Martial Sage

Chapter 1174: The Business of Wool

"Weichen has been instructed by His Majesty, and he will do his best for Datang Prosperity in the future." Tang Hao bowed his bow before retreating.

The eldest grandson also bowed before retreating.

Looking at Tang Hao who was walking away, Wu Zhaoyi, who was standing by and serving him, said in a puzzled manner: "Why did your Majesty let this kid go so easily today? The concubines felt that Tang Hao's child didn't tell the truth."

Li Zhi put down the memorial he was reviewing, picked up the new tea next to him and said, "Arrange this kid to investigate the dance of Prajna, and he did it. Of course, when the water is clear, there will be no fish. It is normal for this kid to have a little abacus in his heart. ."

Wu Zhaoyi's thoughts are like electricity, and he can understand Li Zhi's meaning. Mrs. Longsun was nearby, and Tang Hao was inconvenient to explain some words directly.

Tang Hao's old father-in-law Li Jing is sick, and Li Wanqing returns to her natal family to serve and take care of her father. In the summer, it was easy to get angry because of the hot summer. After Li Jing somehow, a tooth in his mouth got angry, and a swollen cheek bulged.

The tough Li Jing has always eaten well and slept well, but I don't know what happened this summer, but he got a fire in his mouth for an unprecedented time.

When Tang Hao's son-in-law went to visit, the table next to Li Jing's bed was filled with all kinds of cool and detoxifying medicines, which were very bitter, and a bitterness could be smelled from a distance.

"Boy, think about a good way to stop this burned tooth from hurting this old man." Li Jing said sadly.

Tang Hao was like a little Shiba Inu, smelling at the side of a bowl full of black medicine soup on the table. After smelling it for a while, he felt right to his stomach. He picked up one of the bowls and drank it as soon as he raised his neck. .

After drinking, Tang Hao touched the black soup at the corner of his mouth, and said unhurriedly: "Dear father, we really have a way to treat your old toothache. It can quickly relieve the pain, but it can cure it completely. No way."

Li Jing's expression didn't know how to describe it.

At this time, Tang Hao continued: "But you are always thinking about a thorough cure, and you need to drink all the medicine on the table."

"Boy, don't be poor, quickly get your panacea, the old man wants to pull out all the teeth in this mouth now, it's really painful." Li Jing couldn't wait that long.

Toothache is not a disease. It hurts really terribly. Let's stop the annoying toothache in the mouth. Because of this toothache, Li Jing hasn't had a good night's sleep for almost a month.

Tang Hao asked Wu Tong to bring a small box and open it. It was a painkiller prepared by Mr. Sheng Sun. I heard that it was made from a secret medicine obtained from the southernmost jungle, even if it was the pain of penetrates the bone on the battlefield of soldiers. It can be stopped.

However, the amount of medicine and the number of doses must be strictly in accordance with the old man's instructions, otherwise the antidote will become an addictive poison. At this point, Tang Hao was able to grasp the measure.

Li Jing couldn't wait to take the medicine according to Tang Hao's instructions. It didn't take long for the pain that had been entangled for more than a month to stop.

In less than a cup of tea, Tang Hao heard the old Zhangren's sleeping snoring from the inner room. Seeing Li Wanqing taking care of her in the room, Tang Hao left with peace of mind.

Wu Tong drove Tang Hao back to the General Mansion in a carriage. Before the huge gate of the General Mansion was opened, Tang Hao heard the sound of a spinning wheel coming from the garden.

As soon as the courtyard door opened, Tang Hao was stunned by the magnificent sight in the courtyard. Dozens of maids and maids in the palace were sitting beside the spinning wheel spinning wool, holding the Zhenger Princess Changle and directing the order.

The spinning wheels are lined up neatly, and young and strong teenagers are moving bundles of woven wool into the dry warehouse.

Wearing a veil, Wu Yueji was sitting at a table, taking account records seriously.

Looking at this situation, Tang Hao was very surprised. No one had done wool business before. Li Zhi's Big sis Shanyang princess opened a wool shop on the busiest street in Chang'an.

It’s also the blame for those people in Princess Mansion who can’t do business. Batches of good wool are piled up on the counter of the shop like a hill, waiting for customers to come to the door. They have been in business for three months. I don't know what is sold in the store.

Just looking at the "Yunyue Pavilion", I thought it was a high-ranking official who saw Own Juyou Xiaoshe on the lively street.

It hasn't opened for three months, which can make the shopkeeper anxiously angry. As a result, one day, a lady who wandered around the shop unintentionally saved the shopkeeper who was anxious about throwing herself into the river.

The lady is also a person who knows the goods. She touched the texture of the wool and asked about the price. Apart from anything else, the goods in the whole shop are all rounded up. You can buy as much as you want. After paying, you can send it directly to the house.

As for the specific address of the palace, it is not convenient to disclose it to outsiders because of its precious status. For a time, the story of the shopkeeper's luck became a legend in the fabric market.

Legend can become a legend, there must be some exaggeration in it. However, Princess Changle, Tang Hao's daughter-in-law, one of the mistresses of the General's Mansion, certainly did not rush to the legend.

The Tang family started to do woolen work. Princess Changle must have her own plans and calculations.

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