Martial Sage

Chapter 1329: Unexpectedly

"People's livelihood, taxes, laws, and garrison are all important things I have to look at. I did not build this Yuezhou city to let anyone come to make money, but to see how the people can make the most of the profits after the nobles How much has fallen."

Tang Hao was taught. You can indeed see the prosperity and prosperity on Yuhua Street, but you cannot see the true face of Yuezhou. Li Zhi is right. The quality of a city cannot only be looked at by a few big businessmen. The dark side behind the prosperity is what really needs to be cared about.

On Shuiyun Street, there are people who rely on water transportation for food. The bluestone slabs have been sprinkled with tung oil and the original face is invisible. The man with bare feet and naked body constantly shuttles on this street, although it is dry. The work is very heavy, but there is unconcealed pleasure on his face.

The emperor is here, and local merchants are scrambling to take advantage of this opportunity to purchase goods, and the merchant ships on the dock can't be seen at a glance.

Li Zhi stopped, looked at the trembling cargo of the porters, and watched unloading the pigs and sheep from the ship, very satisfied.

"This is the scene I want to see. Because of the opening of water transportation, the people have a way to make a living. Those who are talented will become officials, those who like to operate will become merchants, and those who have the courage will join the army. You can only rely on your own strength to eat properly."

"Yesterday, Jiugong cried to me, saying that he has no rights and no courage, and he can't manage. He holds one hundred thousand silver coins in his hand. But he has no way to start, lest you buy one hundred thousand silver coins into carpets and wood, or buy a few. A cup to go home. If that's the case, he would have to find a piece on Xiangyangpo and bury himself." The emperor said with a smile.

"Tang Hao, Jiu Gong, they couldn't believe in you. They gave me 100,000 silver coins and asked me to help them purchase some fast-paying goods. It's best to ship them to Jinyang, and they can make a lot of money right away."

I didn't expect that they came to Yuezhou all the way, and they made such a request, only asking for a big profit and improving the life of the people. The emperor thought it was nothing wrong with it.

"What do you mean?" Li Zhi looked at Tang Hao.

Tang Hao smiled bitterly and said: "At first it sounds harsh. Not only does it require a steady profit, but also a big profit. If others say that, those merchants will despise to death. But ah, it's you who is the head of their patriarch. , This request is not an exaggeration. Your Majesty is thinking about the benefit of the people, and the people did not think about taking advantage of it. This is already very rare. This business is called Weichen to do it, and I will not take it. Their hard-earned money turns into a few carpets or chairs, and they will not take their money to buy a few sets of teacups. Although they may make more money by doing so, the Weichen must take their boats full, no I know if three times the profit will satisfy them."

"If this condition is still not satisfied, Weichen will help them buy the forget memorial grass. There is no problem with 30 times the profit."

Tang Hao promised, patting his chest.

"Nonsense, how can things from The Underworld be put on the bright side? I said that Sun Simiao had planted half an acre, and I was very worried. This kind of thing should be destroyed once you get it. What do you do with Lingnan?"

"Lu Dongzan stayed in Chang'an for a long time last time. He always wanted to take something from the Central Plains. Weichen thought that good things like Forgetfulness Grass should be enjoyed by the gods."

Li Zhi's expression became very unnatural, "If I didn't guess wrong, you might have brought those Forgotten Worm Grasses to Yuezhou, right?"

"No, your Majesty said that those who own this thing privately will die. The Weichen dare not cross a step. The Weichen is the temporary leader of the Lingnan Baiqi Division. He received the order from Baiqi Division to transport these things to Chang'an. This is a secret order. , Weichen has been holding it in his arms, please take a look at your majesty."

Li Zhi accepted the seal order and handed it over to Yan Song. Yan Song took out another piece of paper and checked the two phases. The gaps between the two pieces of paper were tightly closed, and then he said to the emperor that it was indeed correct.

The emperor breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "The Hundred Cavalry Secretary reported that there are three boxes on the Sky, which are top secret. Only I can order the opening. These days, I have been thinking about what it will be and why only I have this right. It was unblocked, so I didn't order it for a long time. It seems that this is the thing."

"Tang Hao people can harm people by unscrupulous means, but they can't deceive the sky. My great Tang is like the sky, and I don't believe in the majesty of the sky, and I can't let them admire it. I won't use such a vicious thing, lest it hurt my children one day. Yan. Song, holding my token, inspect the three boxes in the warehouse of Jiazi No.1 and destroy them on the spot. If one or two are missing, you can kill yourself."

Tang Hao had told Li Zhi a long time ago that Wangyouweed is a malignant tumor and needs to be cut off as soon as possible. As long as there is Forget about Wormwood on ships from the West, they will be found by the Department of Shipping. What awaits them is the harshest punishment.

Not all the corpses on Crab Island belonged to pirates. Many sailors on merchant ships from Julan Nation owned them. Some wealthy businessmen even offered these things as gifts to Li Rong and the others.

It took a lot of effort to collect these goods in Guangzhou, and when they were about to burn them, they received this secret order from Baiqisi. Today, instead of testing the emperor’s tone, Tang Hao discovered that the emperor didn’t even know it. Affection.

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