Martial Sage

Chapter 1266: I'm Sorry

"Everything you do is what the general must do, but destroy all the houses of the people. The general can't do this kind of evil thing. You can only do it under the guise of your hand."

Liu Fang went on to say: “The general is a good man and rebuilds houses for the people. Now there is no shortage of labor. This battle has not only solved the problem of labor shortage, but also solved the trouble of demolishing houses. If the water pirates catch it all in one swoop, all this will be worshipped,..., all this must be given by the son."

The other party’s words were pierced into Han Che’s heart like a knife, no dignity was going to be left to him, Han Che closed his eyes and lay on the straw, curled up facing the wall, not thinking about the future of his own, and being treated as a monkey by others. Playing, but also complacent.

The old guy was right, he was not Tang Hao's opponent. "Mr. Da, can you tell me your name? Even if I die, I want to know whose hands I lost to." Han Che said quietly.

"The son is showing his love, the old man has a bad name, and it's not enough. It's always someone who is an assistant, and the best name is not known, but since the son asks, it is called telling the son, and the old man's name is Silent."

After Dan Ying heard this, the chicken legs in his hand fell, and Cheng Feng and Qin Zhan stared their eyes like copper bells, and they would never have thought that Liu Fang would be so shameless.

"I remember, Mr. Silent will always be rewarded, I am dead, the matter will not end, there will always be other people, this time you win. Next time I don't know if I can win."

A hint of warmth appeared on Han Che’s icy face: "The golden armor appeared with an angry face, and there are six corpses behind to make up. The pattern of nine corpses welcoming guests, the gods are always going to die. The mortal world cannot tolerate the gods and the miasma that will play the world. We are always outsiders, we can control it, and we absolutely cannot do it ourselves."

"Pang Juan was born, so Sun Bin will take him back. Shang Yang was born, so he would be divided by five horses. Chao Mi had an accident, so he would be killed by the emperor. And Zhuge Liang was born, so Sima Yi would be his enemy for the first time. You Tang Hao was born, I Han Che is not an opponent, but the god man will always find you a person who can match. The god man can't disturb the world, no matter who it is, he will always return to the original path in the end. This is the same. Tell Tang Hao, This is his fate, he can't escape..."

Dan Ying suddenly raised his sword and slashed it heavily on the back of Han Che's neck. On one side of Han Zhe's body, he fainted, and a small yellow pill slipped from the corner of his mouth.

The few people in the cellar didn't speak alone, the cold light in Dan Ying's eyes was a masterpiece. The blue veins in the hand holding the sword hilt were steadily open. When he was about to start his hands, he heard Liu Fang say: "I had expected it a long time ago. It's not surprising. The general looks like a god and man. He doesn't look like an ordinary person, so I can't explain his young age. Can do so many things."

"But the old man dare to guarantee that he must not know that he is a man of God, because he is extremely unfamiliar with these people and knows nothing about his methods. Kitty does not need to be nervous. Cheng Feng, Qin Zhan, and these others People who are trusted by your Majesty, of course, will not go out to chew their tongues. Even if you kill them, I am afraid that the general will not appreciate you at that time. Killing the owner is a very painful thing. Believe my little eagle, you must not feel that way. If you are willing to try, the general will have a way."

Liu Fang was very old, and the things that surprised young people seemed quite calm.

Instead, Cheng Feng put down the knife in his hand and said, "I will report this secret to your Majesty. I will definitely. But if you want to kill me, Kitty, I will definitely not resist. I am a member of the Guards. Loyalty has always It is impossible to have both. If you kill me, you will live up to both."

Qin Zhan also dropped the knife and sat facing the wall. No words. The others looked at each other and also put down the knife in their hands.

"What a great divorce," Liu Fang suddenly patted his head, pointing to Han Zhe who had fainted and suddenly realized.

Cheng Feng, Qin Zhan and the others looked at the fainted Han Zhe in horror. One sentence almost caused everyone to fight inwardly. What kind of people are these people, even if the mountains and rivers are exhausted, the life and death of these people are still in his hands.

Dan Ying slumped away from the sword in his hand, and said with a loss of soul: ‘Please decide on this matter, our wisdom is not enough to deal with it. "

At this moment, Tang Hao was very busy, sitting on the mountain bag, watching the folks vacate the city gate little by little.

When the last bag of sand and rocks was emptied, everyone found that the city was empty at this time, and there were many pirates lying on the ground, each of them looked dying.

Hancheng and the others brought a lot of carts, and saw that the water pirates threw them on the cart like a stone, dragged them all to the wooden fence outside the city, and put on shackles.

If it weren't for the governor's statement, these water pirates were all laborers, and the damaged houses and cities needed to be rebuilt by them, and they might have been torn to pieces by the people a long time ago.

There are almost no intact buildings in the city, and there are broken walls everywhere. The civilians squeaked their teeth and made more rough hands. When the culprits reached this point, they could no longer treat them as human beings.

In two rugged houses, some people suddenly rushed out, holding a knife and killing them in despair. Tang Hao didn't hesitate at all, and ordered a random arrow to be shot to death.

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