Martial Sage

Chapter 207: Four Criticisms

With this sudden humming sound.

The noisy backyard instantly quieted down, and everyone raised their heads in search of fame.

Seeing that it was the grandson Wuji arriving, the onlookers saluted the servants one after another, but the servants who were holding the horses changed their expressions. They didn't let go for a while. They were so embarrassed that they could not salute.

The servants of the Viscount Mansion, never expected, at this moment, they were discovered by Lord Eldest Sun.

Changsun Wuji frowned, showing a touch of intolerance, said.

"Good nephew! This horse is very strong, why do you torture this horse like this?"

"What's more, the importance of this war horse in the army and even the entire Datang is self-evident. As a general, you don't even understand this simple common sense?".

Tang Hao didn't panic, still his face was calm, and said slowly.

"Lord Sun, you misunderstood, I am not torturing the war horse, you will know later."

Seeing Tang Hao's calm and confident appearance, although Changsun Wuji was at a loss, he was slightly relieved.

Changsun Wuji calmed down and discovered that there was an iron ring at the bottom of the horseshoe, and the blacksmith seemed to want to fix the iron ring on the horseshoe.

Suddenly, Chang Sun Wuji became interested in this object, leaned over and studied it carefully.

At this moment, with the penetration of the first iron nail, the original blacksmith also gained some experience and gradually became proficient. The speed of nailing the nail was obviously ascension.

Changsun Wuji is such a clever person. After a moment of contemplation, he saw the clues. Looking at the ring of the right size, it was more like a tailor-made for horses.

In such an instant, Changsun Wuji contacted the shoe.

The reason why people wear shoes is not to protect the soles of the feet from sudden sharps.

This ring in front of you, can it be said that it is similar to the shoes?

Could it be said that this iron ring can protect the horseshoe?

Thinking of this, a gleam of light flashed in Changsun Wuji's originally confused eyes, and he gradually realized it in his mind, guessing.

"Nephew, if you do it like this, do you want to put a layer of protection under the horseshoe?"

Tang Hao smiled and said.

"Master Changsun has good eyesight, and you can see the mystery at a glance."

"Yes! That's exactly what I thought in my heart."

Hearing this, Changsun Wuji's heart was shocked, and his expression was faintly excited, said.

"This damage to the horse's hoof is a problem that has plagued Datang for decades. The horses are frequently replaced, and the number of available horses is limited, resulting in a serious shortage of Datang cavalry."

"If this small object really works, it can be regarded as a solution to the top priority in the army, and it will be a great contribution to the expansion of the number of Tang war horses!"

Having said that, Changsun Wuji was full of expectations while faintly mixed with a trace of worry. After all, it was the first time I saw this hoop.

Just between these words, the blacksmith finished nailing the last nail, and all four horseshoes were fixed.

Tang Hao slowly stood up and told Wu Tong and several blacksmiths.

"Okay, let go."

The horseshoe is nailed, the next step is to see if the horseshoe has any effect on the horse.

After Wu Tong let go, the horse lying on it rolled and stood up.

Tang Hao pushed his horse back in his hand, jumped up, stepped on the horse back, and said with a smile.

"Master grandson, I will ride in a circle, and you will be the judge."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Hao's legs pressed slightly, pinched the horse's belly, and the horse neighed under his hips, and galloped up in the courtyard. The whole process was completed in one go. The speed of the horse's running was not reduced in any way, and it was not affected in any way.

Chang Sun Chong looked at the galloping horse, with surprise in his heart, and shouted.

"Father, it seems that this hoop is really effective and will not affect the horses at all. With this layer of protection, the problem of damage to the horses of the horses can be solved."

A touch of excitement flashed across Changsun Wuji's old face, the original worries vanished at this moment, and he clapped his hands in praise.

"My nephew! Your whimsical idea really opened my eyes to the old man, and we are hopeful for our Datang Tieqi."

Tang Hao rode his horse and galloped around, slowly stopped in front of the eldest grandson and his son, rolled over and dismounted.

Seeing Tang Hao get off his horse, Changsun Wuji leaned over and checked the horse's hoof. There was no sign of damage or any discomfort to the horse.

At this moment, Changsun Wuji's heart was shocked, and he never expected that such small objects as big as slaps would perfectly protect the horseshoe.

Not to mention the great use of this horse for the cavalry in the Datang Barracks. At this time in Datang, horses are almost necessary for every family, and consignment riding is indispensable.

If this is popularized, it will not only benefit the cavalry of Datang, but even the people of Datang will definitely benefit.

Chang Sun Wuji looked excited, took Tang Hao's hand, and said eagerly.

"My nephew, your contribution can be regarded as saving my Great Tang war horse, and this object will definitely be named in the great history of the Tang Dynasty."

"This time you will go with me, and enter the palace."

After all, Changsun Wuji took Tang Hao and walked out.

Regarding the matter of taking credit, Changsun Wuji at this time seemed to be more anxious than Tang Hao.

Tang Hao didn't object, he took the war horse, followed Changsun Wuji, and turned around and ordered.

"From today, you will put aside the things in your hands and concentrate on building the horseshoes, at least let Wu Qi use it earlier."

Several blacksmiths were also full of excitement, cupped fist said.


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