Martial Sage

Chapter 334: The World of Projectiles

Tai Chi Hall.

After the war returned, four people were shocked by guns.

Tang Hao's martial arts is undiminished.

Under the huge disparity of power, Tang Hao crushed all the momentum, completely making the sons of Tang Dynasty proud.

The exquisite words of the counterattack, the hearty fights, scenes still haunt the hearts of all the officials of the Tang Dynasty.

The ministers in the Great Hall were still excited, talking and laughing in twos and threes about the bravery of Tang Hao.

An atmosphere of joy filled the entire Great Hall.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Wang Wang couldn't close his mouth with a smile, and pointed to Tang Hao who was standing in the hall, and said.

"Hunboy, you have returned from the war, and you have fought for our Datang again."

"Go ahead, what reward do you want?"

Tang Hao didn't see much joy at this moment. Instead, there was a trace of worry. He pondered for a moment and said slowly.

"Your Majesty, this is just a comparison and discussion from the people. I don't dare to think about the reward."

Speaking of this, Tang Hao paused slightly, raised his eyes to look at King Tang, and said.

"Although the minister has not stayed in Chang'an for too long, he is concerned about foreigners, especially the Tubo and Turks."

There seemed to be a flash of light in Wang Wang's eyes, and he waved his hand to signal Tang Hao to continue speaking.

The noisy laughter above the Great Hall also stopped.

Tang Hao straightened his waist, staring at King Tang with piercing eyes, and said slowly.

"The prince of Tubo is domineering and arrogant after learning some of Tang's fur. Such a half-knowledge is not terrible."

"The terrible person is Lu Anzan."

"As the prime minister of Tubo, Lu'anzan has a detached position in Tubo. It can be said that under Songtsen Gambo, the entire Tubo kingdom is under his control."

While talking, Tang Hao walked a few steps in the Great Hall, looked around at the officials, and continued.

"Although Luanzan is from the Tubo barbarian tribe, he has admiration for the culture of the Tang Dynasty. What's more rare is that this person can learn and use. After the first two missions to the Tang Dynasty, he immediately returned to China and vigorously reformed. ."

"After the revolution, Tubo, you all have heard of it."

Hearing Tang Hao's words, whether it was King Tang or all the ministers present, their faces were thoughtful.

King Tang did not speak, but stared at Tang Hao on the Great Hall.

Changsun Wuji, Gao Shilian and others looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Unexpectedly, Tang Hao knew so much about the outside world, especially Tubo, a thousand miles away.

Gao Shilian glanced at Tang Hao, walked slowly to the hall, and said with a smile.

"Tang County, it seems that you know a lot about the Tubo kingdoms. I vaguely remember that you used to be in the Taiji Hall. You have your own opinions about the conquest of Tubo."

Mentioned by Gao Shilian, the ministers recalled.

At the beginning, when he was still attacking the northern Turkic army, Tang Hao once said about the countermeasures to conquer Tubo.

As a later generation, Tang Hao is naturally quite familiar with these.

After nodding slightly, Tang Hao said methodically after responding to Gao Shilian.

"Anyone in the Four Seas who still poses a threat to the Tang Dynasty, in my opinion, is not Turkic, not the Western Regions, not Goguryeo, nor the land of South Vietnam, but Tubo."

When he said these words, Tang Hao's expression was solemn, and a solemn color flashed in his eyes.

Especially when talking about Tubo, the volume suddenly increased a lot.

After listening, Changsun Wuji slowly walked out of the crowd, smiling, looking at Tang Hao and said.

"A good nephew! You are afraid of worrying too much."

"Tubo is nothing more than an uncivilized savage tribe, with no more than 100,000 soldiers and horses, and its strength is not as good as that of Turks and Goguryeo."

"Why, are you so sure that such a barbarian tribe far away on the plateau would be the greatest threat to Datang?"

At this moment, a vigorous general with gray beard slowly walked out of the crowd, with a shrewdness in his eyes, said.

"According to the information I have received, this Tubo prince is still young and arrogant. He has already offended many ministers in Tubo."

"If a new prince is not established, I am afraid it will be difficult to become a climate. If a new prince is established, I am afraid that there will be a lot of turbulence in Tubo."

"Rao is King Songtsan Gambo Yingming I, and he is still riding a tiger at this time. Tubo's internal worries have not been resolved. How can you talk about threats to Datang?"

This military commander was Niu Jinda, a veteran who had just returned to the imperial city from the Tubo garrison and reported on border affairs.

One article and one weapon are almost the same caliber.

Tang Hao couldn't help sighing in his heart when he heard the comments of the two civil and martial artists.

This situation is surprisingly similar to that in history.

From the very beginning, the monarchs and officials of Datang did not regard Tubo in their eyes.

The princes of the Tang Dynasty and the dynasty had always regarded Turks and Goguryeo as their confidant, and they did not pay attention to the secret development of Tubo at all.

The suffering of scabies!

Perhaps today's Tubo is not as powerful as these two rivals in terms of national strength.

However, this magnificent means will gradually be revealed, seeming to show good wishes to the Tang Dynasty, and sending envoys to visit the Tang repeatedly, but there is no intention of surrender from beginning to end.

And it is such a country that can do superficial things. Under Songtsen Gampo's rectification, under the control of the Tubo prime minister and the master, it has won opportunities for development for Tubo time and time again, and eventually became a powerful country standing on the plateau.

In the end, this border country is bound to show its fangs towards Datang.

But for future generations, except Tang Hao, who would predict what everyone in the room would say?

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