Martial Sage

Chapter 394: Fighting

Powerful master!

King Tang sitting on the dragon seat, his face was uncertain, and his eyes flickered.

The eyes looking at Hou Junji also gradually sharpened.

Throughout the dynasties, above the courts, the struggle for power has been surging undercurrents.

Some clever veterans also learned to conquer their edge.

Especially those generals with outstanding military exploits, after returning to the court, most of them will be silent.

As for the mobilization of the war, these veteran officials who had given up their military power and could no longer fight were discussed with the king of Tang.

Obviously, this general who has guarded the border for many years, obviously, did not realize this.

Seeing the king of Tang in the Great Hall, he remained motionless and thoughtful.

Hou Jun Jikou stepped forward and said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, you know everything in the southwest."

"Taking that Tubo is like exploring the bag!"

"Hope your majesty descends on your majesty's will, and you will surely dedicate Songtsen Gampo to your majesty in half a month!"

These remarks were full of ambitions and high ambitions.

Hearing this high-pitched and passionate voice, Tang Wang felt hesitated.

It is a good thing to conquer the world for the Tang Dynasty and calm the southwest border.

However, military power checks and balances are another major event in Datang.

Regarding this maverick and self-recommended Hou Junji, Tang Wang felt a little more suspicious.

And above the court, the ministers also remained silent, a little more worried about this Hou Junji who was eager to make progress.

At this moment, the drums of war outside the palace suddenly rang.



A dull drum sound gradually became agitated.

Beat the drums by day!

Not a war! It's the battle report!

There have been changes in the southwest.

Could it be that the surrounding countries of Datang also took advantage of the great Tang Dynasty funeral to make trouble?

The rapid drumbeat seemed to be beating in the hearts of the people, and a solemn flashed across the faces of the ministers in the hall.

King Tang stood up suddenly, staring at the outside of the hall with his eyes, his heart sank inexplicably.

Amidst the hooves of horses, a young scout came straight up.

When he got to the Great Hall, he turned over and got off his horse, hurriedly stepped up the steps, and strode to the Great Hall in the eyes of the ministers.

"Your Majesty! Northern Emergency!"

As the scout knelt on the ground, hurried shouts floated throughout the Great Hall.

Northern battle report!

There seemed to be a pair of invisible big hands, suddenly lifting the hearts of the ministers to his throat.

Everyone's eyes were condensed on the bamboo tube held high by the scout.

The Queen’s funeral, the prince broke his leg, the southwest moved...

Now it is the report of the north again!

Uneasy in Datang, foreign enemies are ready to move!

Suddenly, Wang Wang burst into anger, staring at the small bamboo tube, and said.

"Read it."

As soon as the voice fell, Lord Rongji had already walked into the hall, taking the bamboo tube in the scout's hand with a solemn expression, slowly unraveling, and shaking out a kraft paper roll.

Taking a deep breath, the squeaky voice of Lord Rongji slowly sounded in the silent Great Hall.

"The severe winter has arrived, and the garrison is in short supply of food and grass. It coincides with the snow disaster. Many soldiers stationed in the city have frostbite, and their combat power is greatly reduced."

"Goguryeo has repeatedly invaded, slaughtered our border villages and tribes, burned and looted, and committed no evil."

"The city is still there, but the people have been displaced and hungry everywhere. I hope that your majesty will send additional cavalry to attack them, and restore the stability of our Datang border."

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Wang was furious and shouted.

"This small country is so rampant that it dares to disturb the people on the border of my country while the country is mourning!"

The roar of anger rang Great Hall, and the officials were one of them.

Changsun Wuji slowly got out of the queue, glanced at the Great Hall, the tiger's eyes widened, and the king Tang, gritted his teeth, said.

"Your Majesty calms down his anger."

"Now that the East Turks are gone, and the courageous Yu Wei of the inquiring soldiers is still there, then Goguryeo must be afraid of the great Tang warriors who dare not commit the crime."

"In the opinion of the minister, this Goguryeo is mostly just a test, and there is no intention of aggressive attack."

"Just move the wandering people to the pass, there is not much worry."

Cheng Zhijie wiped his chin, pondered for a moment, and guessed.

"Your Majesty, most of our guards are pawns, and Goguryeo deliberately looted the people and their food and grass with cavalry."

"Perhaps because of the snow disaster, the domestic food and grass were inadequate, so I had to make a move."

"This may be a good opportunity for conquest."

As for the conquest of Goguryeo, there were war cases in the previous dynasty.

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty had three campaigns against Goryeo, but all ended in failure.

Regarding this small country far in the northeast, King Tang did not dare to take it lightly.

In other words, Tang Wang and Zhujiang are all waiting for a chance to win Goguryeo in one fell swoop.

The enraged King Tang slowly sat down, faced with two strategies, and meditated quietly.

Upon seeing this, Gao Shilian walked to the hall, cupped hands.

"Your Majesty, the minister thinks that the most urgent task is to pacify the southwest."

"There are many vassal states in the southwest, and Tubo's strong offensive will inadvertently cause these vassal states to fall."

"Stomping on the prestige of the Tang Dynasty will only make the countries of the Tang Dynasty more eager to move."

After that, Gao Shilian slowly turned around, looked at Cheng Zhijie, and said.

"At the moment, although Goguryeo has signs of restlessness, it has not sent out a single soldier, and most of it is still waiting and watching."

"If the war in Tubo were to shock Tang's prestige, the threat of Goguryeo would surely fall apart."

Three ministers and three views are justified.

For a while, all the court officials visited King Tang, waiting for the King of Tang to decide.

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