Martial Sage

Chapter 1107: I'm Sorry

The loess is broad and wild.

The sun was scorching, and under the clear sky, a row of carriages ran over the turf and left deep traces.

The shirtless family rang his whip in the air.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Madam Yin can't wait!"

The ‘Yin’ flag was waving in the wind on the frame, and the guards holding broadswords cautiously walked on both sides of the convoy.

The refugee with a bag on his back glanced at the big knife carried by the brawny leader of the convoy, and he evaded automatically, appearing extremely jealous.

The child who was pulling the corner of the adult's clothes looked curiously at the long convoy, and saw the fierce face of the man in front of him. He tightened the corner of the adult's clothes with some fear, and looked away hurriedly.

Leading the crowd away, the child stuck his head from behind the adult and raised his immature cheeks.

"Aniang, why do these people go to the city? Don't they need to be like us, go to the imperial city?"

The woman looked away from the convoy going away and reached out to touch the top of the child's head.

"They, they have a lot of food, they can't finish it and can't take it away, so they have to stay in the city to avoid being snatched by the bad guys."

"Bad guy?"

The child asked with his head tilted in confusion, round eyes rolled a few times.

"Are the bad guys from Tang Dynasty?"

"Today, the Li family Uncle said that there are Chinese people coming, so we moved out. Then they must be bad guys?"

"We are moving away because we are afraid of bad people?"

The woman didn't answer immediately, she seemed to be thinking. After a while, she took the child's immature hand and walked towards Kuoye.

With a slight sigh, simple and easy-to-understand words sounded amidst creaking footsteps.

"Nier, this Tang Dynasty will occupy our house and take away our food. Naturally, he will be a bad person."

"The Tang people, like those uncles just now, have knives in their hands. We can't beat them. Naturally, we have to be afraid."

Turning back, Shuiling's eyes stared at the convoy entering the city blankly, knowing that the last carriage had disappeared from the field of vision, before turning his head.

"Then these uncles, can you beat these bad guys?"

"Aren't they afraid?"

The woman being questioned raised her face and looked at the position in the west, her eyes flashed sadly.

The Goguryeo army was defeated. The woman didn't know how many soldiers and horses had gone to the front line. She only knew that the footsteps and the creaking of wheels rang in the middle of the night, which should be uncommon.

But with such a large number of soldiers, only the dying General Yanshou returned to the city.

Recalling that General Yanshou was covered in blood and dragged his broken arm, the woman shuddered.

Withdrawing her thoughts, the woman murmured.

"They are also very scared..."



Bags of grain were thrown onto the shoulders of the muscular man, the bronze-colored muscles bulged under the sun, and he strenuously carried the heavy sacks and walked towards the open land behind the courtyard.

In front of the dozen or so granaries in the courtyard, there were all the long lines of people carrying the sacks.

The gatekeeper shook his long whip from time to time and sounded in the air, directing the sturdy men to pile the sacks on their shoulders into a certain position of the cylindrical granary.

On the remote promenade, the old lady of the Yin family sat steadily in the shade of the tree, asking her son who was shaking the fan beside her.

"How many bags are there?"

"Six thousand three hundred bags."

Hearing this number, a smile appeared on the slack cheek of the old woman, and she said leisurely.

"It's almost there, it's this number."

"We used to collect the levy for the Iron Mansion earlier this same number. Now that General Iron is gone, these levies can be delivered on time. It is also considered that these princes gave the old body a thin face."

The middle-aged man behind him did not have any smile on his face, but frowned, and a touch of anxiety floated up.

"When the Datang expedition comes, there will definitely be a shortage of food and grass. Those big households who have food and grass will definitely be targeted by the evil wolves of Datang. They will be looted at some level, and at worst, they will harm their families."

"Don't say it is a large household with a thousand acres, even the landlord and grain merchants will definitely be included in the pay list."

"My mother is collecting grain for this time, this is to set fire to the body! So much grain will bring disaster to our entire mansion!"

The figure on the seat didn't seem to be frightened by the rhetoric at all. Instead, he hid his dry palm in his sleeve and slowly leaned on the back of the chair behind him.

The fleshy skin that fell from his cheek moved, and a cold snort squirted out of his mouth and nose.

"You young and strong, you still have too little experience and don't have much determination."

"Businessmen demand a word of profit, and the same is true for the Great Tang campaign. If you don't serve fame or profit, so many people die, what are you going to do?"

Lifting the sleeves embroidered with lotus flowers, pointing to the high granary in the field, the old man's words became tough.

"In front of the Datang Sergeant, Xiaojia Xiaohu certainly does not have much capital for negotiation. If we are like them, we will certainly not be able to escape the fate of being robbed."

"But at the Yin family, this large warehouse full of grain, they are qualified to let us straighten up."

"This is the Tang Jun's thing to save the people, and it is also our door to save the whole people."

The old woman lowered her arms, her dim eyes swept across these cylinders, as if she was looking at her trophies from the mall.

"There are cans of kerosene piled up in these granaries. If Tang Jun goes back, this is the best meeting ceremony for them."

"Our Yin family will not do things that are scammed and kidnapped, but we must be determined to burn the jade and stone."

Hearing these words made the middle-aged man's heart throbbing, and under his mind, it seemed that everything his mother said was reasonable.

But immediately, the middle-aged man became puzzled.

"If we use Mi Su Norway for private purposes, wouldn't it be difficult to escape the imperial city's accountability?"

The old man smiled bitterly and shook his head slowly.

"It's so bad."

"Now these batches of refugees have already made the ministers of the imperial city tired enough, and there is no time to pay attention to our Yin family."

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