Martial Sage

Chapter 1127: The Secret

On the Goguryeo Imperial City, the pawn took a sharp blade to make a strip of cloth, firmly bandaging the wounds on his body, his teeth were tightly bitten, and painful whimpers sank in his throat everywhere.

In the distance, flesh and blood on the face of a soldier flew over his neck and his entire face. A big man was holding a piece of cloth and tightly bandaging the head of the soldier. Several big men held down the hands and feet of the soldier, and huge wounds were knocked out. Roaring, tears in my eyes kept sliding down because of the pain!

The sound of beating the ground one after another, the soldiers slapped the fire place with various wet things. There was kerosene all over the city, full of billowing smoke from kerosene.

There were wailing around the wall, countless soldiers were holding their legs or holding their bodies, lying horizontally and vertically, the whole ruined wall, full of broken limbs, and a corpse were lifted and thrown downstairs by the soldiers!

The golden armor on Gai Suwen's body was stained with black and red fire oil blood, the blood on the helmet slowly solidified, and the hair became scattered under the armor, and his face was gloomy and he scanned the battlefield.

A lieutenant behind him looked at the ruined walls inside the city wall. Outside the city wall was full of Tang Jun, his heart twisted like a knife, and he bowed his hands at Gai Suwen:

"Majesty, now our imperial city has insufficient soldiers. The refugees who have been captured are useless and have no combat power. Our elite imperial forbidden army and city wall guards total only more than 30,000, and Datang has an army of 130,000. Coming all the way to the north with a big victory, fighting on the tower without fear, compared with the strength of the troops, there is too much difference."

"And the Tang army attacked, the body of the Tang army was taken away from the city is very small, and our army is now smashed to death and burned to death on the city tower. After the first battle, our army has lost more than ten thousand soldiers!"

"My lord, or let's withdraw first! The green hills are here, so I'm not afraid that there will be no firewood."

Hearing this, Gai Suwen pressed his big hand on the handle of the knife, and suddenly clenched, his expression unhappy.


"This is the Goguryeo Imperial City, this king's territory, this king's world, why should we withdraw!"


A blast of war drums sounded from outside the city wall.

Gai Suwen and the generals looked together!

Sergeant Tang ran towards the wall with countless siege ladders, followed by sword and shield soldiers.


Several huge siege vehicles were pushed out from the barracks by a group of brawny men in a rhythmic manner, followed by the shield soldiers and slowly moved towards the city wall.

Gai Suwen looked at everything in front of him, and his anger was ignited.

"Push those untouchables to the front line, against the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty!"

A general was shocked when he heard this.

"My lord! This... didn't this make them die?"

"The people's defense against arrows will surely make the soldiers chill, we...we will be unstable in the army, I'm afraid we will rebel!"

Hearing that Gai Suwen could no longer bear the anger in his heart, he drew out the golden knife and fell with one knife. The general instantly splashed blood for five steps.

"Music? I think you are a Datang running dog who is ruining the military's mind!"


Countless soldiers of the Tang Army rushed toward the enemy city with dense siege ladders.

The sword and shield soldiers were armed with war knives and grabbed the thick buckler, partly following the cloud kick, and partly following the small school own to rush towards the wooden bridge hoisted over the moat at the gate of the city.

"The city gate is open!"

A loud shout spread through the Tang army, and all the Tang army soldiers looked at it. The suspension bridge over the river at the gate of the city was slowly lowered, and the door opened.


Seeing the countless Tang sergeants who saw the city gate open, they all rushed towards the gate, raised their swords with their shields, and the sound of fighting screamed and quickly spread to the sergeants behind.

In a short while, the front shouted and stopped abruptly!

Countless people poured out from the city gate.

Tang Jun subconsciously stood up his shield and raised the knife, concentrating on guard.

In my eyes, countless people in ragged clothes and thin faces screamed bitterly, rushing out toward the doorway in a hurry.

At the same time as the miserable sound rang out from behind, it pushed and squeezed the people in front like a wave, and ran towards the Datang army, and faintly heard the horrified "killed" exclamation.

Seeing the unarmed people swarming with their hands tied back in front of them, the soldiers in the front row exclaimed.

"General! They rushed over here!"

Xionghong's voice shook the city.

"Don't move the knife! Hold on!"

Surrounded by a group of lieutenants, Tang Hao looked at the chaotic people pouring out of the city gate from a distance, and Gai Suwen's thoughts became familiar with him at a glance!

A lieutenant behind him looked from a distance, showing an angry expression:

"Unreasonably, Gai Suwen added swords and axes to drive away civilians who bound their hands to attack our army's siege."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of a burly young lieutenant, and he said solemnly:

"Since ancient times, I have not been merciful and dare to confront soldiers and soldiers, even if they are unarmed vagrants, what is the difference between soldiers and soldiers?"

"Gai Suwen is extremely cruel. As a monarch, he doesn't care about the life and death of his people. Why should we be merciful?"

Hearing this, the old lieutenant next to him felt tight, and looked at the young general and said quickly:

"The Great Tang is a country of etiquette. Tang law has something to say. If we don't cut down our defenseless people, how can we kill the killer?"

"Furthermore, Goguryeo will be like the grassland surrendering to the tribe, surrendering and paying tribute, it is easy to kill, but it is difficult to collect the heart."

Hearing the discussion, Tang Hao slowly got up.

"Procedure! Suspend the siege."

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