Martial Sage

Chapter 411: The Imperial City Training Soldiers

The New Year’s Eve is approaching, and Chang'an City has gradually returned to its former prosperity.

The former quiet palace has gradually become busy.

The court ladies and eunuchs are actively preparing the items to be blessed, and the major officials are also beginning to scoop up the items to be purchased.

Behind this bustling and bustling scene, a vortex of power struggle is gradually turning around.

As the initiator of this battle, Hou Junji was even more busy.

Wearing silver armor and a general cape on his shoulders, his silver hair is neatly gathered on the top of his head.

Although he is a veteran of more than half a century, he is full of energy and radiant.

Stride across the camp at the north gate of the imperial city.

The two guards saw Hou Junji strutting towards each other, cupped hands politely said.

"General Hou!"

Hou Junji turned his eyes slightly, nodded slowly, and said.

"Can the left and right generals be in the barracks?"

The camp guard nodded and said.

"The two generals are training soldiers on the school grounds."

Hearing this, Hou Junji nodded slightly, fetched a soldier talisman from his arms, and said.

"This general came today to review the Qianniu Guardsman, but you quickly informed him."

The guard caught a glimpse of the soldier talisman in Hou Junji's hand, which was the piece that His Majesty was carrying with him. Without hesitation at the moment, he turned and ran into the barracks.

Hou Junji strode towards Dianjiangtai.

The huge platform stands high on the north of the school field. Looking around, the outline of the entire Qianniuwei camp can be seen in the eyes.

Large and small banners surrounded the entire school field, and the trained soldiers practiced earnestly under the leadership of their respective generals.

In a few moments.

Under the order of the guards, a total of 30,000 cattle guards moved as many as they could, slowly coming towards the Dianjiangtai.

Hou Junji looked at the front line neatly moving under the stage, and was full of admiration in his heart.

It is worthy of the royal army, and it is a grade ahead of ordinary soldiers in momentum.

These soldiers, dressed in silver armor, wearing a'Thousand Bull Knife' around their waists, and on a silver tasseled helmet, two long bird feathers swaying in the wind are particularly beautiful.

Normally, the left and right Yulin and the left and right Longwu are controlled by your majesty's cronies.

In the smoke and dust, all four teams gathered.

Hou Junji stood on the general stage, looking at the 60,000 army in front of him, faintly moved.

In the cold wind, Hou Junji's powerful voice sounded.

"Soldiers! Your Majesty's imperial conquest, the imperial city falls on every soldier's head in safety."

"The old man is ordered by your majesty to temporarily command the Yulin army."

"I hope that the various ministries will cooperate closely to clear the order in the palace and wait for the dispatch."

As soon as the voice fell, General Zuowei said.

"General Hou, the Yulin Army has always only recognized soldiers amulet. Although the will has been reached, you can have your Majesty's soldier amulet in hand."

Hearing this, Hou Junji laughed loudly and said.

"General Tian is meticulous and considerate, strictly abide by military regulations, very good."

Having said that, Hou Junji slowly took out the soldier talisman, shook it, and said.

"Here is your majesty's bestowed soldier talisman!"

On the high platform, the translucent fish symbol is very conspicuous.

The generals could see clearly that it was the fish charm held by your majesty.

General Hou showed it for a moment, slowly retracted the fish symbol into his arms, and shouted.

"The Imperial Forest Army is about the comfort of the imperial city, the key to the survival of the imperial family."

"Today, the old man is temporarily in charge of this position, so he should live up to his majesty's trust and rectify the imperial city."

Having said that, Hou Junji slowly walked a few steps, his eyes swept from the four soldiers of the North Gate one by one, and the majestic shouts blew up the entire school field.

Under the stage, General Tian glanced at the general right guard beside him, glanced at Hou Junji on the stage sideways, and whispered.

"What the hell does Hou Junji want to do?"

"That means taking office, with your majesty's edict and soldier talisman, you can take office."

"Now the imperial city is stable and I will wait for each to perform his duties. What does he mean by talking on this stage?"

The General Youwei snorted and said.

"What else can it mean?"

"The new officer takes office, I want to build up the army's prestige."

"If it weren't for the sake of his country's prince, the North Gate Fourth Army wouldn't bother to care about him."

After listening to these words, General Zuo Weitian said with disdain.

"I think he is always confused. He is used to the position of commander in the army in the southwest, and he has come to show off in our imperial city."

Having said that, General Youwei sighed sarcastically.

"This person is old, but the family can't afford the appearance. Naturally, he is anxious, afraid that he wants to find a bit of comfort in the army."

"This Hou Jun Ji Na, in my opinion, is not only greedy for money, but also greedy for power."

After listening to General Youwei's words, General Tian twitched and said.

"When Gaochang was destroyed, he swallowed the spoils and was impeached by the officials. If it weren't for the guarantee of the Tang king, I'm afraid it would have fallen to the ground."

"Now I dare to be greedy for power, bold and bold."

The two looked at each other, looking at Hou Junji who was still passionate on the stage, and looking at each other, they could see the contempt in each other's eyes.

After a stick of incense, Hou Jun's collection is finally finished.

Looking at the soldiers standing in the audience, Hou Junji waved his hand and said.

"Today, I'm talking about this. The new year is approaching. I hope that all ministries will perform their duties, strictly abide by military regulations, and disband."

After all, watching the four generals who turned around suddenly turned around, Hou Junji shouted and said.

"Four generals, stay here, and please come and go to the Chinese Army's Great Account."

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