Martial Sage

Chapter 384: I'm Sorry

Tang Hao's Adam's apple squirmed, gently placed those jade hands, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and slowly turned around.

Outside the hall, the king of Tang looked sad, and Princess Changle, supported by the maids, had already cried into tears.

Li Chengqian and Li Tai and other princes wiped their flushed eyes a lot, staring at the hall in a daze.

Slowly stepping out of the hall door, Tang Hao lowered his head and said.

"His Majesty."

Tang Wang nodded slightly and walked in quickly.

Princess Changle struggled to follow Wang Wang.

Empress Chang Sun on the soft couch looked at Princess Chang Le with red eyes and biting her lip, and said softly.

"Jia'er, the queen mother has something... to tell your father, you... you cut it out."

Listening to this soft, weak, intermittent voice, Princess Changle hesitated, nodded, and withdrew from the palace.

Only Tang Wang and his wife were left in the whole Lizheng Hall.

Looking at King Tang who was leaning on the couch, Empress Changsun whispered.

"Second brother, the concubine is leaving...I can't accompany you anymore."

"Something... I want to say, my concubine."

Hearing this, Tang Wang's brows twitched, and a pair of tiger eyes turned red.

Husband and wife for decades have jointly propped up the sky of the Tang Dynasty.

The mutual affection and affection are like lacquer, this kind of deep feeling has already been engraved in the hearts of the two.

Holding that cold bare hand, Tang Wang's heart was inexplicably painful, said.

"you say."

Empress Changsun slowly moved her gaze to the outside of the hall, watching the princes poking their heads into the hall, and said.

"Fuck, you have a straightforward temper...I can't take care of things, he's a good boy."

"But sometimes...too paranoid."

"The concubine is worried...He will be deceived...being stupid in the future."

Having said this, Empress Changsun moved her hand lightly, clasping King Tang's big hands, and said.

"The concubine hopes...If one day, he commits a great mistake."

"Your Majesty, for the sake of...concubines, be more tolerant."

At this point, Empress Changsun frowned and coughed lightly.

Yin Hong blood stains dripped out of the corners of the mouth.

Looking at the appalling redness, King Tang was about to get up, the strength of Su's hand suddenly increased.

"Your Majesty... promised the concubine."

Wang Wang sat down slowly, clenching his fists tightly. After a moment of silence, he nodded.

Seeing King Tang nodded, the strength in Su's hand slowed down a lot.

"Taier, she's smart since she was a child, but... she's out of temper, arrogant and cold."

"It's not... not a good... candidate for the prince."

These words are difficult to say, and the Tang Wang who heard this is even more mixed.

The intermittent body voice came again.

"Sizi has a bad body, concubine... I hope she can... live happily."

"If one day...she has something wrong, she...will be the grave of his concubine."

After Empress Changsun said these words, the corners of her eyes were glittering, and a line of tears could not stop dripping on the brocade silk quilt.

Sizi is the nickname of Princess Jinyang.

The original intent is a creature like a rhino.

The name was so named because the youngest daughter was born frail and sickly and frail.

Tang Wang and his wife put the meaning of their names on their breasts, hoping that their youngest daughter would be as easy to grow as a rhino and live a long life.

But things backfired, this daughter has grown up with a medicine pot on her back since she was a child.

If it weren't for this reason, who had the original intention to talk about the life and death of his daughter at this moment?

Both King Tang and Empress Changsun knew in their hearts that this young daughter was just struggling for this number of days.

Whether you can live through adulthood is a problem.

Let's just say this, the forehead of Empress Changsun is already covered with a layer of cold sweat.

After taking a few hurried breaths, Empress Changsun continued.


Speaking of Princess Changle, a touch of worry floated on the back of the emperor's cheeks.

"She is shy and thinks of Tang Hao, but... she has no destiny."

"If possible, my concubine hopes... Your Majesty, Your Majesty can bring him together."

"Haoer is... the nephew of a concubine... if it's good."

At this moment, Tang Wang was struck by lightning.

I was so busy with national affairs that I didn't even see through the thoughts of my daughter.

It was only at this moment that the Queen of the Longsun who was still alive said it was broken!

Perhaps he is a commendable Tang Wang, but who knows that he is not a competent father.

It was this Tang Hao that shocked King Tang even more!

There is actually such an identity!

Suddenly, Tang Wang had mixed feelings in his heart.

"Chen concubine, this life."

At this point, Empress Changsun seemed to be exhausted, and slowly closed her eyes.

"Second brother, be a saint... Renjun."

"Your courtier...don't...don't move the butcher knife again."

"The concubine... is going to leave, can't... can't take care of the second brother."

"Chen concubine... thin burial can be done."

The voice of Qianruo Hairspring was so small that it was almost inaudible.

At the end, the voice became ethereal and void.

Suddenly, the soft barbarian in King Tang's hand seemed soft as if there was no bones, and slipped weakly into his palm.

Into the eye.

Empress Changsun turned her head slightly, and lay quietly on the limp, as if she was asleep, motionless.

King Tang's big hand slowly came out, tremblingly close to the sleeping face.

It's cold at the beginning.

Tang Wang's body shook, and the corners of his eyes twitched unconsciously. He leaned over the cold head, and tears poured out uncontrollably from the corners of his eyes.

A hoarse and low voice came from Tang Wang's mouth.

"Kuanyin maidservant, my Guanyin maid..."

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