Martial Sage

Chapter 414: The Heart of Recruitment

The drill begins.

All weapon blades were replaced with wood, and the iron tip of the arrow was also removed to avoid accidental injury.

The exercise is also exceptionally simple.

Two thousand soldiers wandered into the wilderness and were surrounded by more than ten thousand soldiers.

Either break through successfully, or surrender after running out of food.

Just after most of the start, Tang Hao was completely free.

The soldiers selected with outstanding performances replaced the eighteen riders and became law enforcement officers.

The Shibaqi collected sulphur, saltpeter, charcoal and honey in the city of Chang'an.

Tang Hao was bored in the camp all day, and began to study the structure of the musket.

In terms of current conditions, the amount of sulphur and saltpetre excavated will not be large.

After all, in this period, there is no such advanced equipment for mining.

Another point is the manufacture of this musket.

I don't want to be like later generations. To be precise, this should be called a flintlock.

This kind of artifact first appeared in the Song Dynasty, and it was mainly filled with gunpowder and pits in guns.

Of course, the sealing technology at this time is not very high. The power of this type of gun lies in the flame burning and the high-speed ejection.

It is not difficult to make such muskets.

After studying for a day, Tang Hao was able to vaguely draw the internal structure of the musket based on his memory.

On this day, Tang Hao rushed between the Viscount Mansion and the northern suburbs wilderness.

On one side, I told the craftsmen in the mansion about the structure of the objects they wanted, while on the other side, the soldiers in the wilderness presided over the overall situation and nailed their respective responsibilities.

Until the night, the little father-in-law of the palace came to report that a good day had been chosen, and the prayers for fighting and praying would be held on the next day.

January 1.

The starting day of the new year.

Today's noon is a good day of blessing.

Under the service of beautiful maidservant, Tang Hao got up and went out in a good Tang suit.

Tang Hao, who is accustomed to wearing armor, wears this Tang suit for the first time, and he looks like a family of young masters.

Blessing Temple.

The Jinwu Guards guarded the guards, standing majesticly at the gate of the temple, on the side of the street.

Ministers dressed in Tang suits entered in twos and threes.

Tang Hao handed the horse's rein to the Jinwu guard at the door, and greeted the familiar minister who passed by, just as he was about to step into the majestic temple gate.

An old voice came from behind him.

"General Tang!"

Hearing this full of breath, Tang Hao smiled on his face and turned around slowly.

In front of his eyes, Hou Jun smiled on his face and strode forward to greet him.

Tang Hao's eyes twitched twice, a smile hung on his face, cupped hands said.

"General Hou, it's a good time to meet."

Hou Junji stepped forward, like an elder, patted Tang Hao on the back and made a gesture of invitation.

Although it was such an intimate action that made Tang Hao particularly uncomfortable,

But Tang Hao returned the gift politely.

The two walked side by side towards the temple.

Hou Junji still had a smile on his face, and said.

"As early as in the southwest, the old man heard that in the imperial city of the Tang Dynasty, there was a stranger who was rare in a century. He had both civil and military skills and was unparalleled in the world."

"When the old man asked about this young man's surname, he suddenly remembered that we had a relationship when we tried to compete in Vukko."

The words were sincere, full of admiration for Tang Hao, and sighed with emotion.

Tang Hao leaned slightly.

"General Hou is absurdly praised, this is just to show the love of the people in the court, nothing more than a false name."

While talking, the two have arrived at the main courtyard.

The ministers were all dressed in Tang suits and gathered in groups.

Probably because not long after the Queen’s funeral, the coloring of the costumes is not as gorgeous as on festivals, but mostly plain.

Hou Junji Yu Guang glanced at Tang Hao and said.

"I heard that General Tang was deeply involved in the murder of the Tubo prince and was dismissed from his official position. The old man felt sorry."

"This time I was in a hurry to return to the court, the old man did not have time to intercede with your majesty in the future, and your majesty has already expeditioned to the southwest."

"It's a pity that we are such a proud son of Datang from heaven."

While speaking, Hou Junji sighed twice, seeming to be particularly distressed.

Hearing this kind of remarks, Tang Hao guessed at all odds about Hou Jun's family affairs.

Now that the undercurrent is surging in the middle of the court, Hou Junji is showing his favor to him, nothing more than trying to win him over.

Even so, Tang Hao didn't reveal it, and said with a faint smile.

"General Hou is serious."

"I, Tang Hao, how can I dare to bother the general."

"In the final analysis, this entry into the court as an official is not for the sake of smashing silver."

After that, Tang Hao approached Hou Junji's ear and whispered softly.

"Don't hide the general, Xia Shi is very satisfied with this instructor position."

"Although I don't have real power, I can take time off and enjoy myself."

Hearing this, Hou Junji's heart was shocked, and he looked at Tang Haodao in surprise.

"General Tang is a talent, but he doesn't want to contribute to the Tang Dynasty? So decadent?"

Hearing that Hou Junji said this, Tang Hao smiled slightly, looked around and said.

"General, a lifetime, just a few dozen years, but making contributions is not the only way to lead soldiers to fight."

"There is something to do and something not to do, Tang can still distinguish it."

After listening to this, Hou Junji's pupils suddenly closed, and a flash of suspicion flashed in his heart.

When he was far in the southwest, Hou Junji had indeed heard of Tang Hao's deeds.

His martial arts is amazing, but he is humble, he doesn't make friends with the prince, and he doesn't fight for fame.

Although it was the first time at this time, Tang Hao said so bluntly.

Even Hou Junji felt a touch in his heart.

The Tang Hao in front of him might be as good as he said.

And the last sentence is even more intriguing.

After a brief stupor, Hou Jun felt sorry for him. Seeing Tang Hao's expression like this, Dao really looked like a shrewd businessman.

For a while, even Hou Junji was a little puzzled, and asked rhetorically.

"Young Master Tang, you are the pillar of the country. You can live so easily, but it's not like a man of Tang Dynasty."

"Do you really want to be a Datang Tao Zhugong?"

Hearing this, Tang Hao smiled heartily and said.

"What's wrong with Tao Zhugong of the Tang Dynasty."

"These days, with the help of drills, I have thrown the recruits in the mountains for training."

"Right now, it's really a good time for me, Tao Zhugong, to exhibit his skills."

After all, Tang Hao looked at Hou Junji, with a shrewd look in his eyes, said.

"If there is any real estate, I hope General Hou can tell me next time."

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