Martial Sage

Chapter 1192: Goodbye Zhikong

"Your kid is crazy." Zhang Lanzhi cursed inwardly.

In order to sit in a chair, Wang Xuance did not hesitate to isolate his own colleagues and consciously intensified the contradictions among a group of people. But looking at the kid's smug look, even if it was to start a war, this guy would do whatever he wanted, just to sit on a chair.

"You are really wild." Before leaving, Zhang Lanzhi said this to him.

"My mind is very clear," Wang Xuance said disapprovingly, "Datang is now undergoing great changes. What we want to create is an unprecedented prosperous age, and we must break free from shackles and shackles. If you don't have the courage, you will be honest. Being an official of the state capital in the hinterland of Datang, you will basically look the same every day of your life."

At this time, Wang Xuance said, "I am different. I want to look at the highest mountain and capture the densest scenery." Zhang Lanzhi ran away.

This bastard is now not the "dangerous wall" where "the gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall", it is completely a volcano, an active volcano that erupts at any time.

The Buddha statue as high as three feet stands in broad daylight, and the people standing at the feet of the Buddha seem so small. The Buddha's eyes looked compassionately at the sentient beings, with some mercy and some reluctance.

The believers dipped the willow branches with clean water to bathe the Buddha statue, and the clean water after bathing the Buddha statue would flow down the huge figure of the Buddha.

Master Youyan folded his hands together, and his expression was full of pride. Waiting for Tang Hao to arrive. Today is the last day of the Fa conference. Tomorrow, this Buddha statue will be covered by a curtain, waiting to build the palace.

As Master Youyan entered the deepest part of the temple, Zhikong, who had returned from Tianzhu, dressed in a simple and clean monk robe, sitting on the futon and smiling at Tang Hao.

Behind Zhikong were the two weird-looking people. The Peacock King sat on the frost-covered bluestone floor with magnificent flower-shaped tattoos on his hairy legs.

"General Tang should not be surprised. He was originally an ascetic monk. The sky is the tent, the status bed, and the sky full of Star is the decoration in the room. You can embrace the green mountains without pushing the window. Drink a sip of water and eat a bite of rice. It is desire. Anything that does not take time is great freedom, and the poor monk is very envious."

Zhikong's eyes are full of warmth, no troubles, no trace of sorrow, the whole person is sitting there like a Buddha, even more like a Buddha than Buddha.

This long trip to Tianzhu was a practice for Zhikong, Tang Hao thought. The effect must be better than those of the Buddhist scriptures.

Tang Hao even thought, in fact, as long as Zhikong walks to Tianzhu, he has already completed his own practice, and there is no need to bring some tree leaves back.

"Master, the practice belongs to the practice. What do you do when you come back with some scumbags, and also bring back three boring objects? Don't you think the faith in the Central Plains is not chaotic enough?" Tang Hao said.

Zhikong's expression was very relieved: "You are not me, how would you know my joy? The Laoshizi in your eyes is the supreme melody in my opinion, and the distaste in your mouth is all the great virtues and monks who have achieved merit. I heard that you have fallen into the dust, Spiritual Roots have been wiped out, and you have created a boundless killing, and the poor monks can see your body’s bondage. If you leave it, follow me into the mountain to practice, and you can always get through the Red Lotus River. , Go to the other side to take a look."

"Master, you have lost your hair and you don't know the bliss of Hongchen at all. Why don't I take you to Pingkang, roll in the hongchen, and after you taste the red and soft taste of Hongchen, how about Buddhism's bliss?"

Tang Hao has always spoken simply and directly.

At this time, the expression on Zhikong’s face did not change at all. Tang Hao said such almost blasphemous words. Zhikong didn’t even change the expression in his eyes. He still looked at Tang Hao with pity as before. .

It's like seeing someone who can run to enjoy a table full of delicacies, but chew the roots of weeds.

"They all talk about refuge, and if the poor monk can save the general in Lefang, how about this stinky skin of the poor monk is tarnished. The brothel is a place where the sorrows of the world meet. My Buddha is merciful, not as good as tomorrow. How about going to Baoyue Tower?"

Tang Hao was speechless. Monk Zhikong had long regarded everyone and all places as people and places indistinguishable from him. The brothel Lefang was no different from his Zen room, and the women in Lefang had nothing to do with Tang Hao. the difference.

Tang Hao took out a book from his arms and handed it to Tang Hao, and continued: "The cause of the past bears the fruit of today. This "Journey to the Western Regions" was written down by me on the way back to China and recorded along the way. Fifty-six countries in the Western Regions."

"Master Zhikong, your Karma knot is a bit big. I need your "Journey to the Western Regions" just to make it easier for Datang to attack these fifty-six countries. Now Datang’s army is waiting for you. Once you have your "Western Regions" "Journey" led the way, and the entire Tang army swept across the Western Regions like locusts. So, Master, I found it more appropriate for us to be the Demon King of The Underworld together."

Zhikong chanted the Buddha's name, and didn't get angry. Instead, he smiled and said, "It should be my sin, and the poor monk will bear it."

Maybe it's like this when you become an expert, even if there is a huge noise outside the window, it won't make him feel the slightest move.

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