Martial Sage

Chapter 426: The Secret

The whole army drill has been carried out in an orderly manner in accordance with the own plan.

Tang Hao also started to be busy with his own affairs.

Right now, the flare gun has also been developed, and the next step is to find a blacksmith to cast a metal barrel.

That bamboo tube was too easy to explode, and Tang Hao certainly did not dare to equip it for use in the army at will.

If you want to be foolproof, you have to make a firecracker before it is safe.

Tang Hao became embarrassed after drawing the rough drawings.

For example, five baht coins, weapons, and armor are mostly controlled by the military workshop.

If you want to make firecrackers, this kind of high-precision equipment at the time, you must choose military workshops.

However, in the context of his relationship with Datang, there are no old friends in the workshop at all!

Now is the moment when the three princes are fighting in secret, and they can't lead one of them.

Thinking of this, a person appeared in Tang Hao's mind.

Jin Wang Li Zhi!

The prince who clamored to worship himself as his teacher.

Li Zhi is fashionable and young, even if Tang Hao has a close relationship with him, he will definitely not be branded as the King of the Jin Party.

As the prince, letting the workshop of the barracks secretly cast a batch of firecrackers is certainly not a problem.

Now Li Zhi is not an adult and still lives in the palace.

Only after the prince gave the ceremony of the weak crown, he had to go to the fief and relied on himself.

Mindful of this, Tang Hao headed to the Jin Palace with a drawing of the musket.

It’s not the first time Tang Hao has come to the Imperial City.

Although he didn't know which palace Li Zhi was in, Tang Hao was very familiar with the positions prescribed by the prince's palace.

He was familiar with the road all the way, and soon arrived at Xiyuan.

After leaving Xiyuan, and then passing through two palace gates, you arrived at the palace where the young princes lived.

Fang entered the Xiyuan, and a woman in Tsing Yi came to face him with a thin palace lady.

At the entrance of Xiyuan, there is only such a corridor.

Soon, Tang Hao and this woman looked at each other.

Tang Hao glanced over the woman's accessories and clothes, and he quickly understood that this was the unique attire of the newly promoted talent.

Unconsciously, his eyes moved to the face of that person.

The delicate goose egg cheeks are slightly applied with pink and white, but it is even more charming and refined.

On the small and tall nose, there are a pair of phoenix eyes that are like water in autumn, and in the depth there is a touch of innocence that is unique to a girl.

The slender eyebrows are lying on the beautiful eyes, and there is a hint of majesty in the beauty.

With just this glance, Tang Hao secretly said in his heart.

What a beautiful, charming and charming talented person!

When Tang Hao looked away, he seemed to feel that his face was a bit familiar.

Very strange feeling, unclear, unclear.

It seemed that Tang Hao should know this talented person in front of him.

In the tunnel.

When Tang Hao and that talented person walked closer.

Tang Hao stopped, and the talented person three steps away in front of him also slowly stopped.

The talented person on the opposite side was slightly blessed and owed a bow.

"I have seen Dingbeihou."

A clear and beautiful Ying's cry came out from the lips of this talented man with grace and nobility.

Hearing this, Tang Hao's heart was shocked, and he looked over with piercing eyes.

Logically speaking, a talented person is a fourth-rank position, which is lower than Tang Hao's third-rank official position.

It is understandable that a gifted person salutes himself.

However, as a talented man, he lives in the harem.

Certainly know a lot about Tang Wang.

As for the affairs of the court, and even the deeds of the court as a whole, usually little is known.

But the talented person in front of him seemed to know him well and knew a lot.

With a hint of suspicion, Tang Hao stared at the gifted man in front of him, replied with the symbolic cupped hands.

"I have seen talented people."

Seeing Tang Hao's return, the man raised his head slightly, showing a faint smile, and nodding slowly.

Neither humble nor overbearing, neither sad nor happy.

Looking at this talented person who was just over ten years old, Tang Hao even had a feeling.

The person in front of him has the same mentality that is not suitable for his age.

Even the talented person in front of him was looking at him, and there was no shyness of ordinary women in his eyes.

Instead, he had a rather admiring look, just like the look that Tang Wang had when he looked at himself in the Wu Ke ring.


A person's name is in my mind, ready to come out!

Wu Zetian!

Tang Hao was even convinced that the woman in front of him was Wu Meiniang who was able to do well among the emperors.

As a posterity, foresight.

According to the trend of history, this talented teenager in front of him will eventually become the master of Datang's future.

But, what about it!

Tang Hao, who has experienced too many things in this time and space, is no longer a person who has become a fan!

Seek his position in his position.

Even if Tang Hao knew this talented person, it is possible that in this time and space, he would still follow the historical trajectory and reach the peak of Datang.

However, Tang Hao didn't have any intention to curry favor.

If possible, Tang Hao would definitely stay away from this talented person.

This talented means will eventually be revealed in the next Tang king of the Tang Dynasty, changing the surname of the Tang monarch and creating the first queen in history.

Thinking of this, Tang Hao, almost subconsciously, withdrew a small step, unconsciously a vigilance flashed across his heart, mixed with a hint of fear.

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