Martial Sage

Chapter 1232: White Dragon Fish Suit

Under the pergola in the distance, the Sixi family’s glutinous rice was sold one after another, and the bowls in the bamboo baskets nearby were all stacked on the ceiling.

The four guys were so busy that they didn't even have the time to breathe. The side door of the academy opened, and sixteen armored samurai stood across the hatchback with swords. Everyone waited, none of them dared to cross the huge boulder with "Royal Jade Huashan Academy" written on it.

Today is the day for Mr. Li Gang to show his authority. Wearing the azure robe of the academy, he sat at the gate, his white hair combed untidy and his complexion was rigorous.

Tang Hao and Yuan Zhang were standing behind Li Gang, Xu Jingzong, Zhao Yanling and others, along with Mr. Zhu Lin who had just rushed back to the academy, and teachers from foreign countries were all waiting at the gate.

They are today's invigilator teachers, all dressed neatly, even the Western Region teacher who is the most able to show a moth is wearing a fat green gown in a regular manner.

Mr. Li Gang raised his eyes and glanced at the sun. He was helped by Tang Hao and got up from the wheelchair. He walked to the statue of the master, cleaned his hands, put on the incense respectfully, and worshipped three times.

Then turning around, Mr. Li Gang shouted loudly: "The heavens testify that my Yuhuashan Academy will be fair. The earth is a lesson. My Yuhuashan Academy will treat everyone equally, regardless of whether it’s the officials or the poor. Son, whether you are a master or self-taught, as long as you get excellent grades, you can enter the academy. This is a matter of Yuhua Mountain. If you have a long-term spirit..."

Every time Li Gang reads a sentence, the rest of the academy masters follow.

Until the end of the recitation, everyone worshipped the heaven and the earth together, a huge burning incense was lit, the ceremonial officer dragged a long voice to open the dragon gate, and the main gate of the academy was symbolically opened.

The examinees are very sensible. Every examinee who walks in front of Li Gang has to bend down and salute, then walk into the side door and be taken to the examination room by the senior students.

Li Zhi came early, Fang Xuanling and Changsun Wuji accompanied him to watch from a distance, and they all wore regular clothes. A big fan per person, this thing is now the standard equipment for scholars.

"The laws are strict. Compared to the first exam, it looks like the official exam is better now. I just don’t know if their exam questions this year will be more difficult. I heard from Tang Hao that Mr. Li Gang would not let him participate in the question. It is difficult to guarantee the fairness of the test because of the confusion of interpersonal relationships, so he knows nothing."

Fang Xuanling said emotionally: "That kid was busy taking a sand island to deceive others. How can he have time to care about these trivial matters, so he doesn't know, the old minister is not surprised."

"That said, the matter of Xirang is rumored? No wonder he insisted that there was never any Xirang, but why he got the land in Yuezhou in a blink of an eye. I am really curious. I heard that it cost more than 30,000. Guan, this is equivalent to the land price in the suburbs of Chang'an, isn't it a bit expensive?"

The academy examinations are much more thorough than the imperial examinations. Now everyone just needs to wait for the result.

When Li Zhi came to the academy, he mainly wanted to ask Tang Hao about the land and the price of land in Yuezhou. He had never believed in the matter of relieving the earth, and he always felt that he had inextricably linked with Yuezhou.

Changsun Wuji shook his head and said: "It is impossible to confirm that those magical phenomena still exist, and the island is still going into the sea. This is a fact."

The sand island, as its name implies, is full of sand. The government has used manpower and material resources to dig holes on the island. Unfortunately, spring water will gush out at a depth of less than one foot, and the ground is full of sand. It is impossible to confirm the location of the soil.

Li Zhi smiled and pointed to Fang Xuanling and said, "Aiqing should have sold that sand island to Tang Hao. No matter what he finds on that island, the assets will fall into my hands in the end. Tang Hao never lacked the subject's consciousness. He flew a hundred thousand coins. Hahahaha."

"The old minister is faint, please suffer your majesty." Fang Xuanling leaned over the cupped hands and gave a salute.

"What are you stupid? Just kidding. Tang Hao wouldn't give away those 100,000 pennies to the court for nothing. Just because of his love for money and fate, he might just want to make the matter so turbulent, so that he can fish in troubled waters. No matter what, the court is anyway. There is nothing to lose. Let's go to the academy now to see those candidates who are doing business."

Li Zhi walked towards the academy with the two big guys. The most clear thing was the emperor himself. Those people failed the bet and suffered heavy losses, but they were very graceful.

Many doubts that haunted Li Zhi's mind suddenly became clear, the smiling corpse was relieved, and the crying corpse solved the confusion. The two corpses benefited Li Zhi a lot, and he didn't know what kind of corpses would appear below.

Two gentlemen Li Gang and Yuan Zhang went to the examination room, but Tang Hao remained at the door, waiting for the arrival of the emperor. Seeing the emperor Li Zhi, he didn't need to salute. The emperor's white dragon fish suit was naturally unwilling to be recognized by others.

Fang Xuanling said to Tang Hao unkindly: "General Tang, the old man is going to tell you good news. The court allows you to buy the island from the Tang family. You will send the gold and silver in a while. It will be ready soon."

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