Martial Sage

Chapter 1165: Tendon Noodles

In the early morning, I went from the palace to the generals' mansion, and chatted with my son-in-law for a long time. At noon, Li Jing's stomach was really hungry. The summer temperature cools down and the delicious beef tendon noodles are a good choice.

Tang Hao cut a bowl full of beef tendon noodles in the back kitchen, topped with fresh cucumber shreds, topped with balsamic vinegar, chili oil, mustard, garlic and other fragrant seasonings, and brought them to General Tang's old man.

To say that Tang Hao, the son-in-law, is really an all-rounder. Leading soldiers is like cooking food, and cooking food is as familiar as he leads soldiers. "Ceng Xiaoxian" may describe this kind of Realm.

Having just tasted the first bite, Li Jing nodded in satisfaction, and then continued to eat, until a large bowl of beef tendon noodles were in his belly, and said to himself Tang Hao, "How do you make this thing, it's so delicious? ."

"Father-in-law likes to eat, so he often comes to the general's mansion." Tang Hao smiled slightly.

Yesterday, Li Zhi went to the General’s Mansion to see how the vermicelli is processed. Tang Hao also made such a delicious bowl. After eating, Li Zhi said with satisfaction: “General Cham Ming’er writes a recipe to the Royal Kitchen. I will think about it the next day. Eat this delicacy."

It stands to reason that you should kneel down to thank you, but Tang Hao actually said, "Your Majesty, do you have two pennies?"

At that time, Li Zhi was sitting at the stone table under the grape trellis in the yard, smelling the fragrance of flowers, and enjoying the delicious heat relief.

When Tang Hao asked, Li Zhi took out two copper coins from his sleeves and put them on the stone table.

Tang Hao is not welcome, accepting the two coins, and said to Li Zhi: "Your Majesty, now I'm sending someone to send the recipe for making beef tendon noodles and the tools to make it to the palace. It's easy to get started. It is guaranteed that you will learn it as soon as you learn."

Li Zhi nodded, then took the cold under the grape trellis and continued to rest.

Tang Hao is a person who can think. As long as the emperor of Datang likes beef tendon noodles, there is no reason for the people below to dislike it.

If the Tang Mansion opened a beef tendon noodle restaurant in the most prosperous area of ​​Chang'an, with a huge plaque that said "the most beloved beef tendon noodles of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty" with a huge plaque, it would double the price of beef tendon noodles per bowl. The profits made in this way are not only impressive, but also unimaginable.

Tang Hao is not a fool, he will not do things that suffer.

After taking a nap, Li Zhi moved back to the palace. Tang Hao went to the backyard and saw Li Wanqing who was busy making vermicelli.

The mistress wears an ordinary blue turban on her head, and while spinning the huge grinding disc, Li Wanqing puts chopped potato pieces in her grinding eyes. The rope-wrapped mule, under Li Wanqing's beat and command, has an even footstep. Driven the grinding disc.

Li Wanqing's enthusiasm for work was very vigorous, and a beam of joy enveloped him from head to toe.

"Lady, let me help you, and you can rest for a while." Tang Hao looked at Li Wanqing and felt that his wife was unique in the world.

Li Wanqing took off the blue tie-dyed headscarf, wiped the sweat on her forehead with the headscarf, and said: "I used our homemade vermicelli and made a big pot of pork belly stew vermicelli in the kitchen yesterday. The youngest member thinks about it."

A happy smile appeared on Li Wanqing's face: "I am still aftertaste."

Not far away, Princess Changle brought a one-year-old Zheng'er with potatoes. Zheng'er's eyes were as beautiful as his mother's.

Once drinking, the second son of Fang Xuanling's wife asked him, "Dage, how did you make the two wifes get along so harmoniously?"

You must know that neither of the two ladies in the general's mansion is an easy master. If you change to another man, you will either be restless in the backyard, or this man has evaporated from the world.

"Because they have complementary personalities." Tang Hao, who was slightly drunk, had only one reason in his mind at the time.

Tang Hao turned the millstone, and his wife Li Wanqing, who was sitting on the side, began to chat with him: "Husband, many people outside said that you don’t look at friendship, family, and etiquette in business, but only talk about the pros and cons. , I can’t wait for the four words "I want to make money" on my forehead."

"What do you think of the lady?" Tang Hao said.

Li Wanqing said: "A gentleman loves to get money in a proper way, and the husband relies on his own ability to eat, and he is not scammed and has a clear conscience. Besides, the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. The purpose of trading is to make a profit. As long as we are not ignorant of our conscience, we will not make any hot money at all."

This is where Li Wanqing is better than other family mistresses. People say that a woman without talent is virtue, but Li Wanqing is not only talented but also has a beard-like mind, and can even inspire Tang Hao on key points.

If the two wives in the General's Mansion hadn't each possessed an open mind and kind-hearted character, Tang Hao wouldn't have been so relieved to engage in his inventions and create battles on the battlefield.

"I heard that the meteors in the goulan of Chang'an City are a kind of magical dance recently, which is dedicated to disturbing people's minds. Many business giants have bankrupted their families." Li Wanqing Eight Trigrams gave it a bit.

"Oh?" Tang Hao's surprised expression showed some curiosity.

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