Martial Sage

Chapter 369: All beings are equal

The next day, Beidaying.

After yesterday's rectification of military affairs, the entire camp was completely renewed.

The soldiers of various arms broke up and reunited.

From the daily bits and pieces, let these soldiers get along day and night and reshape friendship.

It was the first step that Tang Hao envisioned.

At this moment, Tang Hao was wearing armor and standing on the stage.


There were many swords and halberds, and the armor was sparkling.

Nearly one hundred thousand soldiers were divided into eighteen large and small square formations, facing the morning light, facing the Dianjiangtai.

Wang Yang, like a soldier, stretches across the school grounds, and you can't see the head at a glance.

Eighteen riders, strong in black clothes, holding sticks, straddling war horses, Hou quietly on the right side of these phalanxes.

A dozen generals stood in the front row, waiting for Tang Hao to give orders.

The sharp eyes shuttled between the generals and caught a glimpse of a vacant conspicuous position.

Tang Hao shouted sharply.

"Where is General Zhang?"

In a scream, there was no response.

Tang Hao frowned slightly, and his heart suddenly became unhappy.

In the past few days of training, these soldiers have seen some improvement.

And these generals who trained recruits did not seem to have the enthusiasm of these recruits, but looked a little old-fashioned.

From beginning to end, Tang Hao gave these generals enough face.

If he doesn't do too much, Tang Hao can't pursue it either.

After all, these generals had also been on the battlefield and had contributed a lot to Datang.

However, someone was absent today, which suddenly made Tang Hao a little unbearable.

"Has General Zhang ever had eyes and body ills, and has something to do with him?"

Following Tang Hao's question, the eighteen horses in charge of the military order cupped hands in the army.

"Never heard of it."

As soon as the voice fell, one person and one horse galloped over at the gate.

The sound of horse hooves galloped from far to near.

Tang Hao glanced intently, and it was the General Zhang who was absent.

After turning over and dismounting, General Zhang chuckled and arched his cupped hands towards Tang Hao a little embarrassed, said.

"General, the subordinate is a bit late, please forgive me."

Having said that, stepping forward, walked towards the general queue.

On the stage, Tang Hao squinted his eyes slightly, his eyes slowly moving along with the figure who had stepped into the queue.

"General Zhang, be late for no reason, do you know that you have broken the military order?"

The general looked around, his old face flushed slightly, and said.

"General, his subordinates are half a hundred years old, this body is really not very convenient, and he is late for a while."

"I hope the general can bear it a lot."

Hearing this, Tang Hao on the stage coldly snorted and said sharply.

"How can it be a climate to train soldiers in a lazy posture?"

"Today I will cure your bad habits of greedy bed!"

After that, Tang Hao raised his hand slightly and said.

"Where are the law enforcement officers?"

In the phalanx corresponding to General Zhang, the eighteen riders came out.

"Subordinates are here!"

"How to punish the whole army for being late?"

A sharp shout like cutting ice and jade shook the entire school field.

"The stick blames forty army sticks."

Under Tang Hao's scorching gaze, General Zhang had a touch of panic on his face and waved his hand.

"General, the subordinate knows wrong! This subordinate's bones can't stand the toss of forty army sticks, I hope..."

Before he finished his words, Tang Hao's sharp shout came.

"A sentence is useful if you know your mistakes, what's the use of military orders?"

Having said that, Tang Hao's stern face had a touch of determination, and he shouted.

"If you violate military regulations, you deserve to be punished!"

"Thinking that General Zhang was a bloody battlefield for Datang, now that he is old enough, the penalty is reduced by half."

"Take this as a warning, not as an example!"

The sound of no beak swept across the entire camp like a torrent of raging waves.

Among the generals present, they all climbed up step by step by virtue of this military merit.

The reputation in the barracks is also resounding.

Punished in a large court.

Not to mention whether the veteran can bear the twenty sticks.

With this face, where do you go in this army?

Seeing that Tang Hao was going to be true, the generals who were also training soldiers were frightened and changed their colors.

A general couldn't help but took a step forward, and said with some excruciation.

"Think twice about the general! This is General Zhang who has made great achievements!"

Before he finished speaking, Tang Hao's expression was stern, and he looked over with cold eyes.

"Why? Is this general going to be punished instead, or does he want to protect the guilt and be punished?"

As soon as these words came out, the generals who originally wanted to plead were speechless.

Tang Hao's domineering and powerful words swirled in the huge school field.

"The prince violated the order and sinned with the common people!"


Give an order.

Twenty-eight knights stood up and dismounted, knocking the terrified and struggling General Zhang to the ground.

Bang bang bang.

The loud sound of army sticks beating flesh and blood echoed on the school field.

With the fall of the club, a horrible howl rang out in the barracks.

Those generals who just watched furrowed their brows, and they flicked their eyes, and their expressions were extremely unbearable.

It was as if this army stick was on his body.

The soldiers in the front row looked at the scene of punishment, their throats trembling, and their hearts palpitated.

General Zhang, who still has military merits, can't help but wait on him, let alone a civilian child in white clothes.

Seeing the methods of this selfless new instructor, everyone present was silent.

Of course, the most shocking of these strokes is the disciples of the aristocracy.

Twenty army sticks are finished.

Twenty-eight guards picked up the trembling General Zhang, and stood in the line again.

Tang Hao raised the flag and shouted.

"Military orders are like mountains, and military discipline is like iron. I hope you all take this as a warning!"

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