Martial Sage

Chapter 1145: Foreign Fruits and Vegetables

In about three days, the goods from Yu’s house in Yangzhou arrived at the gate of the General’s Mansion. The boxes of goods were unloaded from the carriage. In order to prevent bumps, shock-proof straw bags were placed around them.

The sky was clear and the breeze was smooth, and when I opened the box, there were vegetables and vegetables that had never been seen in Middle-earth, potatoes and tomatoes. In short, both the knowledgeable princess and Li Wanqing were very excited.

"What's this? It's like red onyx." Li Wanqing took out a red tomato with a look of excitement. This thing was red and juicy, so cute, she even rubbed her cheek lightly.

"Is it edible?" Princess Changle held a potato and studied it curiously, just like looking at the tribute jewelry before.

Lian Changle's son, a little baby who just learned to walk this year, hugged a golden corn and babbled.

In short, like a box of jewels salvaged from a sunken ship under the sea, the General Mansion surrounded these fruits and vegetables with curiosity and love.

"Will this thing be food poisoning after eating it?" The chef took a potato and said carefully.

"Or, let's eat these at noon and have a foreign meat." Tang Hao said.

The servants dare not try, so let the master come first.

With decades of experience in cooking and seasoning, the chef carefully prepared dishes with these overseas vegetables: boiled corn, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and potatoes and beef. . .

"As long as under my kitchen knife, there are no failed vegetables. As long as under my big spoon, everything is possible." Like the master Tang Hao, the chef of the General's Mansion is also confident, although these vegetables are the first time. Just met.

Potatoes and beef are the most popular. The noodles and potatoes have a strong flavor with beef. Princess Changle, who has always paid attention to keeping her figure, actually ate several pieces of meat and potatoes, and was full of praise.

Li Wanqing likes scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Of course, when Tang Hao was enjoying the delicious food, he considered the economic value of these vegetables, especially when he was eating potatoes.

In modern times, French fries and potato chips are essential for chasing dramas, but this is in the distant Datang, filling your stomach is the first major thing. Potatoes can be used as both a vegetable and a staple food, Tang Hao's intelligent brain is running fast.

I heard from the sailor on the boat that potatoes can grow in the sand. Compared with rice that requires fertile soil, this crop is really good to feed.

Moreover, fortunately, there was a planting instruction attached to the bottom of the box, which should have been recorded by the boss of the Yu family according to the dictation of the sailor.

Either Yangzhou Yu’s house is really a treasure house, and the service attitude is really good.

There happened to be a piece of sand in the backyard, or try to plant it first, Tang Hao remembered that potatoes are winter crops, and all other tomatoes have to be started after the beginning of the year.

Let Wu Tong prepare plant ash and manure, which are basically available in every family in the country. Wu Tong looked for a home casually, five copper coins, as much as he wanted.

Then find a small piece of land in the backyard with plenty of sunshine and good drainage, dig a hole, and spread the base fertilizer that Wu Tong looks for. Seeing the officials busy working in the field, the two ladies whispered in their hearts, this thing is not reliable.

Tang Hao cut a potato into several small pieces, and according to the instructions on the instructions, specially left a few sprouts, and then buried them. The interval between each potato was about the width of a slap.

Do not rush to water for a few days at first, and start watering after seven days.

After a busy day, when I went to bed, I felt a sore back and back, but Tang Hao felt happy in his heart and slept in Li Wanqing's room tonight.

For an unprecedented time, Li Wanqing squeezed Tang Hao's shoulder like a sweet cat.

"Last time our mother said, let's have our own child." Tang Hao blushed and said.

"Oh, she is in a hurry." Li Wanqing responded, "Don't Changle Big sis already has a child? Now our family is very happy."

Li Wanqing was lively, and she was always in turmoil before getting married. It would be really difficult for her to be a quiet husband and child for a while.

Tang Hao expected that the potatoes that were sown could germinate and bear fruit quickly, and could be planted on the land of Datang.

During the campaign, Tang Hao led the army through the hills and sandy areas, where rice and wheat crops were not suitable for growing rice and wheat crops, and there were few people.

If the own potato planting experiment is successful, then Datang’s limited land will be able to feed more people, and in famine years, some areas will not be hungry.

When he thought of this, Tang Hao felt that he was doing a great thing, something that had nothing to do with awards, fame and fortune, and something close to his heart.

Go to bed, it's too early. During this period of hard work, fortunately, things have achieved satisfactory results at the end. If the weather is good tomorrow, I will take my wife and son out for a walk.

But why is Own always a little worried? He always has a hunch as if he will meet someone and what will happen. After blowing out the candle, Tang Hao touched his chest.

I didn't do anything wrong with myself, so why bother with mediocrity, turned over and fell asleep with his arms around Li Wanqing.

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