Martial Sage

Chapter 215: Two Birds with One Stone

To say that the biggest thing that happened in Chang'an on this day was that Shibaqi took Wang Tao and others on a parade.

In just half a day, this matter was known to everyone in the city.

Not only did everyone know that it was the Viscount Mansion who walked the way for the sky and brought the heinous Wang Tao to justice.

It was also clearer that in the end, the 18th Cavalry General Wang Tao was escorted to the gate of the Wu Wangfu, staying for a full quarter of an hour, and announced Wang Tao's heinous crime on the street, and issued the news about the killing three days later.

Soon, this matter spread to the palace.

Tai Chi Hall.

After the eunuch narrated the affairs in the imperial palace to the king of Tang, he slightly bowed and stood on the side of the hall.

After hearing the news, Wang Wang's face was pale, he was silent for a moment, and kicked the case in front of him down the steps.

For a while, even the calm and calm King Tang was upset because of Wang Tao's heinous viciousness, and was even a bit vicious in anger.

"The behavior of beasts! Kill! Kill them all!"

Empress Changsun sat on the side of the hall, beautifully locked, her beautiful eyes full of anger.

Long Yan was furious, as if Tianwei descended to the world.

The Great Hall was silent.

After a while.

Empress Changsun glanced at King Tang who was panting, and said softly.

"Your Majesty calms down, don't hurt your body."

With this soft tone, Tang Wang gradually calmed down.

For a long while.

Wang Wang sat depressed on the dragon chair, his eyes darkened, and he sighed.

"This President Li Ke makes me feel uncomfortable, who has been handed over to him."

After another sigh, Wang Wang turned his head slowly, looking at Empress Changsun weakly.

"Avalokitesvara maid, do you think you are so indulging in these courtiers that even the minions below them dare to do such a conscienceless thing under my nose."

Empress Changsun walked lightly, slowly walked to the Great Hall, and came to the dragon chair, her slender jade hand clenched Tang Wang's hand and whispered softly.

"Your Majesty is the emperor, and he is concerned about the great Tang and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains. This is a national affair. The people of the Li people in the world are concerned about one acre and three quarters of land. Which one is bigger and the smaller is not to be compared. This national affair is inherently a national affair. The complexity and complexity have allowed your Majesty to take care of everything, how can you pay attention to such subtle things?"

Having said that, everyone knows that it is Tang Wang who spoils this Wu Wang Li Ke.

If it weren't for this, the great eunuch Wang Qi would not indulge his subordinate Wang Tao, and that Wang Qi relied on it was nothing but King Wu's favor.

Empress Changsun understands this, and Ronggong also understands this, and the civil and military officials who participate in politics at the court also understand it.

However, no one dared to say anything after all.

Wu Wang's biological mother, Yang, was not favored in the previous dynasty, but when Gaozu Tang was in existence, she was inexplicably picked up and betrothed to the current king of Tang.

Now that Yang is dead, no one dares to touch this scar.

Wang Wang started to fade away, looking at Ronggong, and said in a deep voice.

"How is that bastard going to deal with those dog minions?"

Ronggong responded.

"His Majesty, Tang County has burned those IOUs and escorted Wang Tao and others back to Chang'an, and announced Wang Tao's crimes on the street at the gate of the Wu Prince's Mansion. He was asked to be executed three days later."

Speaking of this, when Rong Gonggong said these words, he already admired Tang Hao's actions in his heart.

Wu Tong may not be able to see, and he can't see through Tang Hao's actions, especially when Wu Wangfumen announced Wang Tao's crime.

Wang Tao was originally a member of King Wu, but he did something in front of Wuwang, the righteous behind him. Is this undoubtedly a death.

But the grandfather, who was at ease among the rich and powerful, could see the exquisiteness at a glance.

This trick is very sophisticated, venomous, and seemingly blatantly confessing, but in fact it is a poisonous sword.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Tang Hao did not know much about the relationship between Wang Tao and Wu Wang, so he had no objection to where the crime was declared.

In the eyes of those who were slightly aware of the wind, the reason why Tang Hao read the crime again was because Tang Hao was afraid of King Wu and secretly gave an explanation to King Wu.

In fact.

With Wang Tao and others, they paraded in the crowds, believing that Wang Tao's behavior does not need to be publicized. This matter is already known to everyone. Even if Wu Wanggui is the prince, he dare not openly confront the passion of the people in Chang'an. Even relying on Tang Wang's favor, he did not dare to shelter the heinous Wang Tao.

As long as King Wu is smart enough, he will follow the trend, pretend to be indifferent, and wait for Tang Hao to execute his sentence publicly to quell the people's anger.

At this moment, even the time-honored grandfather of the world secretly praised Tang Hao for his deeds.

People who seem to be twenty years old are far more intelligent than ordinary people, and their political power skills are extremely superb.

Wang Wang sat on the Great Hall and sneered.

"This kid, who came out like this, is really not ordinary smart."

Empress Changsun kneaded the arm of King Tang, with a trace of relief on her face, but she didn't say anything.

Even the very clever Queen of the Grandson also felt that Tang Hao's hand was very clever, but in his ingenuity, he was a bit old-fashioned.

Tang Hao didn't immediately put that heinous Wang Tao into prison, but instead paraded the Martial King's mansion, clearly moving the people of Wu Wang, but he made Wu angry not to say anything.

At the same time, under the eyes of the people of the Li people in Chang'an City, where did King Wu dare to do something to Tang Hao, he had to pinch his nose to endure it.

In this way, Tang Hao had a good image of impartial law enforcement and impartiality in public opinion.

Furthermore, such a move unintentionally caused the officials in the court to give Tang Hao a lot of praise in private.

After all, in today's Datang, there are almost no people who dare to openly touch Li Ke.

A seemingly ordinary case, but at the same time it reaped public opinion and captured the hearts of many clean and honest officials in the DPRK and China.

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