Martial Sage

Chapter 1307: The Battle of Water and Fire

Those rockets went out one by one.

Lai Chuanfeng, armed with a giant axe, patrolled back and forth on the deck, and once there was a pirate who jumped over, he would cut the pirate under the axe. He has experienced this kind of offensive and defensive battles countless times. With iron boots under his feet, they are firmly nailed to the deck filled with whale oil. Faced with the pirates who are unsteady on the deck with their bare feet, he only needs to hack and kill. That's it.

Under the control of five powerful men, the huge stone hammer is like two huge fists, which can smash the enemy ship with just one punch. There are countless cables wrapped around the thick iron chain. As the stone ball swings back and forth, three The battleship was also kicked and swayed from side to side.

If the ship is too high, it will be smashed by stone balls. Many pirates approached the Princess in low boats, desperately setting the rocket on the shell of the Princess. The water that fell from the sky never let them succeed.

When enough pirates gathered on both sides of the huge ship, a few pipes protruded above the waterline of the battleship, and fierce fire oil was sprayed on the top of the boats like rain. When the tube was retracted into the cabin, a few rockets shot from the deck, and the low boats immediately became fireballs.

The fire-covered pirate yelled and jumped into the sea with horror. The sea water cut off most of the flames, but there were still some cyan flames still burning on their bodies. This is the most vicious phosphorus-clearing fire. give up.

There were too many pirates, and the soldiers on the ship had no time to kill them. Some good pirates are already fighting with sailors on the deck.

Suddenly, countless triangular thorns were thrown down on the deck. This was a weapon specially designed to deal with cavalry, causing the barefoot pirates to complain. The armored man wearing iron boots naturally ignored it, and naturally bleeds his feet. The pirate was hacked to death and was finally thrown into the sea.

Almost all the deck of Qingque was flooded by pirates. The armored soldiers fought and retreated, and they had already retreated to the hatch. Li Dan kept jumping on his feet and was about to rush down the deck, and was dragged tightly by the two own guards. As long as the Li family saw the battle, they had the desire to try it for themselves.

"Let go of me, the pirates are about to rush up, do you want this king to be captured alive? The lone king would rather die in battle than be captured and humiliated." Li Dan kicked the own guards desperately, and the chief guard said helplessly: "Master, you will not be captured alive, and you will not be killed in battle. Didn't you see that this is a tactic? Look, the crossbow was launched."

In Li Dan's surprised gaze, crossbow arrows like the rainstorm shot out continuously, and soon the deck was full of corpses. The armored men who had retreated into the barn door came out again, and took the short straw to stab the vital part of each corpse before throwing them into the sea.

When the Qingque and the Princess intertwined, Li Dan watched with envy as Han Che was arrogantly crisscrossing the deck, and there was almost no one under him. After cutting off the head of the last pirate again, Han Che's white clothes were almost bloody. Seeing him standing on the bow of the ship and yelling wildly, like a pirate demonstration, Li Dan began to kick the guard head desperately. .

He also wants to fight, he also wants to stand on the bow of the ship and yell, the sea seems to be tired of this endless fighting, a downpour is pouring down, the deck has been stained red with blood, the shallow inner sea water Gradually overflowed, rushing into the sea.

More than a dozen pirate warships have fled into the depths of the sea, and the Princess Qingque slowly approached the group. The people left here are either the Japanese or the Goguryeos. They have no choice but to escape.

And in Tang Hao's telescope, he found an acquaintance, a person who was about to be acquainted, with cracked blood everywhere, and the worst thing was a thick needle stuck in his mouth. That's the beard.

The two boats finally approached. Liu Ren is willing to decisively order an attack. Unexpectedly, the curtains on the opponent's ship were lifted, revealing a large group of people in Datang costumes, and two naked men were hacking and killing them.

Liu Renyuan hurriedly stopped the attack. The two ships were at odds with each other, and suddenly countless hooks stretched out from the pirate ship, which hung tightly on the gunwale of the Princess.

At the same time, a raging fire broke out on this big ship, and the ship seemed to have been splashed with a lot of oil, and the raging fire immediately rushed up along the ship's side. The Datang people on the pirate ship, like headless flies, fleeing around, crying for help.

There was a big fire on the side of the Princess. It is estimated that it was Tiger Oil. If it were not for the pump, it would be really dangerous. The squatter was rescued from the mast by the dog, and the guy's wounds were all rotten. I don't know that after being hung up for a few days, my body is covered with white salt and alkali, my skin is cracked every inch, and the whole person is like mud.

Tang Hao didn't care if he soaked him in the water. This is not his own friend. This guy should be the Datang people on the enemy ship, but the real Tang people, who specialize in offshore business.

They were caught by the pirates and used it as a bargaining chip to block Own. Tang Hao looked at the scorched side of the ship with great distress. The sailors hung on the side of the ship, and under the command of the old iron, they removed the two severely damaged rotary plates and prepared to replace them with new ones.

After the signal was sent, a large number of merchant ships came out from the strait, and they were greeted by the boiling sea surface. Countless sharks swam back and forth under the water surface, watching the shark swimming by the side of the boat with a human leg in its mouth. Rao is the old Feng Du who has seen the world have a scalp numb.

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