For a moment, the villager's words seemed to understand Datang's conspiracy and tricks, and many people instantly agreed with it.

"Datang is deliberately unpredictable, we can't fall into their tactics!"

"Speaking of it, I'm really willing to put it on the ground, I really think it's easy?"

"Isn't it! It's nonsense to start a prosperous world."

Noisy sounds filled the entire bulletin board, making a mess.

Someone pushed aside the crowd, squeezed into the burly body, looked at the handwriting on the red paper, and the eyes gradually rose up.

"With Tian Geng and clothes to wear, isn't this the paradise we yearn for?"

The small voice was particularly abrupt in the noise. The accusation and cursing stopped abruptly at this moment, and everyone looked at the strong man in unison.

The headed old man looked at the slightly excited brawny with a trace of anger on his face.

"Tie Zhu! Are you guilty, dare you believe this kind of nonsense by Datang?"

Gao Ge, whose name is Tie Zhu, turned his head and smiled, showing a row of yellow teeth.

"My uncle, my eldest brother in Anqing is doing well now, a family of three, guarding three fields, enough to eat and drink. My sister-in-law also makes some hairpin straw hats to earn some money."

"Those Anqing sergeants of the Tang Dynasty are happy that my sister-in-law's straw hat is shading, and they will close their stalls before they are united."

"I also want to find a place where I can eat rice, live in a hut, play game, chop wood and change some copper plates with the soldiers of Datang. You see, now, there is it. "

The figure holding the folding fan glanced at the strong man who was a few steps away, his mouth slumped.

"Since you went back to Anqing once, you have been talking nonsense when you came back to the village."

"The army soldiers of the Tang Dynasty are all demon who kill people without blinking. During the West Expedition, they saw tens of thousands of Turkic people as human shields. These cruel people will do business with you? I think your head is terrified."


I opened the folding fan in my hand and shook it a few times to blow up my hair.

The young man dressed as a literati looked up and down at the strong man, contemptuously.

"Just your head, don't move these crooked thoughts anymore."

"My parents passed away early, and you have to cherish this little life alone."

Slightly ironic words lingered in his ears, but the strong man was not at all annoyed.

The death of both parents was very early, and the elder brother who depended on each other also forced his wife to have children in three years. Now the only thing left by his parents is his thatched cottage.

It was also the last time I went to visit relatives in Anqing after the war, and saw the harmony of my eldest brother's family of three, that gave birth to my desire for home.

The essay in front of me undoubtedly gave me great hope.

Knowing that explaining the comfort of Anqing Life with these villagers would not have any effect, and the strong man would simply stop arguing.

With a big wave of his hand, the chattering of everyone was stopped, and the strong man said firmly.

"Longtan Tiger's Den, you have to make a breakthrough before you know it!"

"This Blackbone City, I'm going to decide."

The old scholar beside him pressed the arm of the brawny man, a seriousness floated on his cheek.

Patting the back of the brawny man's hand, the hunched old man slowly spoke, just like an old man's indoctrination to Junior.

"Tie Zhu, listen to what the old man said."

"Don't be deceived by Datang's false sentiment. The old man knows that you are alone and have no worries. You are physically strong, and you dare to touch you wherever you go."

"Even if what you said is true, Anqing City is so good, but the blood of the famous Goguryeo clan still flows in our bodies. Our roots are still in Goguryeo."

Hearing this, Tie Zhu was very angry, and banged his chest.

"I don't care if he is Datang or Goguryeo! Wherever I can live and work in peace, I will stay there."

"Conscription for years, I hide around like a lonely ghost, dare not go out of the village during the day, dare not sleep at night, even when I see the big brother three times."

"Why do you double the hard work and only get half of your wages, because my name does not appear in Goguryeo's private record?"

At this point, the strong man was a little excited, pointing around.

"Look, see, you see."

"In a huge village, now there are only a handful of young and strong people, and there are a lot of stumbling old people. How does the farmer do it? Who will drive the cattle?"

"Has the King of Goguryeo ever thought of those of us who depend on heaven for food?"

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