Martial Sage

Chapter 217: Change of Thoughts

In the past two days, Tang Hao was thinking about the North Border, while shuttled between Dali Temple and Viscount's Mansion on time.

Naturally, Dali Temple handled those official duties and returned to the mansion to start making wine.

Now, the masons have set up the stove, and some of the things used for distillation, although simple, can barely get together.

In his spare time, Tang Hao tried to brew sorghum liquor using the distillation method that was found in the system.

As for the winemaking, I have to say that it is a time-consuming and labor-intensive work.

The first is the selection of materials. Sorghum requires full grains and also requires water quality. Adding to the use of wheat to make koji, this is a troublesome matter and it takes three days.

Fermentation and distillation of late stage need to be checked all the time.

Tang Hao was so busy running up and down all day, so much so that he relied on Shibaqi's report on matters outside the mansion.

Inadvertently, Tang Hao realized that there was a pair of invisible hands manipulating public opinion in Chang'an Street, and even his old things about the raid on Yinshan had been brought to the chat in some teahouses.

Of course, all this is a good thing for Tang Hao, which is helping him build momentum.

As for who this person is, Tang Hao doesn't know.

However, on the day when Tang Hao was busy, there was another scene above the court.

Tai Chi Hall.

The king of Tang summoned all the ministers of the brachial stock to discuss the matter of the northern border.

For the time being, the horseshoes are being produced day and night, and Datang has temporarily given up the method of taking the initiative to attack the grassland not long ago.

And this time is a pre-war preparation for the upcoming Turkic war.

Gao Shilian looked pleased, and slowly stood in the Great Hall, smiling.

"Tang Hao, the kid who attacked Yinshan by surprise, made dangerous moves. He was an out-and-out military mighty man. The minister thought that to conquer the Turks, he must use this young general and his chances of winning would be greater."

Yuchi Jingde laughed loudly and shouted.

"Okay! I admire this kind of kid who dares to fight and kill. Letting him lead a cavalry to make a strange move can also reduce some of the pressure on the front line."

Although what Yuchi Jingde said was extremely explicit, it was also an indisputable fact.

Cheng Zhijie listened, although there was no word, but he nodded in agreement.

As soon as these words came out, Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and several civil servants couldn't help but frowned.

Fang Xuanling took a step forward, said.

"The minister has read the files that Tang Hao reviewed at Dali Temple. It is very clear and clear, and the sentence is appropriate. With regard to the order and stability of the imperial city at Dali Temple, Tang County can still manage Dali Temple in an orderly manner despite many vacancies. In the opinion of the minister, Tangxianzi should do his current job well, and when Dali Temple stabilizes, it will not be too late to make other decisions."

Fang Xuanling meant that he did not want Tang Hao to be on the battlefield. Now if Tang Hao is on the battlefield, it also shows that Tang Hao's future actions will develop into a military position. For these civilian ministers, there is a lack of strength. the power of.

Du Ruhui did not miss the opportunity to agree.

"Previously, Tang County's capture of the Turkic prince was a great shame for the Turkic tribe over the past century. If a war breaks out, Jieli Khan will definitely regard Tangxianzi as a thorn in his eyes. If there is news of Tang Hao on this battlefield, how can Jieli Khan be? It's not about capturing Tang Hao desperately to relieve the hatred in my heart."

"Send Tang Hao to throw a strange trick at this time. This undoubtedly pushes Tang Hao into the fire pit."

When Cheng Zhijie heard this, he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

How can these generals not understand the profound meaning of these civil servants.

Cheng Zhijie stood up leisurely and said in a weird tone.

"A good general, what kind of civil servant, Tang Hao's military strategy, I believe everyone can see it, is it better to conquer the city and make meritorious deeds?"

After listening, Changsun Wuji smiled indifferently, turned sideways, and looked at Cheng Zhijie.

"Nowadays, the Quartet of the Tang Dynasty has settled for the civil service and the military service. Why is the distinction between civil and military affairs so clear? Lu Guogong, don't you think?"

Cheng Zhijie suffocated, and for a while, he didn't know how to answer this pertinent question.

Today, there is no such red-faced scene of civil and military controversy in the past, because everyone is very clear in their hearts.

The war is imminent, it is difficult for a small general to control the situation, and the key lies in the decision of the general.

But now the Turks temporarily withdrew their troops, but the Datang sergeant was still stationed in Deyang and was not recalled, because everyone knew that the Turks would come again.

As for the commander-in-chief of this army, Li Xiaogong, the king of Hejian County, is still in charge.

Judging from the last conquest of the Turkic army, the performance of the King of Hejian County is far from satisfactory.

As for the change of command, the king of Tang did not mention it, and the officials did not dare to say anything.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Tang Wang calmly looked at a group of ministers, the thoughts of these ministers, what a king did not know.

As Li Xiaogong, the coach of the conquest of the Turkic who was counted by the king of Tang last time, he was too conservative and hesitated in decision-making, so that too many good opportunities were missed.

Rao was the king of Tang thinking about the identity of the princess, but he didn't dare to take things like Tang's safety, so that he would be arrogant.

Judging from the last time the army conquered the Turkic army, Li Xiaogong, the king of Hejian County, obviously could no longer be the commander of the northern army.

King Tang's eyes swept across the faces of the veteran generals one by one, looking at the main generals with the sideburns and Huafa, but there were very few suitable for this battle.

British guru Li Ji and Wei Guo gong Li Jing, these are all generals who have led a large army through wars, and now they are still healthy.

But people's hearts always change with age, and Li Xiaogong is the best example.

Perhaps, matching the veteran with the younger generation is the best choice.

And who should this young generation choose?

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