Martial Sage

Chapter 330: The prince's mind

In the autumn morning, mist shrouded in mist.

There are crowds of people in the somewhat chilly square.

Tai Chi Hall Plaza is the only way to enter Tai Chi Hall, and it is an important place for political participation. Naturally, there is no reason to come by carriage.

At the opening of the palace gate, dignitaries and dignitaries are wrapped in Chinese clothes, walking slowly, in an endless stream.

An arena has been set up in the huge Tai Chi Temple Square for a trial.

This duel involving the top talents of the two countries has attracted the attention of countless people in Double Datang.

And the Tai Chi Hall behind the grandstand seats also made it clear that this competition is a special session for dignitaries and nobles.

There is still an hour before it is time for the competition.

However, at this time, 80% of the seats in the stands were already sitting, most of whom were princes and noble ministers.

Among these high-ranking officials, the lowest is also the sixth-rank first-level official.

Looking at the empty arena, many people began to talk.

Among the crowd, an official with a round head and square jaws, his brow furrowed, his eyes full of worry, said.

"The first two days of Datang’s Practitioner was a terrible failure. I only hope that in this competition, Tangxianzi can show his glory, regain a game for Datang, and save some face."

"Why is it so difficult?"

It was an old man with a urn sound next to him who was speaking with a ruddy face with his hand stroking his white beard.

"Tang County's son made a casual note on the Great Hall yesterday and humiliated the Tubo prince into anger."

"Today's battle is definitely not a problem."

As soon as the voice fell, a middle-aged man with the appearance of a civil servant behind him said.

"Hey! The outcome of this battle is unpredictable!"

"Tang County's talent is indeed amazing, but after all it has been fierce battles for days and long distances, and he will definitely be exhausted."

"Yesterday, Chaotang, Tangxianzi's arm, I must have witnessed the scars... hey!"

Halfway through the conversation, the civil official did not go on.

According to the rules of the competition, one article and one weapon are required. Tang Hao has just returned from Beizheng, and his old injuries have not healed.

In the battle of martial arts, I am afraid it will be difficult to win.

At this moment, a military commander next to him frowned slightly.

Regarding the march, this general also experienced it personally.

I am also very familiar with this journey from Deyang to Chang'an.

Tang Hao led 20,000 soldiers and was accompanied by prisoners. He should have delayed the hour even more, but Tang Hao just arrived early.

The library of the journey is self-evident.

This time when the audience talked about it, the military commander couldn't help but interject.

"The Tubo prince's martial arts should not be underestimated. He defeated the three Datang Practitioners in a row with the momentum of destruction. He is really brave and hard to beat."

"Tang County's son returns day and night, and he is bound to be exhausted physically and mentally, but the Tubo prince has been in Honglu Temple for a few days. Such a match, I am afraid that Tang County's son will suffer a big loss."

Regarding this competition, everyone in the stands had a lot of discussions and opinions.

But overall, worries still account for the majority.



The drums of war thunder.

The sparse drum beat gradually became agitated.

The king of Tang led the humeral ministers in the middle of the court and slowly entered the table with the sound of drums.

The two opponents who had been waiting in the audience for a long time also stepped onto the ring at the same time.

Tang Hao's face was calm and saluted to the cupped hands of the four of you all the time, expressing a relaxed and freehand gesture in his every move.

As if the Tubo prince in front of him couldn't bring any pressure to himself.

Li Bi.

Tang Hao looked at the Tubo prince opposite, said.

"In this competition, the Tubo side is the challenger, so you have to decide how to do the competition!"

"Certain or military, everything is fine, you can choose at will."

The indifferent tone made the Tubo prince slightly startled.

Although it is a challenge, it is understandable that the prince of Tubo put forward the question.

However, this Tang Hao allowed himself to choose, inadvertently letting himself take the lead.

It does give people a sense of fearlessness.

In an instant, the prince of Tubo recovered his expression.

In the Great Hall, he was first caught in the assassination of Tang Hao and suffered a dull loss.

Then, Tang Hao broke the upper league and went to the lower league.

Xialian, the matchup is neat and sharp.

In private, the prince of Tubo had to admit that Tang Hao was indeed talented in writing.

The prince of Tubo speculated that Tang Hao was definitely not the elder son of those other Datang literati, and would allow himself to take advantage of the literary examination.

At this time, if I still choose the literary examination, it is really unwise.

In the martial arts test, the Tubo prince admitted that he showed only 70% of his strength, but he beat the Datang Practitioner to the ground.

Especially that Wu Ke's three tricks were completely inferior to his own three tricks. Presumably Tang Hao was just a general.

The martial arts test is sure to be his strong point.

This Tang Hao Beizheng had just returned, and the joy of everyone was still hot.

If it is crushed and defeated, this will undoubtedly bring shock to the entire Datang.

The prince of Tubo raised his eyes and looked around and said loudly.

"The talents of the Tang Dynasty are writing and writing, and I can already appreciate it in the next."

"As for this martial arts test, those three people are completely vulnerable to a blow, and it's not to the fullest."

After all, the Tubo prince faced Tang Hao with a serious face.

"You have just returned from the battle, physically and mentally exhausted, and severely wounded. If I challenge you directly, I might be in danger."

"I will allow you to cultivate and cultivate. After half a month, when your old injury is healed, we will fight again!"

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