Martial Sage

Chapter 1114: The Folk Imperial City

The sky was bright, and the morning glow was painted crimson.

The carriage carrying heavy commercial goods ran into rut marks on the yellow mud soil, the curtain was lifted, and the fat middle-aged man stuck his head out and looked at the city in front of him, revealing a touch of joy.

"Here, it's finally here, you can change to food."

When the voice fell, the ragged figure held up his palm to the carriage and pleaded.

"Lord Landlord, enjoy your meal."

In a moment, large and small figures leaned in front of the carriage and stretched out their hands to beg.

When the dirty mud hands were about to touch the sleeve tube with the exquisitely embroidered carp pattern, the middle-aged man's face was thinly angry.

"Get out! Get out!"

"In the years of war, I had to risk my death to come here to exchange food for a few mouthfuls of millet, and there is something for you!"

In the words, he retracted his body into the curtain of the car, and the moment the curtain fell, there was an impatient voice urging.

"Quickly enter the fort!"

When the voice fell, there was the sound of a horse whip pumping the air, and the wagon swayed even more, and the speed was obviously increased by a few points.

Sitting on the carriage, Tae Hee slowly lowered the curtain and sighed.

"In the original harvest season, due to a lot of military service and labor, the countryside was deserted."

"The war is everywhere, and the pond fish is affected! These people don't know how many people will not be able to pass this end of summer."

Opposite Wu Tong glanced at Tae Hee with a sad look, and didn't know what was thinking in his heart, slowly lowering his head.

"Who is in the car?"

When the rough male voice came, the dangling carriage stopped.

Taixi lifted the curtain of the car, the look on his face suddenly changed, and turned to a smiling face.

"It is convenient to offer a congratulatory gift to the Patriarch of the Yin family."

As he spoke, Tae-hee put his hand into his cuff, took out a piece of agate, and stuffed it into the hand of Jia Ding who was investigating the curtain.

Feeling the sensation of diaphragm from the palm of his hand, Jia Ding opened his palm slightly, glanced closely, and then closed the stern face on his face and laughed.

"The visitor is a guest. Since the distinguished guest is paying a congratulatory gift to the Yin family, that's a good thing."

The broadsword swung at the few houses under the city, and said.


The stalled carriage swayed again, marching towards the city.

The moment the curtain was lowered, there was confusion between Wu Tong's eyebrows and Yu.

"Is that allowed? Come in easily?"

"Oh, these servants can really use public affairs for personal gain."

Tae Hee's face returned to normal, and when he heard Wu Tong's angry words, he curled up his mouth and smiled.

"That's not so easy. It's not that simple to enter this Yinjiabao."

"The five barriers are becoming stricter, and the merchants with knowledgeable goods check them. With just these five barriers down, the ordinary merchant family can afford this huge expense?"

"Like an ordinary wealthy family, just like the one you saw just now. It just passed a checkpoint, and waited in and out of the second pass, handing in the goods ahead of time, waiting to get the surplus. If you are unlucky, meet the Yin family When counting the granary, he can only receive one token, and then wait five or six days before he comes to fetch the grain."

After all, Tessie wrestled with heavy sleeves.

"The face of the old lady of the Yin family is not something ordinary people can see at will if they just say a few words and put two copper plates on them."

After hearing this, Wu Tong was shocked and couldn't help blurting out.

"This... this Yin family is supposed to be this folk palace... I can't think of this Goguryeo, there are people with such authority..."

Dongzhu, Liuli, and the original scroll... were taken out one by one, and passed to the guardian of the city. Wu Tong's eyes opened wider and wider. I really don't know what is happening in Taixi's heavy sleeve. Can hide so many precious treasures.

When they came to the second level, the two of them could not ride in the carriage, and could only accompany the Jia Ding in Chinese clothes on foot.

Finally, seeing that the sleeve tube was not heavy and could be rippling in the wind, only after hearing the last elegant literati gentleman's polite gift, he yelled a long sentence to the mansion.

"Tang Shangwu, please see you~"

After a while, Yingying walked out of the mansion that hugged the thick pillars, and said after a cupped hands salute.

"Come with me."

When passing through the lavish mansion gate, Wu Tong just felt that his own was small. A simple mansion gate came in like a palace gate, with vermilion lacquer as the base, and copper rivets with big fists arranged neatly on it, setting out a bit of luxury.

Waiting to walk through the long corridor, at the end, there are rows of maids on both sides, beside a stone chair, an old lady with a kind face is sitting there, behind two maids in splendid clothes are holding wide cattail fans, slow fans NS.

Tae Hee was like a big man who had seen the world, stopped three steps before, smiled with a smile on his face, cupped hands said.

"I have seen Mrs. Yin."

Wu Tong stood behind Tae Hee, learning how to look, arching his cupped hands.

The generals who have been on the battlefield and killed people have no fear of such a scene, but they always feel uncomfortable and a little awkward.

He habitually put his hand on his waist, only to realize that his waist was empty, and he had already unloaded his saber in front of the second pass.

Inadvertently, some eyes swept over, and it seemed that Wu Tong's movement caused the old lady in front to look sideways.

Moving the muddy eyes to Tae Hee in front of him, the old woman smiled.

"The guard behind you is not easy."

Pointing to the empty seat in front of him casually, the old man continued.

"If you have something, just sit down and talk."

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