Martial Sage

Chapter 367: I'm Sorry

Empress Changsun’s condition worsened, which exceeded everyone's expectations.

Even the eldest-grand queen did not expect that she would fall ill due to a wind chill.

All the imperial physicians in the imperial city were summoned by Li Chengqian into the dormitory, and the court maid, Xiaoyue, who was close to him, panicked and informed the king of Tang.

The king of Tang, who was still in the early dynasty, threw down the old officials and rushed to the Lizheng Hall.

The whole court is in chaos.

at the same time.

Inside Honghe Temple.

The table is filled with steaming delicacies, a cup of tea, the heat rises, and the white gas curls and dissipates in the air.

However, Lu Anzan had no appetite at all.

This trip visited five people from Tang and his party. The short envoy and the eight-character Hu envoy were his own confidants.

As for the other person, Martial Arts is second only to the Tubo prince, who was personally selected by Songtsan Gambo to serve as the guard for this trip.

It is a good thing for Tang Hao to be dismissed from office when the murder case is completed! But the poisoned guard was nowhere to be seen.

This situation made Lu Anzan, who was immersed in joy, a little uneasy.

The word treason haunts my heart, and it can't disperse for a long time.

Lu Anzan guessed that most of this person ran away after being poisoned, fearing that he would cut the roots.

While thinking about it.


The door was pushed open, and the sun followed the opened doorway, printing a tall figure.

A rough and thick voice came eagerly as the door opened.

"Daxiang, it's not good! Tang Hao was banned and removed!"

Before the person arrived, the voice came first.

Upon hearing this, Lu Anzan's complexion changed suddenly.

The figure sitting on the seat suddenly stood up, looked at the figure that broke in, and asked uncertainly.

"Is the news true?"

The Eight-character Hu Envoy who rushed in, panting heavily, his chest undulated violently.

At a glance, it was obvious that this person came back non-stop after learning the news.

After taking two deep breaths, the Eight-character Hu Envoy said firmly.

"Tang Hao was withdrawn from the ban, and Tang Wang temporarily assigned him as the champion general, and today he went to the barracks to teach the way of leading troops."

"After the subordinates also disguised themselves, they saw Tang Hao heading towards Bei Daying with his own eyes."

After listening, Lu An praised that plump face, his muscles pulled out twice, his brows wrinkled, and he said angrily.

"This Great Tang! There is no word for words! One thing before the others, one behind the other!"

The eight-character Hu envoy looked at Lu'an Zan, a fright flashed in his eyes, said.

"Daxiang, this time Tang Hao is released, and he will definitely pursue the murder case to the end."

"If we find out some clues, let alone Tubo, it will be very difficult for the Tang Dynasty to go out!"

"Let's...Let's take advantage of this now, let's evacuate!"

Lu Anzan gritted his teeth, his hands with violent veins clenched secretly, and said in a deep voice.

"Escape? Where are you going to escape?"

"If this case is thoroughly investigated, we will be the mastermind in the end.

"Tubo, do you think there is still a place for us?"

As soon as the words came out, the Eight-character Hu Shichen suddenly paled, and a confused color flashed in his horrified eyes, and his voice trembled.

"Datang can't stay either..., and the Tubo country...nor can't return."

"We... are we going to travel between the nations?"

After listening to these words, Lu Anzan's heart suddenly cooled for half, and his thoughts flew for a while, and his heart was numb.

"Daxiang! It's not good! The guard is gone!"

A panicked cry came from outside the hall, mixed with the sound of messy footsteps.

In the blink of an eye, a short Tubo envoy broke into the hall out of breath.

As soon as he entered the hall, he slumped on the seat, panting, grabbed the cold green tea on the table, and poured it down.

At the entrance of the green tea, I was exhausted and rushed all the way, and the dryness in my throat was relieved for most of the time.

Wiping the water droplets from the tea stains hanging on the goatee, the eight-character Hu envoy continued, and said.

"The caravans visited by the subordinates in the Imperial City of the Tang Dynasty, they have never seen a guard visit."

"The spies sent by the caravan reported back this morning, and they haven't seen the trace of this person on the streets of the imperial city."

"80%, 80% are out of town, right."

Hearing this news, Lu Anzan's complexion was completely gloomy, and his expression was extremely ugly, and an angry fire came out of a pair of eyes.

Gritting his teeth, Lu An said bitterly.

"This unfamiliar beast, 80% knows that Tang Hao has not died tragically in the murder case, and I am afraid that we will calculate it to him."

After listening to the eight-character Hu envoy, the anger in his heart also blew up, said.

"This kid is probably afraid that we will use him as a shield and slip away ahead of time."

The accompanying guards fled, making the Eight-character Hu Envoy even more frightened, and his big hands not only trembled, said.

"Should... I won't escape to Tubo... Expose us, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the two people in the palace were struck by lightning.


The tea bowl in the hands of the short envoy who was drinking tea fell to the ground.

Pieces of fragments bounced on the ground a few times, and the crisp sound was particularly harsh in the hall.

There was silence in this Great Hall.

Only the heavy breathing of the eight-character Hu and the short envoy were left, and hopeful eyes looked at Lu Anzan in unison.

Lu Anzan twisted his brows into a ball, and slowly sat on the seat.

At this moment, as the mastermind of this murder.

He had to settle down and think carefully.

a long time.

Lu Anzan's brows stretched out, and a touch of joy was reflected in the brows, and a slightly hoarse voice sounded in the Great Hall.

"What are we afraid of?"

Hearing this, the two envoys were confused, and a suspicious color appeared on their faces.

Lu Anzan’s voice came.

"The poison was cast by this guard. Even if Tang Hao vindicated Zhaoxue, it was only this guard who had to execute it."

"It is his duty to guard the prince well."

"What does this murder have to do with us?"

These remarks are loud and sound, well-founded.


The two envoys followed their thoughts and took a breath.

Unexpectedly, the evidence of their crimes was washed away in a natural way.

It seems that there is a feeling of turning the clouds and showing the moon.

A touch of joy for the rest of his life climbed onto the faces of the two of them.

The eight-character Hu envoy exhaled a few breaths and said cheerfully.

"In this way, we can return home safely! At that time, if we meet the guard, we can bite back and convict him of treason!"

Hearing this, Lu Anzan gave a cold snort, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and said coldly.

"Returning home? It's too early!"

"Get ready! Let's face the saints together and advise Tang Wang to rule Tang Hao's sin!"

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