Martial Sage

Chapter 1257: The Red Knight

In a pasture under the Yin Mountain, plump pasture covers the whole land, and Gesang flowers are in full bloom everywhere.

A chubby little girl ran in front, followed by a gray-haired old lady who followed closely. The four-year-old girl was when she was naughty.

The little girl's short legs moved briskly on the grass, and the panting old woman put her hands on her knees and shouted: "Little lady, Xiao Mu will come back soon. Your mother is coming back. Be careful she beats you."

Tang Jiada Miss Tang Xiaomu ignored it. Continue to run up to the top of the slope, the flower skirt was soon covered with the dog-la-flower seeds in the grass, and did not stop until the top of the slope. Two chubby hands gathered on his mouth and shouted: "I am here..."

The eunuch finally climbed to the top of the slope, holding Tang Xiaomu dozingly and watching her crawling with dog-like seeds, and helped her pick it down one by one.

And the loud and melodious pastoral songs in the distance spread over, and with the singing, white clouds-like sheep rushed out from the distant mountains. The sound of bleating can be heard from far away, first the sheep, and then the mooing cows.

Dozens of able-bodied men galloped back and forth between the flock of sheep and the herd, constantly pushing back those who ran out of the team, and a few large-headed dogs made thunderous roars from time to time.

At the time when cattle and sheep were sturdy and growing, the Tang family did not raise large horses, except for hundreds of good horses for their own use. As long as something is linked to combat readiness, there will be no good results. Once a horse is raised, it will become a key target of the military's control.

A fiery red steed came out of the flock. The red knight wearing a veil coughed slightly, and the steed steed galloped up like a ball of fire on the green grass.

Tang Xiaomu ran as soon as he saw his mother let go, but couldn't run away from her mother who was tall and leggy. He was pulled over, hugged tightly in his arms, and kissed. A strong smell of sheep made Tang Xiaomu almost fainted.

"The smell of sheep, the smell of sheep... The eunuch is coming soon, mother is going to stinks to me."

Mu Niang likes to sing with a lamb in her arms most, and she will naturally get the smell of sheep. A qualified shepherd will think this is a natural taste. Why don't my own daughters like it? That day, the eunuch and daughter pushed Mu Niang into the tent to take a bath. The eunuch waited for Mu Niang to take a bath, and Tang Xiaomu was completely free.

"Nairi" is a big day, and it was Jie Li's favorite day. Because every day, he can receive a lot of treasures and cattle and sheep value. After these years, he has not made it. In order to be able to perform "Qin Wang's Breaking the Formation" well, he almost went to enjoy everything, spending all day in his small house. Here, study dance techniques.

Those tribes who came to pay tribute were not qualified to go to Chang'an, so they could only give gifts to the Frontier Army of the Tang Dynasty on the "Nari" day, and ask them to give their hearts to Tian Khan on their behalf.

Money is a rule that has existed since ancient times. The rule of the border army is half, that is, how much to give to your majesty, and how much the border army must hold back. The amount given to your Majesty has been set long ago, and no one dares to change it at will.

The other half needed by the frontier army needs to be paid out by the leaders on the grassland.

Many people have come outside the fence of the ranch, and the big guys are busy setting up tents.

Tang Jiu took people to build a big shed right in the middle, which had already been built. A big Tang Family Fanyun Flag is being dragged onto the flagpole, so it looks so majestic.

A pair of long horns sounded, and some guys riding horses ran out of the mountain. Those who wear leather jackets in summer must be Tubo people. They generally don't dare to come to Yinshan Mountain.

The general forbade them to bring their weapons down, and they would be beheaded if they were caught, but for the sake of life, they would occasionally come to Yinshan to make a deal. And Mu Niang was wearing a veil, her own costumes, and a flying phoenix hairpin inserted. The craftsmanship was exquisite. As long as she walked, the flying phoenix seemed to be flying.

Mu Niang likes this hairpin. Because there is no Princess Changle, this was given to Mu Niang personally by the emperor. It was rewarded by her daughter when she was born, and she must take it with her today. The eunuch said, this is the identity.

The little girl was holding two buns, followed by a big dog. Eat one by yourself, and pass the other bun to Wangcai's mouth. In fact, Wangcai's tongue rolls up, and he swallows it without chewing.

The girl opened Wangcai's big mouth in surprise, to see where it hid the buns, and the eunuch slapped her ass on the ass. The drums sounded, and a group of cavalry slowly walked out from behind the hills. A huge "Zhang" on the banner indicated that the person who came was Zhang Baoxiang, the governor of the prefecture.

Li Jing, Tang Hao's father-in-law, was almost killed by this guy. After he had killed Jie Li, Zhang Baoxiang reported that Yinan Khan led a fifty-thousand army to Yinshan.

For this reason, Li Jing, Li Shixu, and Chai Shaote prepared a big sack, intending to swallow this Yinan Khan in one bite. Who knew that after the encirclement, they discovered that this guy only brought five thousand Qingwei with him to observe the Tang Dynasty. Do you have the desire to continue offensive.

They didn't plan to fight. Now things are getting bigger, and everyone knows what crime it is to lie to the military.

In order to save the lives of his subordinates, Li Jing concealed the incident, but the guys from Baiqi Division reported the incident to the emperor one by one. As a result, the emperor thought that the generals were going to rebel, so Li Jing was taken back to Chang'an as the mansion Yin, staying under the emperor's eyes and daring not to move.

Chai Shao became a civilian when he returned to Beijing and never touched the military seal again. As for Zhang Baoxiang, everyone seemed to have forgotten about this person, and no one mentioned it again, and continued to serve as the governor of the state.

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