Martial Sage

Chapter 1317: Two Levels of Pros and cons

Niu Jinda was taken aback by the shark trough.

Pointing to the huge annular groove, he asked Tang Hao, "How did you get this kill back? It's such a big one."

"Xiao Tang, what did you do so hard to get this fish back?" Lao Cheng and Lao Qin also gathered around to look at the shark.

Tang Hao smiled and said: "The shark fin is naturally a good thing to honor the three uncles. As for the fish liver, it is to be given to Wei Zheng, the old man. The soup of shark fin is very delicious, but the shark liver is a poisonous thing. Two or two are almost dead."

Qin Qiong listened loudly and said repeatedly: "It's wrong, it's wrong. Although Wei Zheng has different political views from you, he never complains selflessly. He attacked you many ways in the court, but he was full of praise in private, regardless of how he attacked you in the court. He has never thought of killing you, he just wants to force you to teach in Yuhua Mountain honestly, he is definitely not a great evil person."

Lao Cheng Lao Niu also repeatedly said that the minister must not be poisoned. No matter what the reason, the emperor will not forgive it. This is the real crime of killing the door.

When the court arrives, no one will stand up and speak for you Tang Hao, because this is already beyond the bottom line that all honorable guests can bear.

Tang Hao looked at the sharks swimming around in the trough and said: "Cod liver is indeed a highly toxic thing, but after it is properly processed, it is a good medicine for eyesight. Wei Zheng's eyes are now vitiligo for many years. The sun is not far away, and the liver of this shark is just like arsenic. It is both highly toxic and good medicine."

"Wei Zheng wants his eyes to regain clarity. Shark liver is indispensable. The little nephew will not be able to get rid of political enemies in a sluggish way. Besides, Wei Zheng's existence is of great benefit to us because of the existence of political enemies. , The royal family will have more trust in the Tang family."

At this point, Tang Hao's tone became serious.

"If there are no political enemies anymore, and all court officials say that the Tang family is good, then I am afraid that the decline of the Tang family will not be far away. Therefore, Wei Zheng can't withdraw from the court, even if the old guy wants to hide himself, Xiao My nephew would never allow such a thing to happen. He was blind, let’s heal him, and he was hooked away by King Yama. Let’s take him back from The Underworld. Without Wei Zheng, what about the Tang family? Must live well. Become Tang's housekeeping enemy."

Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin, and Niu Jinda's sweat all came down. Wei Zheng, a political enemy, is upset.

It is said that the government is like a chess game, and Wei Zheng is not even qualified to roll off the chessboard. The three of them were sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty at this time, and all kinds of tastes came to their hearts. Think about Wei Zheng's whole life wandering between life and death, always able to retreat with his whole body.

It is almost about to enter the phase now, and in the eyes of the junior, it is just a shield against disaster.

The head of Tang Hao, who lives in the old Cheng class, took a close look at it, sighed, and said to Qin Qiong: "The old man never thought that the kid picked up from the wilderness would become such a monster. He was twenty-seven years old. At his age, he played the old fox in the palm of his hand, and the court prepared for people like him. Let’s hide at home and act as a deterrent in his mouth."

The trumpet was blowing again, and the four people walked onto the deck, only to see the sails and anchors of the sky. Tang Hao took out his binoculars and took a look, only to see Li Zhi sitting on a chair in full armor.

Di Renjie stood aside and explained something to a group of big guys who were moving the winch and anchoring. Zhang Liang is standing on the bow of the boat, holding chess pieces in his hand, and constantly giving orders. Is this going to start?

"No, the old man has to rush to the shore to take command. The soldiers are still under the old man's command, and the old man must rush over. The general is a general without his subordinates, and you have a problem with him, so let's go together."

Cheng Yaojin and Niu Jinda yelled to leave, Lao Qin was in idle position, standing on the deck with his hands behind his back and blowing hair, standing leisurely on the Princess, the scenery on both sides of the bank had a panoramic view of the scenery, unspeakably comfortable.

Di Renjie was wearing the Tsing Yi of an academy, with his head straight and his head up, his spirits were in full swing.

Fighting Han Zhe helped him learn to be calm, learn from his master, and let him learn to be indifferent. He presided over huge projects at the age of eighteen, and tens of thousands of craftsmen under his command gave him confidence.

Today is the master's assessment of own. The emperor asked the Skyscraper in detail, from the design of the entire battleship to the layout, to the deployment of personnel, the use of materials and the determination of the route, and even the difficulties encountered.

Not only the emperor was asking, but Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Wei Zheng, and Li Xiaogong were all asking.

What is the core content of the giant ship built with 200,000 silver coins?

"Organization. Master. The most precious thing about the sky is not the ship's stern, nor is the 80,000 gold, iron, wood, or even the most expensive Ba Niu crossbow, but its organ." Di Renjie explained.

"The eight years of Yuhuashan Academy's efforts have been fully reflected on this huge ship. Take a look." When Di Renjie explained the sky to Yan Lide, he stood in the upper wind very intimately and blocked the wind for Yan Lide.

This subtle movement immediately won the favor of a lot of bigwigs. Di Renjie shook a huge handle, and saw that the deck out of the ship's side was immediately separated to the two sides, and a wooden house with wooden boards lined with iron boards slowly rose up.

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