Martial Sage

Chapter 407: Fighting

The cold wind blew, his hands and feet were numb.

The sturdy man took a sigh of relief and warmed his warm and cold hands.

The next second the forearm drumstick was held in his hand, and the man flushed his cheeks and rounded his arms. The drumsticks slammed toward the cowhide drum in the whirring sound.

Accompanied by the vibration of the forearm muscles, the dull drum sound resounded throughout the Tai Chi Hall square.

Beat the drums in the day.

It's the battle report from the southwest frontier!

Li Tai, who stood proudly on the steps of the Taiji Hall, stopped abruptly when he heard the drumbeat.

Your Highness, the hundreds of civil servants and generals looked at the outside of the hall.

Your Majesty’s imperial conquest, finally today, came the battle report!

Li Tai was also a little excited and nervous.

Looked out along with the officials.

The scout came galloping in, and went into the hall neatly and bowed down.

"His Royal Highness, the southwest frontier war report."

After all, in the eyes of the public, the scout held up the bamboo tube aloft.

At this moment, this small bamboo tube carried the hope of the Tang court officials and the deep concern for the Tang king.

Li Tai's apple squirmed gently, and slowly stretched out his hand, saying with a touch of excitement.

"Read it."

The father-in-law beside him could not wait for a long time. He hurried forward and took over the delicate bamboo tube with his tiny steps.

Remove the lacquer, unfold the soft white paper, a line of cursive fonts, and bring the eye into view.

Rong Gonggong cleared his voice, and a long and thin voice slowly rose from the Great Hall.

"Master Wang has arrived in Liangzhou, the first battle, killing more than 20,000 enemies."

The battle report is short and the description of the battle is even more general, and I have already taken a few strokes.

Seeing the few numbers in the battle report, Lord Ronggong frowned slightly, and his voice stopped abruptly.

With a hint of suspicion, Lord Ronggong looked at Li Tai and said.

"War report, that's it."

After listening, all the officials present were whispering.

"Whether the report this time is too concise, there are few words about the future layout, and it is not clear."

As soon as the doubts were raised, people in the court began to discuss.

"There is still a battle in the Southwest. General Li is in charge, and General Niu, who has conquered Tuyuhun, is in charge. It is sure to be foolproof."

"This kind of battle report is just to report peace to the imperial city, and to be steadfast."

Once these remarks were put forward, many people also agreed.

After all, in this great Tang, those veterans who can make suggestions are all by your Majesty's side this time.

However, this explanation has also been questioned by others.

"The battle reports have always been clear. Could it be that the frontline wars are tight and the two sides are deadlocked?"

The voice of doubt is also reasonable.

For a time, the entire Tang Dynasty hall was full of noises and noisy.

Li Tai's eyes flickered, and they swept over the faces of everyone under the steps.

In the court hall, more than half of the people were puzzled and questioned the battle report.

Some of them were worried, and they obviously didn't believe that the war would be as easy as it was in the report.

Unconsciously, Li Tai glanced at Gao Shilian, who was standing at the head of the military commander.

In the eyes.

Gao Shilian's old face was full of dignity, his head hung slightly, his eyes flickered and his face was worried.

Seeing this scene, Li Tai sighed softly in his heart.

As a representative of military commanders, Gao Shilian will definitely have a more thorough understanding of warfare than ordinary people.

From this look alone, it is not difficult to see that the war is not optimistic.

Gradually, the atmosphere above the court gradually became dignified and dull.

Li Tai waved his hand slightly to signal the ministers to be quiet.

Taking a deep look at Gao Shilian, Li Tai said slowly.

"Your Majesty's imperial conquest, annihilating the enemy in the first battle, anyway, this is a blessing."

"I'm waiting for thousands of miles away, in a timely manner, but also powerless."

"If you are lonely, I will temporarily take the place of the father, and pray for the soldiers and soldiers who are fighting bloody on the border, and pray that the father's master will return soon."

Li Tai's move was also helpless.

A few days ago, the Queen’s funeral had already cast a cloud over the city of Chang'an.

The officials who have not yet completely emerged from the grief, if they are affected by this war, the whole court will be overcast and lifeless.

Hearing this, Changsun Wuji glanced at Li Tai on the stage and guessed what Li Tai was thinking.

Slowly, Changsun Wuji walked out of the crowd and stood on the Great Hall, cupped hands said.

"Worshiping and praying for blessing, this is a major event for the country and the people."

"To accumulate virtue for the people of Datang, there will be a good start in the coming year."

After listening to Changsun Wuji's support, Li Tai glanced gratefully, his gaze shifted slightly, and said to Gao Shilian.

"How about Shen Guo's public opinion?"

Shen Guogong's gloomy face, his brows stretched slightly, said.

"Very good!"

"His Royal Highness has this kind of deed, and it is also a blessing for the country."

Even with the support of the two humeral ministers, Li Tai smiled and said.

"Even so, I will bother you both."

"I hope you two will take care of this matter of fighting and praying for blessings."

To the confidants of these two majesty, Li Tai's words are kind and humble.

Many ministers even slightly nodded when they were praised by the two.

Aside from the arrangements, the entire DPRK meeting is also coming to an end.

Looking at the crowds who dispersed towards the hall, and the figures of the ministers of humerus about to go out.

Li Tai said.

"Everyone, please stay."

"About the war, I, a junior, would like to ask one or two."

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