Martial Sage

Chapter 1310: Breakthrough

Hutonghai is also used to running Rivers and Lakes, and he is not afraid of life and death.

He vomited his teeth and said loudly, "What's so good about following you? Jianguo? Datang is in full swing, and the Lingnan fleet is extremely tyrannical. Who will allow you to establish a country? Tang Hao is here to control the sea. You have seen him. How terrifying are the three new battleships in China."

"Datang can have three today, and tomorrow it may be thirty. What shall we fight with others? Once the Datang fleet comes to encircle and suppress, none of us can get away. I am a pirate, that's true. In this life, I'm walking on the tip of a knife. Go, the old man admitted, but I have children, and I must give them a chance." Hu Tonghai poured out what he thought.

The bearded man thought for a while, and what Hutonghai said seemed to be correct. He walked to the edge of the bamboo bed and lifted the widow into the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed and whispered, "What did you say before? Don't tell me in advance?"

"I was cut in half by you in the crowd, I'm full, tell you in advance?"

The expression in the eyes of the beard changed several times, and finally he whispered: "It's too late to say anything. We are surrounded on this island. There is a return flow on this island. Regardless of how we run out, we are finally brought back by the return. When I come back, there are not enough boats and people to want to go back to the sea, that is a dream."

Then, the guilty bearded guest said again: "Old Hu, forget it, that axe just now is regarded as revenge for me, and the previous thing will be wiped out. It is the right thing for the two of us to find a way to escape."

The words of the stunner are still believable. Hutonghai is sitting on the edge of the fire. "As long as you are not doing something stupid like Jianguo, my Hutonghai will follow you. I am old and can't afford to mix up. I have also saved these years. Some treasures for the elderly. If your ambition is not dead, I can fund some money. When I came out this time, my daughter-in-law was already pregnant..."

The two looked at each other for a moment, spying for a lifetime together, each holding their heads in trouble.

At dawn, the heavy rain still continued, the sea became raging, dark clouds pressed low on the sea, and the huge albatross swept over the mast between the clauses over and over again.

The dolphins, who usually like to take off and land in front of ships, disappeared. This is a sign of a storm at sea.

Liu Ren was willing to order all the ships to go forward quickly with full sails. Only by escaping from this rain cloud area could it be possible to avoid the brewing storm. The albatross is the best beacon.

The fleet chased the albatross and headed towards the coast at full speed. From early morning until afternoon, Liu Ren was willing to see the yellowing sea water, which was relieved. Not far in front is a lagoon, and it is safe only if the fleet is sent there safely.

A strong wind blew, and the pirate flag hung on the dangerous pole trembled wildly. The frontier of the storm finally arrived. Standing on the bridge with Tang Hao, watching the merchant ships file into the lagoon.

When the Princess entered the lagoon, Fufan finally couldn't hold it and pulled away from the middle. Liu Ren was willing to encourage the Princess to drive into the lagoon.

It was strange that the wind stopped for a while, but the sea seemed to be boiling even more intensely. Taking advantage of the last light, Tang Hao held the telescope and looked around, but found nothing unusual.

The sky was completely dark, and there was a loud noise coming from the sea in the distance, very low, it seemed that a giant beast stepped on heavy steps and slowly walked over. Tang Hao didn't believe in any monster in the sea, but the merchants on the merchant ships had already begun to bow down and pray.

Tang Hao and Li Dan surrounded a table with full arms. Under the dim light of the lamp, Tang Hao suddenly found ripples in his own cup, which were different from the small waves caused by the shaking of the ship.

He took out a knife and cut the rope attached to him. He stood on the side of the boat and looked down, only to see that the water in the lagoon started to jump. "It's an earthquake, all in your place, ready to fight the tsunami." Tang Hao's voice began to deform.

In the dark night, an orange-red light pierced the darkness. Tang Hao saw the red magma spouting out of the sea in the telescope, and everyone was attracted by the spectacle in front of him.

The sea was boiling, and the magma was able to rush out of the sea more than ten feet high, and finally fell into the sea. The steam is lingering on the sea, like a dream, and the whole sea seems to be burning.

He suddenly remembered the place where the fleet was staying, like a lagoon or something. A lagoon is a place surrounded by mountains and water in the middle. How did such a place form? volcanic eruptions.

The fleet stopped on a volcanic crater. A hundred miles away from here, the submarine volcano was erupting. Tang Hao endured the surge in his heart and whispered to Liu Renyuan, "Order to leave here now, don’t cause panic. There is another one under our ship. Crater."

After hearing this, Liu Renyuan almost fainted and quickly ordered the sail. The Princess took the lead out of the lagoon.

Although the waves outside were huge, no one complained. Tang said Hao was right, it was too close to the crater, and it was indeed not safe to be less than a hundred miles away.

When the fleet left the lagoon, Tang Hao ordered the full sails to run as fast as he could. Before he could run a hundred miles away, he heard a loud noise behind him.

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