Martial Sage

Chapter 1143: The Crown Prince of Tang Dynasty

After returning to the General's Mansion that day, Tang Hao teased his one-year-old child to play.

The warm sunset shone on the child and himself, not far away Li Wanqing and Princess Changle held embroidery and had a happy conversation.

The big family married a few wives, and the backyard is a reduced version of "gong scheming". Fortunately, Changle and Wanwan are both Zhenguo wives, and they are sisters.

Especially Li Wanqing, although she can be self-willed sometimes, but to Changle and Tang Hao's children, as if she had come out, she thought that she was Wanwan's own baby without knowing it.

After arranging that little girl from Goguryeo, she has done a good deed. Sympathy and love are very clear here in Tang Hao.

While he was playing with the children, Wu Tong brought out an urgent letterhead, and looked at the Huang Pier envelope, which was definitely hard-to-buy internal information. When he opened it, it was really true.

The letter wrote: Three days later, the merchant ships returning from Southeast Asia will return with strange things.

Wouldn't it be the gold and silver treasures? That's kind of boring. The merchant's keen sense of smell told Tang Hao that the treasure of this ship is worthy of benefiting the generations and must not be missed.

The matter of establishing a reserve has always been the top priority when an emperor is in power. Just like a company choosing a good successor, the group will grow bigger and bigger and develop in the long run.

Over the past year, thanks to the concerted efforts of hundreds of officials, the national power of the Tang Dynasty has been flourishing. The general of the town, Tang Haoping, has expanded the territory and manpower, and the Tuguhun in the west has become peaceful due to the marriage and alliance between the Tang and Tubo. .

Faced with his outstanding achievements during his reign, the Emperor Tang, who had passed his time, began to think about his heir. It was Wei Wang Li Tai who was thinking about it earlier, because he was brave and good at fighting, and looked very similar to him when he was young.

And his youngest son, Li Zhi, was weak by nature and was initially out of Own's consideration.

But now, Li Tai was beheaded for rebellion, and now only Li Zhi is left.

After thinking about it, Li Zhi was born to the Queen of the eldest grandson, and supported by his uncle, grandson Wuji, who was the prime minister, he was named the prince.

This child was shy by nature and couldn't figure out many things by himself, which made Emperor Tang dislike it. You must know that at the age of Li Zhi, he was already the famous King of Qin.

If he is just a wealthy businessman in Chang'an City, ordinary people, Li Shimin thinks that this is not a matter at all, and even the lottery can be decided, but the choice of the crown prince is related to the continuation of the community.

At this time, Emperor Tang hesitated.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness King Jin wants to see you." Zhang Gonggong's report pulled Li Shimin's thoughts back.

"The pheasant slave is here? Let him in quickly." Tang Huang said cheerfully. Although Li Zhi was cowardly, the child was very filial. In this regard, Emperor Tang was very satisfied.

After sitting down, like a pair of ordinary father and son, Li Shimin began to recall the past with Li Zhi: "Zhier, do you still remember the scene when I talked with you about the "Book of Filial Piety"?"

"To the emperor, when you asked your children, the essence of the "Book of Filial Piety" is the most important thing for children to answer filial piety. They serve their parents in childhood, and serve the emperor when they grow up, and finally achieve the goal of self-cultivation. The gentleman served the emperor and went to the temple. I thought of being loyal to the country. When I retired, I thought of admonishing the monarch’s fault and correcting his evil.” Li Zhi still replied respectfully like a courtier.

Thinking of the death of Empress Longsun, the nine-year-old Li Zhi was moved in grief, and even the Emperor Tang was very moved.

As a king of a dynasty, compassion is sometimes more important than bravery, and with the assistance of veterans and young generals in the dynasty, Li Zhi should grow up quickly.

"Father, my son came here today. It is about the repair of the canal. He compiled a plan overnight." Li Zhi bowed his head and presented the written document. Emperor Tang was very satisfied with it.

For more than a year, my energy has been mainly focused on calming down the external troubles. Some internal people have not noticed yet. I didn't expect this child to have the intention to consider this problem for himself in advance.

Thinking of this, Emperor Tang couldn't help being very pleased. Since everything seemed so reasonable and reasonable, let Li Zhi be the crown prince.

In this way, the position of the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty logically fell under the name of Li Zhi.

In the imperial city of Chang'an, the grand ceremony of the Li Chu ceremony was held. Outside the Great Hall, hundreds of civil and military officials knelt to welcome the new prince. Li Zhi dressed in a four-clawed python robe sat on the sedan chair, solemnly all the way.

In the Great Hall outside the sedan chair, Li Zhi walked into the hall step by step to accept the hundred officials kneeling and worshiping, and the Chinese teacher read the ceremony according to the process.

After the grand ceremony of Li Chu was successfully concluded, Li Zhi became Li Tang's righteous prince.

Compared with Wei Wang Li Tai's vigorous and resolute manner, Li Zhi is shy. Every time he went to the dynasty, the Emperor Tang asked Li Zhi to listen to him, let him observe how he handled government affairs, and sometimes let him participate in the discussion.

Not to mention, Li Zhi's talents and insights made Tang Huang very satisfied.

However, writing talent alone is obviously not enough. Compared with his elder brothers, Li Zhi has to do a lot of homework, and all of this is seen by the town general Tang Hao.

Prince Li Zhi had to come up with a conspicuous achievement to convince Baiguan, and this opportunity was not only waiting for Li Zhi, Tang Hao was also waiting for an opportunity to perform meritorious service, and then spare no effort to assist him.

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