Martial Sage

Chapter 1221: Shifting Sight

The gentleman from the academy is rushing to Shadao day and night, and once the research is over, he will announce the relevant content of the matter to the whole country.

"Forget it, you don’t know what’s going on there. There is nothing wrong with doing this. The suspicion failed, and I can’t blame it. After all, it’s my selfish heart that makes it difficult for your Majesty to do it. This is a mistake of the minister. Tomorrow I pleaded guilty to your Majesty, and I won't talk about Sand Island any more from now on."

Tang Hao said it very sincerely.

Li Xian saw that Tang Hao’s speech was very organized, and his eyebrows were clear. Did he suppress his curiosity, and asked quietly, "Xiao Tang, is the sandy soil? You also give your brother a quasi-confidence. Ah, I will help you speak well then."

"No... nonsense, who said that there is a smell of soil? Could that thing appear in the world? I heard that Bai Yujing..." Tang Hao suddenly covered his mouth in horror and headed towards Li Xian indiscriminately. Give a polite.

He went straight into his own room, shut the door tightly, and didn't open the door if anyone knocked on it.

The prince did not come alone. There are many entourages. Officials who record daily life are indispensable for official visits like this. There are also many guards of honor. Many people’s eyes have a strange light. The name "Bai Yujing" is not. Heard it for the first time.

At this time, Yuezhou was full of sorrows and mists. Guan Tinglian was wearing sackcloth, and she constantly took out the wotou from the bamboo baskets held by the students, and distributed them to the victims one by one. The Jiangnanxidao relief was not so effective.

As a result, these people are not victims of the disaster in the actual sense. They have taken the blame for themselves today, so they only provide the simplest life conditions, and the others are ignored.

Guan Tingluo did his best to provide life supplies to the victims. However, with the arrival of spring, Yuezhou Fuku was no longer able to provide more food and money to help these economic victims. It is not only the villagers who are desperate, but the merchants who want to do speculation are also getting poorer day by day.

When Songjiang found the soil, Tang Hao became mad, and the pace of developing the two lakes was delayed indefinitely.

No one in the court mentioned Yuezhou anymore, and Guan Ting will leave in April. Han Cheng and Qian Sheng were all dressed in sackcloth. They were all twenty years older than before. They also helped distribute the food they raised. Unfortunately, no one appreciates them.

Grain can be taken, but the eyes are indispensable. Some villagers will even spit on them, and the rich who have lost their homes will tell them to own a home. At the beginning, they bewitched the villagers and said that all the land can be sold at a high price.

Who knows that the price rises, the villagers sold their homes, thinking that with the money, it would be easy to build better houses in other places and the whole family could get rich, but things were completely different from what they thought. The price of the house was still rising, as if there was no end to it, so under the bewilderment of the businessman, he started buying it again with his own money.

Now that the land price has fallen again, the own money has been swallowed up by the black hole without a trace. Han Cheng and Qian Sheng couldn't figure out how, where did the money go? Where did the money go? In the same place, why does the same money evaporate from the world?

What they didn’t know was that the money was taken away by Tang Hao. Not only the money from the villagers’ land sales was taken away by Tang Hao, the money from those unscrupulous merchants was also taken away by Tang Hao. Tang Haokong took the white wolf from Yue. In a small place in the state, he drew away 400,000 tons of huge sums of money and left.

The collapse of real estate without financial support will happen sooner or later. The book loss and the actual loss are two different things. The bank has long had the function of deferring the preservation. Starting from Yuezhou to Chang'an, it takes three months to come and go. The billing period.

As long as Tang Hao makes up for this hole within three months, they will not lose a penny, because the accounts of the two places are balanced, and what Qi Dali sees is the accounts of Chang'an, and there are only expenditures on the accounts. , But there are still three full months before it takes effect.

And three months, enough time for Tang Hao to turn around in this time, now Yuezhou officials from top to bottom, in the eyes of the people, there is no good person, no matter what they say, the people will think that this is deceiving them.

So when everyone knew that Tang Hao had invited a large amount of materials and food to the court to rebuild a shelter for them, countless chanting voices sounded among the people.

Although the newly built house is far away from the state city, it is very clear that this is the court this time to provide a benevolent government for the people who have suffered innocent disasters. As for those businessmen, no one cares, don't they have land in their hands? There is money when you sell it, and there is no need for relief.

"Father, Tang Hao gave up the new city, and we also lost a full 300,000 guan. Although we won above the new city, the child is always unhappy." A hand with two fingers missing, gently Knead the shoulders of an old man in black.

"You haven't won yet. At the beginning, for the father and him, he had a stalemate for two hours in the spring rain. He sat on the steps, watching the leaves sweeping for his father, and did a lot of trials and said many unpredictable things. Kid. Tang Hao has patience beyond his age." The old man said meaningfully.

This time, if it wasn't for Tang Hao's grief, the old man always felt that his child would have little chance of winning.

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