Martial Sage

Chapter 1201: Reconciliation reached

Elder was very satisfied with the etiquette of the young man from Datang. He smiled and said, "Why is General Tang so furious?"

"I'm just here to get my gold." Tang Hao pointed to Wang Shuan who was lying on the ground and said, "By the way, take this useless waste back for disposal, but Elder, don't you give me a reason to beat my guard? "

"The venerable Elder Saye is dead, and his entourage is also dead. The precious disc of light was chopped in half. Under such a sudden situation, two people came to my temple to implement the agreement made with the dead, wise. General, if it were you, what would you do?" Big Elder said with good reason.

"The two people must have been chopped up and fed to the dogs. I am a general, so I can do this naturally. You are a foreigner, what guts do you dare to move my family? You said that Saya Elder, led people to sneak into me in the middle of the night Home." At this point, Tang Hao's eyes were filled with cold light.

"Even though I killed one, I still forgave them kindly. In respect of the gods, I agreed to his request. Elder, do you think this can be easily taken over?"

After listening to Tang Hao's statement, Elder turned around and gave orders. The giant man walked out carrying a heavy box and placed the box at Tang Hao's feet.

"General, this guy hurt me." Wang Shuan's flattering expression made people want to beat him, and money is always a good medicine. The general opened the box and threw two pieces of gold to Lao Wang, and his illness disappeared immediately.

"The Tang family needs face." Tang Hao pointed to the outside, and Elder nodded in understanding, "Do you know who did it? I really want to know that the Tang family has been investigating everywhere. The Tang family is not afraid of being scammed, but hates being caught. People use it. If you know who did it, please let me know."

Elder nodded again, Tang Hao said nothing next, waved into the three guards, each carrying a box, and followed General Tang out of the gate.

"Big Elder, four thousand five hundred taels of gold is a lot of money for us, why should it be handed to them so easily?" A young lecturer was puzzled.

"Don’t take money too seriously. The role of these gold is beyond your expectation. At least the Tang family is already on the same side with us, and those who kill and destroy the light disk. Sooner or later they will show their feet, we just need Wait patiently, and then help achieve our goals with the help of the Tang family."

At this time, Elder’s eyes glowed with hope: “We have little hope of returning to our hometown. Tang is our last place to live. If we don’t slander, we won’t be arrogant.”

Liu Ji has been guarding the door of Vermillion Bird, seeing Tang Hao returning with his group of people, as the famous one-eyed old thief on the Green Forest Road. Just looking at the size of the box and the heavy steps of the guards, you know that this kid has made another windfall.

"The kid has made a fortune. With a stick of incense, you robbed people of more than four thousand taels of gold. The business is doing well."

Then he said: "That ruined temple really has a lot of money, and the old man also has to consider whether to make a vote. Anyway, it's only been banned for two months. This is a good deal."

Tang Haoquan was supposed to be farting, but Tang Hao heard the words "restricted for two months" really.

"Uncle Liu, don't want to tease me, kid, I just went to collect a little debt, it's about half an hour before and after, don't provoke anyone, you are generous, let go of the kid." Tang Hao begged the elders like a child.

"Of course it's okay for the old man to let you go, but Empress Zhaoyi already knows that you led someone to attack the Vermillion Bird gate and beat the city gate. This is not once or twice." Liu Ji said solemnly.

"We didn't think we saw it the first two times. This time it was different. The magistrate Wang entered the city at the back door of your house, and they went directly to the palace to tell you the charges of being domineering. Zhaoyi was furious. It's not that the decree is all here with me. Reading is banned for two months, and those books are not allowed to be published if they are not memorized."

Here comes this set again. Confinement, this is not one or two times, just go home and not go out.

Just as Tang Hao was about to take the guards out of the city to go home, Liu Ji stretched his arms to stop Tang Hao and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Is it banned? It's not the first time I go home and lock myself in the study. It will be fine for two months." Tang Hao said nonchalantly.

"Boy, there is no such good thing this time, do you know that Qujiang's abandoned garden? It's that house. Most of the imperial abandoned garden was downed, and your banned place is there."

Speaking of this, Liu Ji didn't forget to say: "Oh cow, the royal guard is at the door. Except for the book, there are only two naan cakes and no tea in one day. Boy, the lady is angry this time."

Duan Hong came out as soon as Liu Ji flashed, and there were four or five big men standing in the corner with all stone faces. Duan Hong took out a piece of paper, shook it, and slid it into Tang Hao's arms, smiling. Greeted the guards to hold him.

Tie Tang Hao firmly with three thick-fingered ropes.

"Duan Hong, you fucking, tie me this way of tying livestock." Tang Hao shouted angrily.

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