Martial Sage

Chapter 1122

Goguryeo King City Great Hall!


When Gai Suwen heard this, his brow furrowed, and a thrilling feeling filled the Great Hall.


The scout entered the hall and knelt down on one knee, holding up the battle report with both hands!

"My lord, General Park was assassinated and killed at General Shicheng's mansion. Shicheng's army was disrupted, the soldiers fled, and Shicheng will be broken..."

After hearing this, Gai Suwen was furious.

He breathed harder, his eyes turned bloody, and his eyes showed a piercing light.

"What a waste, but the widow gave this old dog an army of 150,000, 150,000!"

After speaking, his anger attacked his heart, and his whole body trembled in anxious manner.

When the officials heard the battle report, they showed anxiety!

The panic was on the face, like an ant on a hot pot standing on the Great Hall at a loss.

All the ministers started talking!

An veteran crouched and whispered.

"How can this be good? The 150,000 army of Shicheng was wiped out in ashes. How did this fight?"

"Now that Shicheng is lost, there is only the last imperial city with empty troops. What should we do if Tang Jun gathers the army to fight?"

At this time, another veteran also came over, his face was confused, and followed in fear, only to see that his legs were trembling slightly!

"Yeah! I have always heard that Tang Jun is bloodthirsty, and once we break through Goguryeo, how will we end up..."

Another middle-aged minister who was nervous in his heart also joined in. He was in a trance and panic, and he felt full of fear as if his eyes were blurred, and he was at a loss...

"150,000 were defeated! General Park, who we had previously placed on hope, was also assassinated and killed. Now there are too few elite soldiers in the imperial city, and the number of troops is not many. To fight..."

When a bunch of important officials heard this, their hearts were even more flustered. The corners of their eyes were anxiously about to squeeze out tears, and they didn't know where to discuss the rest of the battle!

A minister, with a blue complexion, said tremblingly:

"What should I do then? Is it possible to stay in this imperial city and be killed by Datang prisoners alive."

All the officials gradually became anxious.

The atmosphere in the court gradually deepened, and all the officials were at a loss and feared!

Secretly looked at Gai Suwen, without saying a word.

An unnamed flame kept rising in Gai Suwen's heart!

A thought came up in my mind:

"The angry heart is burning in my chest, I can't wait to..."

A literary minister was trembling, looking east and west, talking;

"It's better than Yihe, if Yihe can at least survive and save his life"

"Isn't the Turkic also the same as our Goguryeo now?"

"They called courtiers, offered cows, sheep and horses furs, and paid tribute every year. This also passed."

A literary minister beside him was worried, and quickly spoke;

"Can Datang agree? The current Goguryeo will be lost, the elite soldiers will be exhausted, there are very few soldiers and horses in the country, and only the last stone city is left in the city, which is completely like a lamb to be slaughtered!"

"If you call, the entire Goguryeo will belong to Tang Tong."

A young chaotang next to him heard this! Instantly furious, ten thousand prairie horses galloped past in his heart.

His eyes were sharp, his teeth were gritted, and his fingers pointed at a group of civilian officials.


"You group of bright heads, old men with beards! Fear of death, dare you persuade the great king to give Tang Tong a court, where is your face?"

"You have no spine, and even persuaded the king to donate furs, horses, cattle and sheep to Tangtong every year. You are really a dog with broken spine. How dare you stand in the court! You should shrink your head and go to a place where no one is. Surviving, An Gan still appeared in the Golden Luang Temple, barking wantonly..."

The teenager has a fierce temper, and his heart is so fierce that he can't restrain it!

Wen Chen heard that he was furious instantly;

Suddenly, there was a thunderous violent thunder, and each eyebrow and eyebrows were vertical, and his eyes opened in anger, a few drops of blood.

"You are the first-order generals, what else can you do besides defeating the army?"

"The king is keeping you waiting, so it's better to raise a mix and eat a pig and a dog!..."

Yi Wenchen was unwilling to insult, his eyes were bloodshot, and he took off his crown and threw it at the teenager! Shouted.

"You and other generals, besides the ability to pick up dung vigorously, what use is you for?"

Gai Suwen was filled with a terrifying murderous intent, and stood up, grabbing a sword at his waist and looking at him glaringly!

An angry violent blast came from the throne!

"Dog minion, who do you say is a person who only knows how to pick up dung?"

The sound of fury! Quickly sweep the Great Hall.

The ministers felt that Great Hall seemed to be shaking the ground.

The explosive drink quickly swept through the hearts of the ministers like an earthquake, and it quieted down in an instant!

With a roar of the emperor, the officials broke their guts!

"This Gai Suwen is also a military commander! It's over."

The ministers thought in their hearts.

The person who was just talking and cursing didn't know what was wrong for a moment.

The feeling of fear as death poured into my heart.

Gai Suwen stepped off the dragon platform.

With a slash, only one head fell to the ground, and the official who insulted the military minister just now was killed on the spot.

The butcher knife rises again, and the knife falls!

The official who proposed the peace talks was punishable.

Two more knives were swung, and two officials fell!

Gai Suwenhu's eyes widened.

A group of civil servants trembled their legs, almost unable to stand, and no one dared to raise their heads.


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