Martial Sage

Chapter 1278: Industrial Zone

Spring plowing is an eternal event of Datang, even if it is the grain in the Changping warehouse, there is too much grain to hold. From the emperor to the common people, everyone still respectfully worships the gods, praying for a smooth climate this year.

With the spring breeze blowing across the earth, this fashion has spread from the remote Lingnan to the Northland. Even if you have a big messenger, as long as you are not fighting, the officials must stop and prepare to go to spring plowing. The emperor took a hundred officials to the altar of Xiannong to make sacrifices, and then cultivated himself. The prince must also go to the ditch.

There must be nothing wrong with this process. Tang Hao was hitting a ridge, a large piece of land more than 100 meters long, and he needed to pile up a ridge to facilitate watering in spring. Young people have strength, and they complete their own share in three or two strokes. Seeing that Lao Qin was struggling to dig the ground, he hurried over to help Lao Qin dig the ground.

This piece is for growing potatoes, so it must be together. Lao Qin's body is getting worse. The bastard who gave Lao Qin a blood transfusion at the beginning has earned a lot of rewards because he needs to give Lao Qin a blood transfusion once a year. Now the baby has given birth to two babies. This guy heard that eating too much meat is bad for his blood. Now he is a vegetarian all day long.

In the past, these landlords just ploughed casually, and the rest was done by the old farmers. Since the locust plague that year, Li Zhi changed this rule. The two hundred acres of imperial land was completed by the emperor and the nobles. Among them, the best three acres of land was completed by him, the prince and the prince Li Xian, and no one else was allowed to intervene.

Tang Hao actually likes the previous way, as long as he makes two casual moves, everyone will go to the spring banquet, and now he does not care about the food.

Instead, the nobles need to prepare their own meals, which is not used for long-term workers.

Cheng Yaojin, Niu Jinda, and Yu Chigong were sitting on the side, seeing that they were not suitable to help. Tang Hao can do it because he is Junior, helping the elders to do the work.

Officials from the Ministry of Rites even praised Tang Hao's behavior. If they came, they would be naked friends. Although everyone knows that these five companies are about to wear a pair of trousers, they would rather be known than be seen.

Wait for Lao Qin to take the last shot of the soil. Tang Hao helped Old Qin panting to the ground, and Tang Hao, who was supporting Old Qin, clearly felt that this tall old man had broken down. The hero who had beaten Shandong invincible with a tiger-headed gun and a pair of golden mace has finally disappeared in the long river of history. What is left now is a shell, a late hero who strives to extend his old life for future generations.

"Uncle Qin, send Qin Yin's eldest son to Tang's family. I'll be fine when I am idle, so I can teach it."

Lao Qin's eyes reddened, he raised his head and looked at the sky for a while, patted the back of Tang Hao's hand, and came to the mat on the ground together. "Look, it's a good spring day, and the weather is also warm, but the miscellaneous hairs of the Tianjian said, there is a Heavenly Dog eclipse, how can such a bad celestial phenomenon appear in the spring?"

Cheng Yaojin handed the water pouch to Old Qin and mumbled.

"Uncles, Heavenly Dog eclipse day is too normal. Basically every year." Tang Hao explained from a scientific point of view.

"Nonsense, you, Uncle Cheng, I have lived for nearly half a hundred, and I have seen three times in total. Yuan Tiangang, Li Chunfeng said that there must be a catastrophe in the solar eclipse."

"These two bastards really dare to say anything, and they are not afraid that the emperor will pull them out and chop them."

"What's the matter? The almanac says that. Recently you are absent, the emperor is also very troubled, even we are ready to wear a red hat, and we will all go to the court that day, and you are no exception."

"At that time, the bells and drums of Chang'an will be sounded, the drums in the army will be sounded, and the sixteen guards will also be on guard. Your Majesty will not go to the Palace of Manmin, instead of going to the Chengdu Hall. The people will also beat the gongs and drums to drive away Heavenly Dog, At that time, please follow us and don’t run around. If you are unlucky at this time, it will be a lifetime event."

Hearing what the old cow said, Tang Hao nodded repeatedly. Wouldn’t it be great for everyone to take a cup of tea and put on sunglasses to admire a solar eclipse?

The sun rose to Zhongtian. At noon, everyone took out their own food and started lunch. Tang Hao's lunch package was extremely large, otherwise it would not work. Several old men said that they would try their best to eat Tang's food without bringing food.

Zhaoyi's complexion looked very sluggish. There was a bite without a bite of the bun on the drill mat. No matter how it is made, it won't be delicious. The only advantage is drought resistance, so people in Guanzhong still grow a lot.

After Tang Hao delivered the glutinous rice to the empress, she recovered, hesitated, took a sip from the bamboo tube, and said, "This solar eclipse is here, and there will always be a bad sound in the hall. You ran away. From far away, are you planning to watch a theater?"

"Weichen is in charge of the imperial life and is inspecting the industrial zone."

"Shut up, you are building a house, and you have taken yourself out of the big trouble. You have a good plan. My brother has an own idea, and you have an own idea. You have never thought that I am in the palace. How did you live?" Zhaoyi's eye circles were red. Li Zhi, the Shandong Buddhist ceremony toss up the friendship outside the military city again.

Li Zhi sent Tang Hao to inspect the industrial zone in order to give Changsun Wuji a signal that the royal family is no longer dependent on your steel, and the industrial zone must increase production capacity and run on the Changsun family.

The report of the Spring Outing sent by Tang Hao was read in the court hall by the secretary supervised by the secretary of the emperor, and they discussed with the ministers to expand the industrial zone again.

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