Martial Sage

Chapter 1102: The Sweeping Storm


After the Koguryo's resisting pawns heard the news of dredging to Anshicheng with all their strength, their military spirit was shaken.

The soldiers at the back had already picked up their weapons and headed towards the depths of the valley. After all, no one wanted to fall behind in matters of survival.

The news of the soldiers in the front spread slowly, and many people still wore shields, struggling to entangle with the soldiers of Datang.


The sky was gloomy.

The roar of thunder resounded throughout the valley.

In a short while, someone realized that the continuous and rushing rush was not a sign of the approaching thunderstorm.

A big banner appeared in the dust in the sky, and many soldiers suddenly raised their heads. Looking at the smoke and dust that Taniguchi suddenly raised, their scalp was numb and tightened to the extreme.

In the hazy smoke and dust, the armor of the cavalry reflected a little light, like a twinkling star appeared in the gloomy sky, and in the undulating waves, a thin cloud of smoke emerged from cold light.

Thunder roars loudly at the valley mouth of the ear-splitting roar. Like a turbulent sea, it seems to be able to shred everything.

"Tang Ziqi! It's Tang Hao, it's Tang Hao!"

From the huge banner rushed out of the smoke and dust, someone recognized that it was the head coach of Datang who had rushed this time, and couldn't help screaming.


Someone took the lead to throw away the shield and ran towards the deep valley behind him madly.

"Run! Run!"

The screaming sound exploded behind the Goguryeo army.

The soldiers who heard the sound, where there is the heart to fight again, followed the fleeing crowd and ran.

The Goguryeo soldier who was caught in the fight in front, listened to the footsteps behind him, heard the rush of horseshoes lingering in his ears, and he was extremely anxious.

But the soldiers who are still fighting in front of them, no matter where they can tolerate their evacuation for a moment, have to bite the bullet and retreat in battle.

In between.

There was a high-pitched roar on Datang's stroke.

"General Tang is here! Give way, give way!"

The cavalry charge is so powerful that it is natural to know it, and when there are more than a hundred steps, it starts to scream at the throat.

The pawns had already heard the noise behind them, and at the moment when the order was given, they directly removed their swords, picked up the shields, and moved apart like a tide on both sides of the valley.

In the billowing smoke, Gao Zhenxing saw the majestic figure, a touch of envy floated in his eyes.

When the cavalry swarmed past, they vomited the mud from their mouths and hammered their chests in pain.

"Fucking! Merit, my merit is gone again!"

"This is money for cans of wine!"

The sound was drowned out by horseshoes.

Next second.

The sight of the Goguryeo steppers whose pressure was suddenly reduced suddenly opened up, and the billowing front line mixed with the rising smoke and dust pushed over.

The Goguryeo soldier holding a shield in his hand, a murderous soldier with a tall horse was reflected in his horrified eyes, and there was no sound of ‘ahhhh’ from the corners of his mouth.

Some hungry soldiers began to flee, leaving the dull soldiers alone standing in place, screaming desperately.


Two thousand soldiers crashed into a loose formation.

The roaring horse hooves drowned out all the sounds that should have been made in the morning, and threw the soldiers who were in the way into the sky, raising a curved line of blood in the air.

"Get out, get out of it!"

"I don't want to die yet!"

Someone yelled out the last sound in their lives.

The lame soldier fleeing near the cliff, heard of the crushed horseshoe, turned and swept in haste, and hit the sprinting horse's leg. The huge force instantly flew out the spear in his hand, and pierced one in the gallop. The vest of the hapless man.

The figure of the lame soldier was a little weak against the cliff. When he raised his head, the tip of the four-sided gun suddenly enlarged, and the red blood stains splashed across his chest instantly. In the remaining consciousness, his body was pulled up and flew away. He fell heavily to the ground, was caught under countless trampling horse hooves, torn to pieces.

More Goguryeo soldiers were submerged in the cavalry formation that charged, and the howling of ghosts and wolves gradually ceased from the front line.

The cracking sound of broken bones sounded under the horse's hooves from time to time, and the flesh and internal organs were sprinkled with mud, leaving a bright red on the ground.

Tang Hao charged at the forefront, spears like a dragon, shuttled through the scattered crowd, reaping the fresh lives one after another.

"Wu Tong!"

The roar suddenly exploded after a glance at the fleeing soldiers.

In the noise, Wu Tong leaned closer and responded loudly.

"Grandpa, your subordinates are here!"

Tang Hao's sight did not leave the front end of the deep valley, and a touch of worry suddenly came to his heart.

"The soldier ran into the deep valley and headed towards General Yuchi."

"Until this time, there have been no signs of defeat ahead!"

"Don't fall in love with war, take 1,500 soldiers and go to help General Wei Chi!"

"One thousand and five hundred?"

For this number, Wu Tong was a little surprised.

This has come, Tang Hao's side, but only 500 soldiers!

The loud shout suddenly sounded, and Tang Haohu's eyes widened, urging the hesitant figure.

"This is military fate!"

The own plan is a two-sided attack to fight against the hundreds of thousands of Goguryeo army.

There is a word called, "Dog jumps off the wall, rabbit bites," Goguryeo who is hit by the head and tail, if he wants to survive from desperation, he is very likely to attack one side.

The road to life, except for Taniguchi, is outside the city of Anshi defended by General Yuchi.

According to the current situation, the soldiers only fled towards the deep valley, but did not see that there was any escape from the deep valley. It was only possible that it was not the fierce battle, or the part of Yuchi Jingde, which had already been wiped out.

Wu Tong roared, and the fighting soldiers instantly turned into a long snake formation, rushing away from the fleeing crowd, pointing towards the deep valley.

Looking at the rushing support horse like a meteor, Tang Hao prayed in his heart.

"General Yuchi, you have to stop!"

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