Martial Sage

Chapter 429: I'm Sorry

The next day.

Tai Chi Hall.

Groups of officials gathered and arranged on both sides of the Great Hall.

Today's court hall is exceptionally quiet.

In the middle of the Great Hall, a scout knelt on the ground, holding a bamboo tube in his hands.

It is the report of war in the Southwest.

In the southwestern land that affected the entire Chang'an, the second battle report was eventually sent back.

Looking at the small bamboo tube, Gao Shilian's heart was beating, and his shriveled hands in the sweater trembled slightly.

Regarding the Southwest War, his previous analysis in the Chamber was completely reasonable.

It's just that in order to stabilize the whole court, he had no choice but to finally say the words to appease the ministers.

At this moment, the battle report came!

It's time for everything to be revealed.

The warrior next to Gao Shilian was naturally aware of the situation that day, and could not help clenching his fists secretly, staring at the battle report that Grandpa Jung had received from the scout.

The civil servants on the opposite side also stared nervously at everything in the hall.

In the tense attention of the group of officials, Lord Ronggong slowly unscrewed the bamboo tube and shook out a note from the inside.

As Lord Ronggong slowly unfolded the note, there was silence above the Great Hall.

It was so quiet that the ministers could clearly hear each other's heavy breathing.

A shrill voice sounded slowly from the Great Hall.

"The war in the Southwest is urgent..."

The voice stopped abruptly, and the Lord Ronggong browsed the battle report, his figure was shocked, and he was stunned on the spot.

What was stated in the battle report was completely beyond expectation.

Suddenly, Lord Ronggong wondered whether he wanted to read it any more.

Just at the beginning, the hearts of the officials present also trembled and sank suddenly.

The atmosphere above the Great Hall became depressed and tense.

Some faintly trembling voices came from among the officials.

With a touch of horror and curiosity, but also a little anxious.

"Father-in-law...what's wrong,...hurry it."

Li Tai on the head of the hall, with a solemn expression, clenched his fists, a pair of eyes filled with panic, staring at the dazed grandfather in the hall.

Li Tai said solemnly to endure the fear and anxiety in his heart.


With an order, the Lord Ronggong trembling his hands, slowly raised his eyes, and looked at the figure sitting up high, with his throat gloomy.

"Your Highness!"

Li Tai frowned tightly, not daring to take a mouthful, and said in a low voice.


With an order, the Honorable Lord swallowed hard, his eyes focused on the battle report again with difficulty.

The trembling sound slowly resounded in the Great Hall again.

"The war in the southwest is urgent. Your Majesty leads the king's division and sends his division south."

"When crossing the mountains, your Majesty occasionally felt cold, and when he encountered an ambush in the shadow of the Tubo barbarians, the king was defeated..."

At the end of the reading, the grandpa was already in tears, crying hard!

I can no longer read the entire report!

It was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, thunderous!

Group officials freeze on the spot, dumbfounded!

Still no one thought that this battle report was actually like this.

Master Wang Yufu!


Your Majesty has caught the cold again!

This is simply worse, a disaster-like report!

Listening to the frightening battle report in her ears, Fang Xuanling's face was already pale before she finished reading, she suddenly exclaimed.

"His Majesty!"

There was a lot of grief in the tremolo.

There was a cloud of mist in Fang Xuanling's eyes, and her hands on her chest trembled.

Changsun Wuji was already impatient with sorrow, rushed to the palace and snatched the battle report.

On the cowhide roll, a line of handwriting is clear and clear.

It was exactly the words spoken by Lord Rong Gong.

The Changsun Yi clan has always had a lot of friendship with the royal family.

Not only the friendship between the emperor and his subjects, but also the royal family affection of the grandson queen.

A few months ago, the death of Empress Changsun had already made this veteran heartbroken.

Now, the death of King Tang has made Changsun Wuji extremely sorrowful.

With shriveled fingers, Zhang Sun Wuji's whole body shuddered, and there was no expression in his eyes.

Changsun Wuji trembled his lips, letting the muddy old tears slip off his cheeks, dripping down.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... There are... Difficulties."

As soon as the voice fell, the trembling figure shook a few times and slowly collapsed.

Standing on the high hall, Li Tai caught a glimpse of the old voice, suddenly fell, and shouted.

"Zhao Guogong!"

The veteran who was beside Changsun Wuji suddenly woke up, in a panic, stepped forward and supported the leaning body.

At the beginning, the whole body of the old man was trembling slightly.

Seeing this situation, the terrified Gao Shilian hurried forward to check the situation.

Li Tae staggered down from above the Great Hall and rushed into the crowd.

On the Great Hall, the ministers surrounded the first layer of civil servants, and their eyes were full of worry and panic.

The grandson Wuji, who was lying halfway in the temple, panted heavily, with tears in his eyes, sweeping across the faces of the ministers one by one.

It wasn't until he saw the young and handsome cheek that Changsun Wuji's eyes froze.

Slowly, Changsun Wuji stretched out his hand tremblingly, looking at Li Tai hopefully.

The corners of Li Tai's eyes were moist, and he took the shriveled hands and held them in his palms.

The old voice of Changsun Wuji came slowly.

"His Royal Highness, Datang has already left a queen, Your Majesty... Your Majesty... can't do anything more."

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