Martial Sage

Chapter 438: The Secret

Not time.

Thin clouds covered the warm sun, the sky dissipated, and the whole Chang'an gradually dimmed.

Tang Hao raised his head and looked at the golden disc that was not dazzling, and muttered.

"It's going to change."

The crowd carrying cloth bags gradually disappeared from the previous rush, wandering idle in the street.

Talking about the scene in small groups, or telling people who are late.

For half a day, for these people, it seemed to have had a terrible nightmare.

People who had bought food stood on the street, pointed at the food shop in West Market, cursed a few words, and went home angrily.

Those people who have not yet bought food seem to have picked up the great bargain, and their faces are full of grateful joy.

On the long street, the maroon horse, Hou Jun gathered majestic and majestic.

After taking a look at the back, following the Imperial Forest Army, the dozens of families with their arms bound were beaming with joy.

Next to him, an Imperial Forest Sergeant Shi had a worried expression, and he drew his eyes on his long beard and old cheek, and said.

"General Hou, are we really going to behead these grain storage families to show the public?"

After hearing this, Hou Junji turned his head slightly and said.

"Does Long History have any doubts? Isn't it clear what His Royal Highness King Wei said!"

After listening to the long history, he bowed his head and said with cupped hands.

"Subordinates dare not!"

"It's just that the price-booster has already broken the law, confiscated the coins and confiscated the granary, and has already been punished."

"Though they are hateful, they are not to the point where they should be killed. Why did the general have to be so decisive?"

After listening to this, Hou Junji let out a cold snort, and his expression also went cold.

"Listening to Chang Shi's tone, I seem to sympathize with these bullies!"

"If it weren't for deceiving the crowd and spreading rumors with rumors, how could this Chang'an imperial city make a lot of noise?"

Speaking of this, Hou Junji's voice suddenly rose up and said sharply.

"Your Majesty personally conquered, the soldiers fought bloody battles, and even the king of the court, Wei Wang, is also taking care of everything!"

"And look at these people, deceive and dominate the market, and make no mistakes. Where is the appearance of thinking about me?"

"If you don't get rid of the scum of the Tang Dynasty, when can I return the peace of the Emperor Tang Dynasty to me, and when can the people live and work in peace?"

The passionate words of this statement suddenly spread on this bustling street.

Many people wandering on the street clapped their hands and applauded after hearing the words that won the hearts of the people.

Hou Junji stroked the gray and long beard of his chin, a strange light appeared in his eyes, and he shouted.

"Go! Go to the wine shop, the tea shop!"

A group of people rode on their horses towards the biggest wine shop in the city.

Starting at noon, the thorough investigation has just begun.

Hou Junji brought more than 30 soldiers from the Imperial Forest Army to and fro between major wine shops, tea houses, and food markets.

Check one by one and visit one by one.

All those who initiated the rumors will be arrested without fail.

The sound of horse hooves and the sound of neat clips rubbing across the streets and corners.

From time to time, people were dragged out of their homes and stuffed into prison wagons.

The Jinwu Guards walked through the streets of Chang'an, listening to what they said and did.

The news of the war and your majesty’s cold illnesses were originally spread ten by one.

As for the source, no one can tell, the way is unknown.

If we look into it in detail, half of the people in this imperial city are probably both spreaders and listeners.

People who had clapped their hands for this kind of behavior, gradually felt an inexplicable fear in their hearts.

Under the night, a stern scream sounded in the neighborhood from time to time, and the cries of women and children were mixed with flying dogs, which added a bit of alarm to the night.

Before the curfew, the people extinguished the oil lamps and squatted at the window with fear, fearing that their door would be knocked open.

It wasn't until the night was dark that the imperial city returned to its original silence.

Fatty waited until the middle of the night before he got up from the window shivering, his legs stiff and numb, and he could no longer move.

In the black light, one staggered and knocked over the fish wash on the wooden frame.

In the sound of ding, a few dog barks came from outside.

The lady sitting on the bedside whispered.

"You don't have eyes long! Want to kill our family?"

The big fat shivered twice, holding his hands on the wooden frame, his ears quietly listening to the noise outside the house.

After a stick of incense.

Seeing there was no movement outside the house, he rubbed his numb legs and stood up.

When I lifted my forehead, I realized that my forehead was already cold and sweaty.

With a touch of panic, Da Fatty said with a lingering fear.

"This inspection was too harsh. I heard that many people who spread the rumors and some disciples from aristocratic families were arrested."

The figure on the bedside took a deep breath, lowered his throat, and said.

"It was heard that General Hou thoroughly investigated the matter. This famous general lived in the military camp. He must have been ordered by the King of Wei to be selfless and impeccable."

The fat fat groped and leaned on the edge of the bed, sat on the bed, and said in a deep voice.

"I heard that General Hou said on the Long Street that he would behead these people who spread the rumors and show them to the public tomorrow morning. I don't know if it is true or not."

In the darkness, Da Pang obviously felt a chill in the figure beside him.

The shocked voice reached his ears.


"Is it so serious?"

The big fat sighed softly and said.

"Who knows, General Hou stayed in the barracks. He has long been used to strict military orders, I'm afraid it's true this time!"

A timid voice sounded from beside.

"Then...then you your two old friends..."

Before he finished speaking, the big fat hurriedly covered the lady's lips with big hands, with a hint of reproach in panic.

"You want to kill me!"

"This matter, don't mention it again!"

At the same moment, the two of them gasped for two breaths, stroked their chests, said.

"Go to sleep! Stop talking!"

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