Martial Sage

Chapter 226: The Royal Family

After leaving the Hall of Longevity, it was still early, and Tang Hao had planned to go back to Dali Temple and read some more cases.

But as soon as he left the palace, he was stopped by a palace lady.

After the court lady bowed and bowed, she said politely.

"Tang County, please stay, the empress, please."

Hearing this, Tang Hao's thought of leaving the palace was also dispelled, and he followed the young palace lady.

Empress Changsun’s palace, Lizheng Hall, is not very far from here, and it will be around less than an hour to make incense.

Outside the bedroom, several eunuch ladies were busy, and they saluted when Tang Hao came.

Tang Hao sorted out his clothes slightly before walking slowly into the hall.

When I first entered the Great Hall, I saw cigarettes rising up from the incense burner and escaping above the Great Hall.

Empress Changsun leaned on the soft couch, looking out the window beside her in a daze.

Tang Hao walked forward slowly, bowed and said.

"I have seen the empress empress."

Hearing this, Empress Changsun turned her head and said with a gentle smile.

"Get up."

Immediately, a court lady took a chair and placed it behind Tang Hao.

Empress Changsun slowly stretched out her hand, shook it, and motioned to Tang Hao to sit down.

Tang Hao bowed slightly and sat down slowly.

Seeing Tang Hao sitting still, Empress Longsun retreated the court ladies and eunuchs. Seeing everyone leaving the hall, she kindly looked at Tang Hao and said.

"Look at you hurriedly entering the palace today, but the investigation of that case has some eyebrows?"

Tang Hao answered truthfully.

"It's true, there are some new clues."

Tang Hao wasn't surprised at the precise speculation of Empress Changsun, after all, he was in Dali Temple during this period of time to handle this case.

What's more, Wang Wang is in charge of the world, but this virtuous empress silently supports her behind her back.

If it is said that the great Tang Dynasty was created by the king of Tang alone, then behind this glory, there must be half the credit of the grandson queen.

Tang Hao still explained the information he had learned to Empress Changsun again verbatim.

Worthy of being an emperor, after listening to Tang Hao's narration, Empress Changsun also looked calm like King Tang, without the slightest turbulence in her expression.

Tang Hao called out in his heart, it really deserves to be the two couples, their attitude towards this matter is so alike.

Perhaps in the eyes of these two, the former prince's orphan is just a past, or in the two proud hearts, they just feel that this is just a clown.

Datang is stable, no one can shake the foundation of these two, and no one can take away their supreme kingship, not even the former prince orphan.

This is a kind of self-confidence, a powerful force from the heart.

Empress Changsun's eyes flickered, staring at Tang Hao, and still asked calmly.

"So, how will you handle this next?"

Tang Hao sorted his thoughts slightly and replied.

"Move all the bad people in the city, closely monitor all the people in contact with the caravan, so as to find out the party feathers lurking in Chang'an City, and finally kill them all."

Empress Changsun listened, smiled with satisfaction, and nodded in satisfaction.

Looking at this Tang Hao who didn't want to recognize his ancestor and return to the clan, the eldest grandson empress had mixed joys and sorrows.

Fortunately, this young talent is calm and steady, and faintly surpasses the Chang'an Three Masters.

In the past, Cheng Chumo, Su Qingjie, and Chang Sun Chong used their talents and were called Chang'an Three Masters by the Chang'an neighbourhood.

From now on, it seemed that Tang Hao could also deserve to be added.

However, what is worrying is that this relative, who is in front of him, is not willing to admit his ancestor to his ancestors without the hard evidence.

Thinking of this, a touch of kindness flashed in the eyes of Empress Changsun, and said slowly.

"Don't be aggressive, if you encounter trouble, don't carry it by yourself."

Tang Hao nodded slightly, and respectfully arched his cupped hands, which was considered an answer.

Empress Changsun slowly reduced her smile, sighed and said in a low voice.

"If you really meet the former prince orphan, don't hurt him, let alone make a statement, including your majesty."

Hearing this, Tang Hao froze.

He never expected that Empress Changsun actually made such a request.

It stands to reason that the eldest queen should follow the king of Tang and do everything possible to get rid of the orphans of the former prince.

But now, it seems that Empress Changsun is just the opposite, and she has a heart of maintenance.

Seeing Tang Hao's surprise, Empress Changsun's eyes floated out of the window, seemingly mumbling to herself, said.

"After all, it's always a family. Now that the dust has settled, don't kill them all."

After listening, Tang Hao was taken aback, but in an instant he became a little awed towards the queen.

This is not only the self-confidence to be in charge of Datang Jiangshan, but also a touch of obsession with family affection from the royal family.

This woman can be called great.

However, behind this greatness, the problem was indeed thrown to Tang Hao.

Obviously, the king of Tang wanted to completely remove the line of the former prince. But now, the eldest queen wants to protect the former prince's orphan.

Two diametrically opposed treatment methods, who should I listen to?

From a rational point of view, the King of Tang is a monarch of a country. As a minister, he should naturally want to move closer to the King of Tang and act according to the wishes of the King of Tang.

However, in terms of personal emotions, the former prince was also in the royal family, connected with flesh and blood. What's more, Tang Wang is already firmly seated. Even if the former prince is alive, he cannot affect this unprecedented prosperity.

That being the case, why bother to kill them all?

Empress Changsun said lightly.

"If you find that child, just take him away, and I will send someone to pick him up. As for other things, you don't have to worry about it."

Tang Hao pondered for a long time, slowly stood up, bowed and said.


After leaving the palace, Tang Hao fell into deep thought.

He didn't know whether it was right or wrong to do so.

What if this matter was known to King Tang? What will happen?

For a long time.

Tang Hao didn't have any conclusions either.

Take one step at a time!

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