Martial Sage

Chapter 1421: The Friendship of Iron Fighting

The desire to go home urges General Zhen Guo to treat all obstacles in vain, not to mention that the big cannibal poses alone in the formation of a long snake, and the horizontal stem is in front of the Camel City.

Da Shi sent three thousand elite troops to circle the Camel City in the middle of the snake, trying to cut the chain-like Camel City from the middle. Breaking it off, but Camel City bites back and forth to form a powerful closed loop, and the big cannibal can't break through this solid circle even after racking their brains.

Under the strong cover of the crossbow arrows, the cavalry company led by Cheng Chumo exerted its strong advantage in long-distance killing, repelling all the enemy reinforcements within a shooting radius of 500 steps. The huge Camel City rushed eastward, and the food army had already been dragged and exhausted.

Cheng Chu silently responded to the advancing horn and led 40,000 sergeants into the enemy's rear. Camel City followed the terrain and crushed the 100,000 horses into the empty valley bottom. Late autumn arrived in the Guan, and arrived in Chang'an as promised. The wide palace curtains shook with the autumn wind, and a leaf fell on the emperor's desk with the wind.

Li Zhi twisted the leaf and placed it on the pages of Master Xuanzang's literature like a bookmark. The rhythm of the emperor's review of memorials was not interrupted. When the Emperor Xian was there, I went to Tang Hao's Mansion at this time of the year to have a steaming, delicious mutton soup, which was the standard of the season.

This year's war in the Western Regions has quelled the Baiji and Xingluo Rebellion. Even when the war was so tight, the people's taxation did not increase. After the beginning of the spring next year, major projects that were previously delayed due to the war will continue.

The battle with the big cannibals in the valley was close to white-hot, and the crossbow arrows of the Ba Niu crossbow were densely packed like rain, and the big cannibals attacked Chen Shu and their defense line viciously and viciously. Guo* fell with a knife and killed one horse.

It's a race against time, as long as the big cannibal horns command has not been remembered, then their reinforcements will come. The hot air balloon that indicated the arrival of the Tang Army’s reinforcements has risen. It’s impossible. Cheng Chu silently said that General Tang has less than 20,000 people in his hand. How can the supporting force be allocated in this case?

Just when Chen Shu and the others were happy for the arrival of the reinforcements, two powerful teams rushed out from the river valley. Although they were not dressed as Tang Jun, Cheng Chumo was sure that they were his own.

Soon the troops of the big eclipse were buried in the river valley. After completing the task, Xiao Miao'er and Liu Fang returned to Tuocheng, and Tang Hao specially arranged a bonfire barbecue. Sixty jars full of wine are placed around the empty barbecue rack.

Two horses came from far away, Han Zhe and Xitong. After getting off the horse, Xi looked cautious, but Han Che was not polite. He picked up a jar and drank a big sip. It is rare that the Zhen Guo general would no longer cheat people by drinking. He Shao has also come. Without him, it would be very difficult for Xitong and Han Che to gain a foothold on this land.

There was a fragrant barbecue on the fire, and the dust was coming, the two of them were like eggplants beaten by frost. This time they met a fierce big cannibal in Xiaobolu, and their ambition to establish a kingdom was greatly reduced. Tang Hao was about to return to Chang'an. As soon as the Zhen Guo general left, the Turks would definitely take them.

Not to mention that those two, even He Shao did not agree, he had been in Anxi for one year, and he already knew well the local and natural resources of Beiting Anxi. Although the city is currently desolate, its rich mineral deposits and textile crops are unmatched by the Central Plains. He Shao is good at being exquisite in all directions and getting into business.

Xitong and Han Zhe can play a protective role, so think about it. Seeing the three people happily calculating, Tang Hao's complexion was pale, and the kings entrusted by the sixteen emperors arrived in the Western Regions immediately. Don't talk about getting rich, save your life in the event of disputes.

Before leaving, I told my buddies to beware of the sixteen kings who are not good, and then the love, hate and hatred are scattered in the wine. I hope that I won’t wake up after being drunk, and there are still many tricky things to deal with after I wake up. For example, when he returned to Tuocheng, he heard that Fan Hongfeng intended to execute nearly 40,000 prisoners of war in one day.

So many prisoners of war can't be brought back to the customs at once, and they will have endless troubles if they stay. If Du Ruhui and the others relented, then the merits of Guo* and Cheng Chumo would be reduced to ashes in an instant. Along the Guannei Road, Tuocheng returns to the Guannei.

Many soldiers came from Zhechong Mansion. After Tuocheng entered the pass, all the Zhechong along the way comforted the army and shouted the code name of the sergeant in Zhechong Mansion. A large number of sergeants came out of the team and returned to Zhechong Mansion. , There are more than four thousand people behind him.

The ceremonial welcoming ceremony was very grand, gorgeous singing and dancing, and abundant food and drink. Taichang in the palace led Shao Lao, dipped in sheep's blood, and painted it on the face of Tang Hao who had returned triumphantly in accordance with the rules of etiquette. Princess Changle wore a dress, welcoming the general who won the victory.

Li Dan was responsible for introducing Tang Hao into the ancestral temple. At first, he was serious, but before he read a few sentences in the book in his hand, the two began to chat. Tang Hao was more familiar with these processes than himself. Li Dan hid food for Tang Hao behind the curtain in advance. You must know that Tang Hao can only drink porridge during the three days of fasting, and the love for the iron beating buddies for decades is not in vain.

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