Martial Sage

Chapter 1210: Long-term consideration

"Sir, they are doing bad things, do you still recommend them to be promoted?" Cui Jiulang was very dissatisfied with what his teacher Tang Hao did.

"Master Guan sent you back when the manpower was most in short supply. Isn’t it just for you to handle this? You don’t care whether he is promoted or demoted. As long as they leave Yuezhou, it’s fine, one from the sixth rank, one Zheng Qipin, you make me bother, aren’t you humiliating me? Just knowing that you’re doing work, you don’t know how to look up and look at the road. It seems that if I don’t go to the local governor, you won’t have a good life. Passed." Tang Hao still showed no mercy to his former disciple.

"Really, sir, you come back to Yuezhou as a governor? Hahaha, great, as long as you sit in the lobby, I want to see which bitch dare to squeak." Cui Jiulang was overjoyed.

"Don't be too happy, whether I can go to Yuezhou. It depends on how well you lay the foundation. If you don't implement everything before I go, I will let you go to Dongting Lake to build an island." Tang Hao has always done what he said.

"The senior students who graduated this year, their internship is in Yuezhou. This is the best I can help you. Let's do it for yourself." Tang Hao told the truth.

Cui Jiulang said goodbye, walked to the door and turned back, "Sir. Those two bastards did all the bad things to us, and even collapsed our house. Let us soak in the grass shed for a month of rain. , Let them get promoted so easily. To be honest, the students feel very uncomfortable in their hearts."

"Who told you that it must be a good thing to be promoted? The imperial court is now expanding the horse guards. There are both in Mobei and on the grasslands. I heard that the pastures on Yinshan lack a guard and a guard, and one of them is a positive sixth. Rank, one is from the sixth rank, first-level promotion."

"It happens to be a first-level official promotion, and it happens to be a horse-horse for the court with a hundred beards." If it weren't for his proud disciple, Tang Hao wouldn't bother to say such things.

After reading their detailed plan, Tang Hao’s liking for Guan Ting’s was raised again to first-level, “Old guy, this is trying to fight his life. Those young college students have become blacks. The guy must look worse."

The format of the plan is the standard academy format, with objectives, expectations, breakthroughs, emergency mechanisms, and backup plans. . . . Tang Hao even saw the rendering of the city in the future. As long as another palace is built, it will be a vivid version of Chang'an City.

What does it mean to move the huge Chang'an to Lianghu? Ready to rule the river? There is only one Chang'an City, and there must be only one. With the emperor Li Zhi's arrogant mentality, you have created the second Chang'an City. Where can he put his face?

Tang Hao had to draw the picture by himself. He didn't leave the house and saw no one. He took Di Renjie, Xiao Wuzi, and Shi Shi to paint for three days.

The whole picture is extremely deceptive. There are two tall buildings on the east and the west, the bell tower and the drum tower are high into the clouds, the blue water of Dongting Lake, the white sails on the lake, seem to have fishermen's songs to answer each other.

Dongting Lake is simply an enlarged Qujiang Pond. A corner of the eaves faintly flew out of the bushes, enough to make the crazy nobles who want to buy a house in Chang'an show their minds of murder and robbery. The map also marked the dark ditch. The huge hidden ditch and drainage canal ensure that there is no trace of filth in the city.

After completing such a rendering, you can sell the house. Tang Hao has always done things like this. The house in Yushan is like this, and the house in Xinghuafang is like this. You can’t even get the dross out of Yuchi’s when you start late. The noise room was given to the old Chen's family for nothing, and now it is the Magic Treasures of the Cheng family who drove away the villain.

Ever since Tang Hao said that the room could be used for meditation, the house has become Li Xiaogong's house again. The entire Yushan house can be bought at will. As for the other houses, they have long been not for sale in every family.

When the giant picture was unfolded in front of the emperor by Di Renjie and Xiao Wuzi in real time, Li Zhi got off the seat and asked about it with a bamboo pole. For a while, he held the tower and asked why the front wall was convex and concave. After a while, I asked if the spring water on the mountain was enough for 500,000 people.

He also asked Tang Hao why the land and water wharf was built in the city.

"In fact, in the eyes of Weichen, the most useless city walls are these walls. If the enemy can hit here, how much does it matter whether there is a wall? It will happen sooner or later, but in order to leave a little hope for the children and grandchildren, Wei The minister still added the city wall." Tang Hao explained to the emperor in detail.

"I also made them into the most terrifying fortifications based on the understanding of the Weichen own. There is a term here called a bastion." Tang Hao pointed to the map and said.

The emperor asked: "Why are there no walls?"

"That Weichen just said it, what you said is wrong, don't be angry."

"I never get angry when I hear something that makes sense." Li Zhi said clearly.

"Since ancient times, we have built houses for shelter from the wind and rain, and for defense. In ancient times, we could only rely on simple tools to fight against the sky, the ground, and the wild beasts. We were not in danger all the time. When we sleep, we need a safe place." General Zhenguo was right.

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