Martial Sage

Chapter 1366: Full Support

The rice and food for this disaster relief was Tang Hao, who had won it from the ministers of civil and military affairs.

The official who distributes food will also casually mention that this time the general won a bet with others. The Tang family had too much money and there was no place to keep it at home, so they bought rice and asked you.

Is there such a relief? Isn't this showing off wealth? But seeing Changle's carriage passing by the snowy road, and everyone cupped hands to give salutes, Tang Hao realized that there is no fool in this world. No matter what the officials say, disaster relief is a kind act.

Both Tang Hao and Li Dan had slight frostbite on their hands and feet. They had been living in the side hall of the imperial palace, and they would be rewarded for their meritorious service. Li Zhi was never stingy on this point.

The pastures on the grassland finally got rid of the name of the thief, and it was officially confirmed that under Lan Tianhou's door, the heavy snow still sealed Chang'an strictly. Today, three warriors will take a hot air balloon and do a long-distance voyage, which is not advisable.

Hot air balloons are far from being able to support long-distance voyages. Tang Hao always thought that it was very lucky for the balloon to fly from Yuhua Mountain to Chang'an. As a result, he soon heard a loud noise in the palace, and he could think of the fuel tank exploding.

When Tang Hao and the others took off from Yuhua Mountain, just half of the kerosene was in the jar for insurance. Since Li Zhi was going to send someone to sail, he naturally had to fill it up. It would be weird not to explode.

After a while, Li Dan walked to the side hall and said to Tang Hao: "The hot air balloon exploded just after it left the ground. Three people were burned to coke, and the hot air balloon was destroyed. I said it was not safe, but no one believed it. It’s because I don’t want others to make contributions. No one believes our brothers.”

"Three days ago, that was our life betting."

The blood is sleepy and sorrowful. Tang Hao had two more enemies inexplicably. There are two old men who have lost their sons, one is Yuwen and the other is Gao, both of whom are important ministers. If it were not for the important minister, he would not be able to seize this opportunity to make his son famous.

For the remaining passenger, no one knows his name, perhaps only Li Zhi knows. Tang Hao did not excuse him for being accused by the two old men as the murderer for the first time. There is no way to say that they are the victims of the emperor's eagerness for quick success, but to remain silent.

People are dead, any argument is meaningless, the hot air balloon is burned to ashes, the news is strictly sealed in the palace, Yuwen and the Gao family have no chance to even buy a funeral.

The emperor stayed still and the two families sought revenge from Tang Hao, and also demanded that the Tang family must recreate a new hot air balloon in the shortest possible time, and it needed to be done in secret.

The only available manpower is still the female family members of Tang Mansion's inner house.

For ten consecutive days of sunny days, the snow on the ground melted a lot and turned into ice. One advantage is that people can travel. Although hundreds of somersaults can fall a day, news from outside can come in.

Tang Hao looked at the black and swollen letter in front of him, took the palace letter in her hand, and after reading the fire paint, he asked the subordinate staff to take him down to rest.

There is no good news when you open the door. Li Daozong was defeated at Dragon King Ridge, three thousand front army, but only a hundred have escaped. Li Daozong said in the official letter that Mengshelong had a giant elephant to help him, and he caught Tang Jun by surprise.

He was going to go to Dragon King Ridge in person, and not killing all the natives there was not enough to vent his anger.

"Stupid. Ma Yuan played against the elephant when he put down Nanzhao, and Zhuge Liang also played against the elephant when he entered Nanzhao. Why can they all win the battle? Only I, Datang, will lose the humiliation. Country?" Niang Niang got in touch with the outside, and Li Zhi immediately recovered his former aura, and he was the only one roaring above the empty Great Hall.

The battle that I thought would be easy to win, now that I just got together, my front teeth were broken, and my face was lost.

"Tang Hao, you are familiar with Nan Zhao, do you say that elephants are difficult to deal with?" Li Zhi roared for a while, and when the officials were silent, he called his name.

"Weichen has never directly played against the elephants. He only played drums with the mountain gods in Lingnan once. The elephants seemed very afraid of the explosion of gunpowder and the loud noise."

Hearing Tang Hao’s words, Li Zhi became even more angry. He patted the case of Long and said loudly, “He has a sharp weapon, but he doesn’t know how to use it. Li Daozong is named as a famous general. The final date for this report is three months ago. The second battle of Dragon King Ridge is probably over."

"I won't talk about victory or defeat, we must give full support. The Ministry of Defense quickly fetched gunpowder from the arsenal to support Li Daozong." That's how Li Zhi was. When his family made mistakes, he always scolded him fiercely, but the punishment was light.

Li Daozong had already emptied the gunpowder in his arsenal when he left. Where is the gunpowder now? Give him another 50,000 catties of gunpowder, and Li Daozong will be able to eat for a while even if he eats it.

"The gunpowder in the underground arsenal is only 500 kilograms. This is what the Weichen hardly pulled out from the Lingnan water lion. It is mainly for good looks, and it is really powerless to support."

Just tell the truth, the empty warehouse can starve mice. This is the current situation in Hyogo. There is nothing to conceal about the current situation of the Qing History Department of the Armory of the Ministry of War. It stands to reason that Li Zhi should know it. Why did he give such a mindless order?

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