Martial Sage

Chapter 1148: A Woman's Intuition

Intuition is a subtle thing, especially a woman's intuition.

It was just an accident. Li Wanqing ran into the crowd with Zhang Luzhu. Li Wanqing calmed down, thinking like a flywheel in her mind. The woman seemed to have seen it in her own wine shop, outside the city with a small semicolon.

"Zhang Luzhu was redeemed by the villain." Wu Tong explained at the time. Li Wanqing did not expect to meet again today.

The crowd was bustling and the streets were lit up with lights, but Li Wanqing's mood at this time was not as smooth and cheerful as when he came. It is reasonable to say that it was a person bought by Wu Tong. Out of sympathy, the officials took this woman in his store. .

Everything seems reasonable, but why does he always feel uneasy in his heart? Li Wanqing, who is usually open-minded, shook the sky in her heart.

Now it is the end of the new year, the students and husbands in the college are on vacation, and the business in the tavern is also deserted. Instead of raising an idler at a loss of money in the tavern, it is better to take Zhang Luzhu into the house as a maid.

Li Wanqing felt that his decision was absolutely absolute. Not only did he make full use of resources, but at the same time, he could see it every day. What's the tricky thing, you can understand it in the first place.

"Are you Zhang Luzhu in the tavern? The tavern business is not busy these days," Li Wanqing said, "just come to the mansion to do things.

Zhang Luzhu was both pleasantly surprised and surprised. The tavern in the suburbs was deserted, so how could there be such a lively city?

Besides, according to the current progress, it has been close to Tang Hao for unknown years and months. The decision to be the mistress of the house undoubtedly made Zhang Luzhu see a glimmer of light in the darkness.

"Big sis is a good decision," Changle Princess clapped her hands and applauded, "There are just a few people who can play with the children."

"Thank you, madam." Zhang Luzhu hurriedly saluted and thanked her.

In this way, Zhang Luzhu entered the General's Mansion and became the servant of the Inner Mansion.

Tang Hao has recently been busy experimenting with new crops, coupled with a lot of official duties, he is rarely seen during the day, and he did not go back to the mansion until late at night. When he returned to the mansion, he was basically in his own study.

The two mistresses treated their servants well. Although Li Wanqing was suspicious, they did not wear shoes for Zhang Luzhu, the new maid.

On the contrary, after the day's work is over, can Zhang Luzhu rest in the evening, but she didn't come to Datang to work as a maid. On this snowy night, Zhang Luzhu started his own operation.

The corridor of the General's Mansion is very long, and snow flakes of goose feathers float in from time to time.

A row of red lanterns hung on the promenade with a strong New Year flavor. The cold snowflakes fell on Zhang Luzhu’s handsome face, and a smile came to her mouth: "General Zhen Guo lived here very comfortably."

The two are also old acquaintances, one is the killer of the Gai dynasty, and the other is the general of the Tang Dynasty. If it weren't for the war, the two might be good friends. It's really good fortune to make people.

Slightly Fendai's face gradually became cold, Zhang Luzhu tiptoed along the corridor to Tang Hao's study, and gently buttoned the door.

She only heard the answer from the study "Come in." Then she squeaked open the door.

There is a small stove in the middle of the study room, with a warm flame swaying in the stove, and a large number of bookshelves are placed on one-person-high bookshelves. The dark colors of the bookshelves seem uncomfortable. The owner of the study was immersed in the screen behind the screen and stepped up to work, the figure of writing gestures cast on the screen, flickering.

After the suppression of Goguryeo, there is still a lot of follow-up reconstruction work to be done. After discussing military affairs with the generals during the day, Tang Hao will take time to see the new crop test fields in the suburbs.

After returning home at night, it was reasonable to take a break, but Tang Hao had to go through the final decision on official business sent by the subordinates. Most of them were about food issues, compensation for merchants in the north, and the transformation of agricultural tools on terraces in the south. Etc., everything is the top priority, not sloppy.

Along the way, Tang Hao himself had entangled in his own mind. He conquered the frontiers and explored the territory, and used some methods to pit some small merchants internally, and he couldn't bear it after all. But if in the short term, the military cannot raise enough food and grass, and domestic commerce cannot be rapidly revitalized, then Datang will face the threat of trilateral war.

The gentle sound of footsteps broke the silence in the study.

A tired look appeared on Tang Hao's face. When he looked up, his eyes sank: "...Zhang...Lvzhu?"

Zhang Luzhu bit her lower lip and looked straight at Tang Hao who was leaning on the long case to work. It was salty and bitter. . . All tastes are overwhelmed again.

The flames were still beating warmly, and the two figures looked at each other on the wall.

"Recently, I heard from my wife that the female clerk in the tavern recruited into the mansion to do things. Is that you?" Tang Hao's burly figure stood up from the carved golden satin chair and walked towards Zhang Luzhu.

A deep voice was almost squeezed out of his throat: "I want to sneak into the general's mansion just like on the battlefield. It's not good for my wife and children?"

Tang Hao's gaze fell sharply on her face: "Or are you planning to take the life of my general directly?"

At this time, Tang Hao's tone was full of killing intent.

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