Martial Sage

Chapter 1298: Going to the Island

Spices are one of the most important commodities in international trade. During the Qin Dynasty, the spice trade had already appeared. By the end of the Han Dynasty, this scale was expanded. Unfortunately, there were five chaotic China, and this kind of trade appeared in Central Plains. Fault.

It was not until Persian merchants appeared that the spice trade began to rise. The Persians got spices from India and sent them to Chang'an not far away. The price can be imagined. If not for the past two years, the price of spices in Southeast Asia and Guangzhou would still be more expensive than gold.

Tang Hao only knew that Spice Island was on the equator, not far from Indonesia. He didn't know anything else, but it was enough to know this in Datang. Long-distance sailing is very boring. Li Dan had been on Tang Hao's ship a long time ago, and it was boring to stay on the Qingque alone.

It is very unlucky for the Datang fleet not to allow women to board the ship, even in the most enlightened Lingnan fleet. Nor would they allow their own women to board their own boats. This is a prohibition that all sailors follow.

Li Dan couldn't take Meiren'er on the boat to relieve his boredom, and then watched Tang Hao sprout bean sprouts on the boat.

If you don't eat vegetables for a long time, you won't be able to replenish vitamins. Sooner or later, you will get scurvy. Although oranges are very good, they can't be stored. Fortunately, the Tang family has simple canned fruits, especially oranges in syrup, which are most popular with everyone. Tang Hao found a big sieve.

He carefully selected the soybeans and threw away the flat ones. It would be fine if they were washed twice with water on the shore, but no one wanted to waste water on the sea, so Tang Hao picked them one by one.

"Brother, the battle you said has never happened. There is no beard boat on the sea. There is no way to rob. By the way, you said that people who don't eat bean sprouts and oranges will really have bad blood?"

"That's natural. Don't complain. It's something that many people can't expect to sail safely on the sea. I didn't expect it to be able to sail in such a thorough manner. But if you look at these three big ships, you have a plan. Those who are robbed will also run away without a trace. Lai Chuanfeng, Yang Yueli has been obedient in your boat these few days, right?"

Li Dan smiled and said, "It's not bad, your people are very good, and the dogs are good. Tell you, let the dogs follow me in the future. My chief guard has good martial arts, but his brain is not good. Make."

Tang Hao wrapped the beans in gauze and soaked them in water. It wasn't until it was completely invaded that he said, "The dog was originally not mine. People have their own family. If you want to use him, talk to him, and then talk to Mr. Silent. I guess this is not a big problem."

His old father-in-law, Hong Cheng, had long forced him to take a half-office position, and it was not bad to go to Li Dan's mansion, with at least one official position.

Tang Hao, wearing a tank top and shorts, looked at the merchant ships in the fleet enough to dock, and said to Li Dan, who was also dressed up, "This is Java. I heard that they are very fierce. Why do they look so docile today?"

Li Dan said blankly: "It is recorded in the Geography that Javanese are really fierce, but you shoot all the people who float on the sea to death in the sea. Now the king of Java is still hanging on your princess. On the corner of the ship, how can you say they dare to be disrespectful?"

After the long springboard was set up, Tang Hao and Li Dan got off the boat, and they always went to the imperial city if they broke their country.

According to Lai Chuanfeng, it is full of stones and wood. Javanese don't like to wear clothes, and curly hair is more like felt. Tang Hao was very curious about how those businessmen traded with these people. They seemed to have nothing to exchange, with a broken knife in their waist, the kind that Tang Hao broke when he broke it.

"General, fighting on the battlefield is your strength, but bartering is the strength of the old man and others. You see, these people also prefer silk and linen. Exchange it to him, even if it is ruined. Those glazed balls are good for them to play with." The old Feng family shopkeeper narrowed his smiling eyes. Seeing Tang Hao and Li Dan look blank, they led the way.

When I walked to the king’s city, I pointed to the gate and said, “Lord, General, you two, please look at this gate. The best ebony wood is made. Look, it’s half a foot thick. It’s all hundreds of years. The wood board removed from the ebony tree is tough and resistant to water or fire. It is enough to transport it back to Datang, and it is worth a thousand dollars."

Li Dan knocked twice with the knife in his hand. As expected, he expressed his instruction to the cupped hands of the shopkeeper. The old shopkeeper became more proud, took out a small hammer from his arms, hit the chaotic corner of the wall randomly, knocked off the foot of the stone a few times, and took the stone to Li Dan and said, "Master, you Look at the fineness of this jade. Although the color is a bit messy, it is also excellent to take it back as a headwear."

"The ocean star that the general dedicated to the empress actually came from here. I heard that as long as you walk around, you will come to the lion country. The gems there are the best."

He pointed to the twisted and crooked main building and said: "You must not underestimate this building. Look, the doorpost is red sandalwood, the floor is carmine wood, and the roof shelf is agarwood. In such a building, not only do snakes, insects, rats, and ants do not come, but it can also prolong life. Lord, to be honest, our Datang house is beautifully built. But if you want to change, a hundred houses, you can’t get such a broken house. ."

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