Martial Sage

Chapter 1212: Destroying the merits

It's because they themselves have to spend half a year's time and money in vain.

The silver borrowed by Tang Hao from a large Chang'an account is for interest, and the interest of the bank also needs to be paid for half a year in vain, so that it will be a large sum of money.

These two people were bewitched by others. In order to own a little bit of profit, they dared to delay the time for more than half a year. Thinking of the money, Tang Hao felt like fried food.

"Hancheng was the founding hero. The first emperor conquered Lei Dapeng. It was Hancheng who opened Yuezhou City to protect him. Later, he was unwilling to be an official but only for the people. I personally came to visit and asked him to go out and commit himself to a small official. Now that the generals can’t help themselves, they are sent to the Northland. Is this your gentleman’s way?” Qi Dali’s tone was very firm.

He pointed to General Zhen Guo directly and asked, if it were not for fear of Tang Hao's power, Qi Dali, who was a military commander, would rush to fight.

exile? Isn't this old guy making a mistake?

"One was promoted from the sixth rank to the sixth rank official, and the other was promoted to the sixth rank from the positive seventh rank. You are still an official servant, don't you even understand this issue?" Tang Hao also argued for reasons.

Qi Dali said loudly: "What's the crime of Hancheng? How can Qian Sheng be humiliated? To be humiliated by the powerful? In such a court, I Qi Dali is ashamed to be in the company, so I resign to your majesty and be my idler in the mountains and accompany the elderly. Friends go to the Yinshan Mountain to herd horses."

"I don't care if you resign or not, but I want to tell you why they were taken to Yinshan Mountain. If they didn't decide to take care of you, your whole family would go to Yinshan Mountain for horse grazing, do you know? "Looking at the old man who still didn't understand the situation, Tang Hao simply clarified the words.

Qi Dali looked up to the sky and laughed, as if he didn't care at all. He pointed to Tang Hao and said: "The old man's life is incorruptible, and his family's property is no more than 600 acres in Zhongtian. It is still Guantian. There is only an old wife, one son and one daughter in the family. What can you do for me?"

"As long as you can take out 300,000 sticks to fill the holes you made, I will not only submit a letter immediately, requesting that the two of them be transferred back, but also kowtow and apologize to them in front of the full length of the people. What do you think?" Tang Hao Said confidently.

"Nonsense, the total wealth of Hancheng's family can't be more than a thousand. Qian Sheng is no overnight food. The salary is scattered to the widows as soon as he gets it. Moreover, Yuezhou's taxes in 50 years have not been 300,000. Are you trying to frame them?" The old guy was still kept in the dark.

"If it weren't for their ignorance, it would be considered light to copy all the books. Look at this dossier, Qi Dali, you should retire. Otherwise, the more people like you, the hapless Datang will be." Tang Hao borrowed the documents and the banknotes. Passed it to the old man.

Simply by the way, he pushed the abacus over. Qi Dali looked at these borrowed documents and texts. The more he looked at the loan, his face became paler, his hands trembled, and the paper in his hand was beeping as he dangled.

Tang Hao was right. According to the figure he finally calculated, he lost 300,000 guana in half a year.

"Now you are satisfied. Those folks of yours are all waiting to suck blood from the imperial court. There is no compensation in all dynasties. Isn't it good? This time the imperial court offered compensation just to not hurt the people and gave birth. So many things." Tang Hao has always said something.

"If you just plant a few more trees, build a few more ruined houses, and open a few more wasteland, such small means, we will just laugh it off, and you actually asked for you to rebuild the village in the new city in the future. The village, and it must be exactly the same."

This kind of request has already brushed the bottom line of General Zhenguo.

Since He Shao took the economic budget sheet, Tang Hao almost wanted to kill when he saw it. It was a good time half a year ago, and the land that could have been taken by only five tongs of money has been smelled fishy by some. Merchants have fought for twenty.

At this time, Guan Tinglui, who was still dull, didn't realize this problem, and froze with Chang Shi and Sima for more than half a year. It was only after He Shao's delegation passed the news that Tang Hao discovered that what Cui Jiulang was talking about were minor problems.

How to lower the land price and prevent the country's money from being earned by black-hearted businessmen is the real problem that Tang Hao needs to face.

This is a group of good opponents, no shame, no scruples, and super learning ability. Tang Hao only speculated on land prices twice, and learned everything from them.

Since the new city is already the imperial government's established development strategy, there is naturally no room for change. It is more expensive to speculate on land.

"General Tang, this matter was caused by the old man, so the old man should bear it. Three hundred thousand guan, even if the old man is skinned and boned, it can't be sold at this price. Why not, the old man asks for punishment, and goes to Yinshan to pasture the horse." Qi Dali's tone was calm.

"Han Cheng and Qian Sheng should stay and make a mistake. Compared with Guan Ting, their contacts are more familiar and they are more convenient to do things. The old man did something wrong and stayed in Chang'an without any face, so I apologize to your majesty. As for the cause For losses, the general must think of ways, but the old man is incompetent, so he can only punish himself."

Seeing Qi Dali walking out crouched, Tang Hao wanted to yell at this time. Everyone had done something wrong, so he put on a slap in the face, completely ignoring the troubles of cleaning up the mess. .

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