Martial Sage

Chapter 1302: A constitution

"You should probably look at the weapons on the ship."

If he doesn't even have this confidence, how can Tang Hao dare to stroll around the sea with Li Xuan? Once Li Dan had an accident, Tang Hao's fate was definitely not much better. Liu Fang checked it again and got off the cabin happily. Before leaving, he said to Tang Hao: "No plan is needed. The Strait is a good place to fight. By the way, you should be careful with that He Tianshang. Something out of the ordinary, don't Let him see. He should be the prerequisite for your Majesty to rest assured and let you stay in Lingnan and behave arrogantly."

In the face of absolute power, any conspiracy is ridiculous, as long as these three terrifying warships are not affected, no matter how many pirates come, they will only die.

Li Dan is collecting his timber, and he does not allow the slightest loss of his own spoils. Many merchants would rather compress their own goods, but also help the prince to load the goods.

Don't deserve a "thank you" from the prince. As long as the chief guard of the prince showed a smile to himself, cupped hands was enough, and it took three days to adjust the goods.

When Li Dan patted the Java King on the head again, he said that he would come next time to help him unify the entire Java.

The King of Java was almost crying with excitement, vowing that he would catch all the birds of paradise in the forest. Some clever merchants reserved some manpower.

Everyone knows that Tang Hao and Li Dan will live in Lingnan for several years, and they will definitely not only come to Java once. The guest and host shed tears and left, and the giant boat sailed home.

The bearded man never thought that there was nothing wrong with robbing Tang Hao on the sea. The sea was a place beyond the jurisdiction of the Tang Dynasty. Tang Hao's kindness to treat his illness, then Jade Pei was enough to compensate, it was amazing not to kill Tang Hao.

His family is rich, so he only needs to blackmail some. He even secretly worked out the amount in his heart. Twelve warships have allowed him to lie above this sea area for several years. News from Daming Temple came and told him that Tang Hao had committed atrocities in Yangzhou, which made him dispel his inner feelings. The last obstacle that Tang Hao was scrupulous about.

The tower-like bearded man wore a pair of shorts and stood on the mast with his pure upper body, looking out every narrow strait. This is the only way for Tang Hao.

After blocking for a while, Tang Hao's fleet did not appear. He slid down the mast while pulling the cable, and stood firmly on the deck. Behind him stood twelve sturdy men. Regardless of how arrogant the bearded man was, he still did not underestimate Tang Hao.

But this time, if Tang Hao went to sea with his own huge fleet. The beard must have run as far as he could. It is not once or twice that he has suffered a violent beating by the Lingnan navy. He used to have eighteen brothers, but now there are only twelve. Five of them have been planted on Crab Island by the Lingnan Navy to demonstrate.

"Tang Hao is coming. I don't need to say what kind of person he is. This time he entrusted three boats to come to the South China Sea to be a prestige. Does he think there is no one in the South China Sea? Don’t be careless, although this is the sea. But that guy also eats this bowl of rice, is familiar with the sea, even above us. What I want to tell you is that we don’t have many weapons, so we have to jump to help, as long as Jump on their boat and we won. This guy is a rich man, don't kill if you catch him. It's the business to ask his wife for gold."

A thin and black Fatty in a scribe's robe stood up and said:

"This fat pig in the picture is not the only one of our family. The Japanese, Goguryeo, and Kuiliu are also nearby. I heard that the big cannibal Zamorin is also watching here. So many sea kings meet, Tang Hao can't escape even if he has the skill of Tongtian, but how to divide the wealth still requires us to come up with a charter. At that time, regardless of whether he is a big cannibal, a Japanese, or a Goguryeo, he must follow this charter."

"Chief, you are the master of this sea."

The bearded man laughed wildly and said to the sailors on the deck: "This is natural. Daddy is going to take this opportunity to make a rule at sea, and that's when Daddy has the final say. In contrast."

Tang Hao's fleet was much calmer, ignoring the large cannibal fleet that was far behind. Take it easy and follow the route you have planned.

The big cannibals have been following the fleet. In the twelve days, the pirate ships have gone more and more in these twelve days, and they are about to reach the side of the strait, and the waterway is narrower than before.

Just about to move, the food pirates rushed up in a swarm.

"Sure enough." Liu Ren was willing to put the telescope in the leather bag and said to the deputy next to him: "They are worried that the meat in their mouths will be divided by others, and they are ready to do it before they get to the place."

The deputy smiled and said: "The subordinates have always wanted to know how powerful our two big ships really are. Today is finally a test, as long as the big cannibals are defeated. It is also a good way to comfort the hearts of the shopkeepers on the merchant ships. It won’t cause us trouble.”

The deep horn sounded. The largest of the three large ships came to the forefront of the fleet and stood firmly at the exit of the strait. The purpose was to hold the strait and prevent the pirates on the other side of the strait from attacking merchant ships.

The Princess was inserted in the rear of the fleet along the zigzag channel, and the Qingque echoed with it.

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