Martial Sage

Chapter 416: Secretly Deployed

Viscount Mansion.

In the north house, boiling mountain spring water is slowly poured into the tea cup, and the emerald green tea whirls in the cup, and the pleasant fragrance slowly diffuses.

A pair of plain hands held up the tea cup and placed it gently in front of Tang Hao.

The sunlight passed through the blue silk and lightly spilled on that jade face, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Tang Hao, who was frowning in front of the case, and said softly.

"Master Hou, have a cup of tea and warm yourself up."

Tang Hao slowly stretched out his right hand and held up the tea cup. The hot temperature came from the palm of his palm, and his stiff fingers were also relaxed and relaxed.

"Go down."

In the deep voice, the maidservant gave a slight blessing and slowly stepped out.

On the way back from the blessing venue, Tang Hao has been thinking about it all the time.

Regarding the assassin, the Wei Palace is a mystery.

At this moment, Wu Tong walked in and said.

"Master Hou, Wang Wei was assassinated. The assassin missed a blow and was killed on the spot."

"Assassin's difficult to lock, he's a dead man."

Hearing this news, Tang Hao was not surprised.

Those who can assassinate King Wei must be determined to die.

Covering up one's identity is no exception.

Tang Hao slowly raised his head, his eyes filled with determination, said.

"It's the prince's person."

Wu Tong, who was standing at the desk, did not answer, and frowned slightly.

"To pray for blessings today, in the palace, half of the Yulin guards have been transferred to the Temple of Blessings, and even the Jinwu Guards who guard Chang'an have also been transferred half."

"It must be the assassin who saw that the strength of Chang'an guarding the major palaces has been slack, and then the killer pained."

"It's just that the subordinates didn't expect that the three soldiers in the Prince Wei's mansion would kill all seven assassins. The combat power is indeed amazing."

Hearing that Wu Tong praised these three people, Tang Hao replied with a vague expression on his face.

"Wei Palace, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, is surprising in front of people."

For a while, Tang Hao became suspicious of the true strength of the Wei Palace again.

After a while, Tang Hao slowly put away his thoughts and said.

"On the recruit side, what's the progress?"

Hearing this, Wu Tong replied honestly.

"Under the leadership of General Cheng, two thousand soldiers broke through and defeated for the first time, but they also severely damaged General Zheng's infantry soldiers."

Tang Hao expected this battle report.

The strength of the new barracks may be weaker, but few enemies are enough to make up for the weakness of strength.

Tang Hao wanted these two thousand elites to clarify their own advantages once again in the face of failure and find a breakthrough.

Perhaps, in the near future, this chaos in the palace will also require this team to break through and penetrate.

Thinking of this, Tang Hao said with a smile on his worried face.

"It's not too bad that there is victory in defeat."

Seeing that Tang Hao's mood had improved, Wu Tong pondered for a moment and asked his doubts.

"Master Hou, why do we arrange this exercise in the wilderness outskirts."

"This place is an hour away from Chang'an Imperial City."

"If there is a big change in the palace, it will take two or three hours at the earliest between this one and the other. Within two or three hours, the overall situation in the palace is very likely to be settled."

Wu Tong's remarks are by no means alarmist.

All attempts to usurp the throne have always been well prepared before the outbreak.

Controlling the overall situation of the DPRK and China is often only a few hours.

Hearing this, Tang Hao smiled faintly, glanced at Wu Tong, and said.

"Don't forget, the ambitions of this dynasty are not only the prince and Li Tai."

"If that time comes, how can Wu Wang Li Ke sit back and watch?"

After that, Tang Hao sighed softly, took a sip of warm tea, and said.

"Holding one hundred thousand recruits, in this imperial city, it is impossible not to be eye-catching."

"What's more, Hou Junji and Li Tai are already eyeing us."

Tang Hao slowly leaned forward and said.

"This time I transferred the recruits away, on the one hand, I didn't let everyone's eyes focus too much."

"The other side is to deploy our plan as the next step."

Following Tang Hao's thoughts, Wu Tong pondered slightly and asked tentatively.

"The intention of Lord Hou is to use the wilderness to train soldiers to cover people's eyes and ears, so as to secretly transfer troops out?"

Tang Hao responded straightforwardly.

"Yes, I just meant it!"

"If I relied on the prestige of the army and transferred my troops into the palace. Although the coup détat was subdued, it is inevitable that I would be used by those with intentions and fall into the crime of transferring troops beyond my post."

Having said this, Tang Hao's eyes were burning, as if he was plunged into memories.

a long time.

Tang Hao said slowly.

"Eat a ditch and grow a wise man!"

"Before we were in control of our military merits, and the scenery was infinite. However, Li Chengqian took advantage of the Tubo murder case and took a bite, leaving the end of the mansion stripped and restricted."

"This situation is so similar, we must not be on this road."

After listening to this, Wu Tong's eyes flashed, and said.

"Master Hou has a foresight, and his subordinates admire him."

"It's just that all these 100,000 soldiers will be transferred to the city of Chang'an. It's not easy!"

"It's even harder to not be noticed."

Hearing this, Tang Hao laughed loudly and said.

"It is difficult for a hundred thousand soldiers to enter the city, but it is not difficult for two thousand to enter the city!"

"Tomorrow, you will pick a few houses and handle some things for brewing and roasting tea."

"These two thousand soldiers, I have my own arrangements."

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